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Everything posted by Cederic

  1. Apologies if this has already been shared - I did check the last 20 pages. Its, uhh, getting dusty in here. Dusty. That's it.
  2. Sorry, all this talk of drone swarms and nobody's posted this? The only thing in that clip that's not viable with current levels of tech is the size of the explosions. The launch, the swarming, the aerial manoeuvreability, the AI detection of targets? All possible right now. Perfect? No. Civilian casualties? Guaranteed. Devastating to troops that aren't under cover? Absolutely.
  3. In all this excitement we've forgotten the Russians are making progress in Pisky. They are still in Pisky, aren't they? Aren't they? Still, Russian forces collapsing gets boring after a while. Not that Russians believe they're being trounced. They listen to and trust their great leader, who's putting some spin on the day's events. Ah. Oops. Russian morale does remain high though, as military leaders and the civil heads in Donbas have all been seen mocking Zelenskyy, as they clearly have enough ammunition and opted for the ride instead. But all joking aside, could we all take a moment to grieve for the true victim of the last four days. Who couldn't pity poor Oryx right now. As if events in Ukraine weren't enough already, I fear this is going to break him:
  4. Ukraine have a serious logistics problem. Add in Kherson and they could be trying to deal with 20k wounded hungry demoralised and badly educated young men needing shelter and assessment for involvement in war crimes.
  5. It's apparently Moscow City Day, hence the fireworks posted later in the thread.
  6. The word you used correctly conveyed the meaning you intended. That I'd never encountered it before is my failing, not yours. Thank you for expanding my knowledge.
  7. Sorry, but that's a weird interpretation. This is not forced migration. This is not genocide. As for nationalism, Russian nationalism led to this war. You're not going to convince me that Russian nationalists are the victims here.
  8. Until/unless we get video footage I'm not sure we can properly assess the contribution of heavy armour. While it's tempting to suggest that highly mobile infantry are the difference, Blitzkrieg offers the obvious counter-example. I suspect the answer lies in-between. Tanks supported breaking initial defensive lines, pace of attack with infantry to support established the breakthrough through inadequately defended rear areas. Tanks may have had a role to play if Russia had deployed defenses in depth; I'm not seeing any evidence that they had. At worse (for tank aficionados) it's thus 'insufficient data to draw inferences'.
  9. Sorry, naive question: Where have they gone? I'm kind of assuming that they aren't all heading for Russia, and that's a lot of refugees.
  10. Oh ffs. A Ukrainian just taught me a new word in English.
  11. That would be utterly insane. Forcibly evicting a civilian population is a UN definition of genocide. Managing a highly pro-Russian civilian population (e.g. Crimea with all its Russian occupiers) is a miserable nightmare. Letting pro-Russian civilians peaceably return to Russia before you even regain administrative control of the areas in which they live? It's an utter no-brainer. Let them flee! Allow them to return to the country to which their heart belongs. I can't see a downside either.
  12. Sorry, I think the Ukrainian trolling online has gone too far. They've now steamrolled through to Kupyansk just for this one!
  13. Oh, I shamelessly stole it from Twitter. I just couldn't be bothered fighting their system to quote only the bit that included it, so cheated and nicked the image - you can see from the URL..
  14. Apologies for linking a Russian news source, but this one heavily suggests that Russia have finally realised that they've lost. https://tass.com/politics/1504587
  15. Meanwhile, back home.. Also at https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/vladimir-putins-hometown-demands-indicted-27942036 and no doubt many other sources.
  16. Content is not sensitive by the standards of this thread. I haven't even tried to validate the location is being accurately reported - it's unusual footage anywhere in Ukraine.
  17. Doh, I assumed yellow was Ukraine. Thank you for clarifying.
  18. Am I the only one that looks at that map and wonders who the green wriggly people are? Four colours showing a mix of areas and lines. I'm lost.
  19. I'm struggling to think when that wouldn't be true for any army on any front in any war since early 1916.
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