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Harmon Rabb

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Everything posted by Harmon Rabb

  1. Is the death of the infantryman as a role going to be discussed in future wars involving these drones like the death of the tank was during this war? Imo both the tank and the infantryman are not going anywhere for a while. It will be interesting to see engineers come up with ways to counter drone technology.
  2. Never followed the guy but from what I have heard from others that I follow on Twitter like @IAPonomarenko is that he made up a lot of his stories. Because I never followed the guy I also have no proof of this. But anyway lets get back to discussing the war and not Twitter drama.
  3. Did this guy ask for donations from his followers? If so he was probably just a sleazy conman trying to profit from a war, where a lot of folks feel sympathy for Ukraine and are willing to send money over. If he was working for Russian intelligence I'm sure they could have provided him with a photo of a real rifle so he could continue his disinformation campaign.
  4. More footage of daring exploits by Kadyrov’s Tik-Tok troops.
  5. Congrats to Ukraine for driving Russia out of Snake Island! But yeah, Ukraine attempting to land forces on it would be a huge mistake and I doubt they will try to do that right now.
  6. Should we expect anything different from the person who still does not want to call the largest invasion in European history since World War II a war?
  7. It all makes sense now. So would this make Putin an MI6 agent and Ukrainians not Slavic folks?
  8. Some more good news. Some of the brave defenders of Azovstal made it home.
  9. Good to hear that! Looking forward to seeing some videos of these guns in action.
  10. Absurd does not even begin to describe some of the statements coming from Moscow.
  11. Looks like that oil rig that was hit by the Ukrainian military in the Black sea is still burning.
  12. George W Bush calls out the Russian government for what they are trying to do.
  13. I think this guy needs to spend some time riding @danfrodo's NordicTrack steed.
  14. I strongly suspect that soon YouWillOwnNothing won't even own a Battlefront forum account if he keeps behaving this way.
  15. The people of Belarus definitely deserve better than Lukashenko.
  16. I know the video is in the BBC link but here is a video of the crash for those who missed it.
  17. The Ukrainian military now having M113s in their inventory definitely also helps the 'Nam vibe.
  18. Sweet mullet, looks like the kind of dude you would see at a biker bar.
  19. Personally I'm all for private firearms ownership and I own more than a few firearms myself. But hey, if someone wants to voluntarily hand over firearms that would be given to the Ukrainian military during a time of need I'm all for it.
  20. Neat story, I'm sure Mykhailo would make a fine warrior in any era.
  21. The United States is supporting Lithuania's decision.
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