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Harmon Rabb

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Posts posted by Harmon Rabb

  1. 9 hours ago, Haiduk said:

    Russia enforces enlisting of merceneries from third world countries. There are more and more African and Asian (Sri Lanka especially in last time) merceneries in Russian units.  Russians in joke call them "blackorusians" or "hindurusians" depending on their origins %) 

    Also reportedly they hired about 1000 african women for drone assembling on large drone factory in Yelabuga, Tatarstan Republic.


    Just a platoon of 15th motor-rifle brigade


    Definitely not an elite well trained mercenary you would see in a Hollywood movie.

    Sounds like they are trying to explain the concept of a backblast area to this merc. However much the Russians promised to pay him, something tells me he may will not live enough to collect that money.

  2. 7 hours ago, Kraft said:


    7 hours ago, cesmonkey said:

    From what I read, there are several conditions on what America will allow in use of their weapons in the defense of Kharkiv. I don't think this was a "take back" but part of the initial set of restrictions.

    For those of us who have been following this war as long as we have it should not be surprising that the Biden administration prefers to do give support to Ukraine incrementally.  You know, "boil the frog" personally I don't like that expression because I'm an animal lover. 🐸

    Anyway, I would not be surprised to see more and more restrictions lifted in the future regarding AFU's rules of engagement using U.S. donated weapons in Russia proper. Now that the Rubicon has been crossed.

    I wish to applaud the Biden administration for taking the steps in the right direction related to this issue in the war. 🙂

  3. Reminds me of a computer RPG called Kingdom Come: Deliverance, set in the Kingdom of Bohemia in 1403.

    Seriously the best computer RPG that I have ever played. The developers did a great job of conveying the feeling of living in Europe during the days of lords in castles and knights on horseback. Highly recommend it to fans of computer RPGs who like reading about this era.

    A sequel is coming this year, really excited to play it. 🙂

    Anyway, back on topic.


  4. I'll be honest I don't believe that Ukraine will be able to retake all it's land during this war anymore(one of those cases I really want to be proven wrong), and the folks who will be under Russian occupation will be in my prayers.

    I just hope that when we do get that shaky ceasefire with Russia which was brought up here before, we will do the right thing and get Ukraine into NATO ASAP.

    A clear message needs to be sent to Russia. If they try attacking Ukraine again they don't just mess with Ukraine, they mess with the whole transatlantic community.

  5. Quote

    NATO allies should lift restrictions that prohibit Ukraine's use of Western-supplied weapons against military targets inside Russia, the NATO Parliamentary Assembly said in a declaration adopted on May 27.

    Some of the countries that supply the most military aid to Ukraine, namely the U.S. and Germany, are against Ukraine using their weapons to strike Russian territory due to fears this would lead to an escalation of the war.

    Other partners, such as the U.K., have said that Ukraine has the right to use Western-supplied weapons to strike targets inside Russian territory.

    NATO member states should "support Ukraine in its international right to defend itself by lifting some restrictions on the use of weapons provided by NATO allies to strike legitimate targets in Russia," the declaration said.

    "Ukraine must be provided with all that it needs, as quickly as possible and for as long as it takes for it to win."

    The declaration was approved by a majority of the 281 lawmakers in the NATO Parliamentary Assembly and received support from NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, who said that "the right to self-defense includes hitting legitimate targets outside Ukraine."

    "Ukraine can only defend itself if it can attack Russia’s supply lines and Russian bases of operation," the NATO Parliamentary Assembly President Michal Szczerba said.

    Ukraine has repeatedly said that the restrictions meant Ukraine was unable to attack Russian forces as they were building up before crossing the border into Kharkiv Oblast in the renewed Russian offensive that began on May 10.

    Lithuanian Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis criticized the restrictions on May 20, arguing that the decision was "dominated by fear of Russia" and that Ukraine "must be allowed to use the equipment provided to them so that they can achieve strategic objectives."

    German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said on May 26 that Germany gave clear rules to Ukraine prohibiting the use of German weapons on Russian soil and that he sees no reason to change this.


    Source: NATO Parliamentary Assembly supports Ukraine's right to hit targets inside Russia using Western arms (KyivIndependent)

  6. 1 hour ago, Battlefront.com said:

    See my previous comments.

    To be objective, we've only ever had 2 Ukrainians posting here on a regular basis.  One of which was banned for the same behavior I just banned ZellZeka for.  Which is one reason why I suspect they are the same person.


    If it was Zeleban (I don't know for sure) it is truly upsetting how committed he has become to defeatism, I still wish him all the best. 

    I really liked that guy and his content and agreed with a lot of what he said until some of his later posts. If you are reading this Zeleban, stay safe man. I hope you will get through this terrible war.

  7. 22 minutes ago, ZellZeka said:

    Why should tens of thousands of people die and suffer because of the whims of a handful of marginalized people?

    I have a question for you after reading your posts. Are you posting all of this out of frustration that Ukraine is not getting enough support from the west? Believe me plenty of posters here wish the west would give more material support to Ukraine and lift restrictions on Ukraine being able to hit targets inside Russia.

    Are you frustrated by something someone posted here? Are you being sarcastic in some of your posts in response? Sarcasm is kind of hard to detect through text on the internet so I'm not sure.

    Or do you really just think that this war is not worth fighting period? Even if more support was given to Ukraine and more restrictions lifted on the AFU's rules of engagement.

    And yes unfortunately you are right North America also has it's share of idiots who support Putin's narrative. This is why it is important for us to do what we can to counter these lies through open conversation and facts.


  8. 22 minutes ago, Kraft said:

    Why is everyone here so hung up on the radar when russia themselfs doesnt seem to care too much?


    Wanted to stay out of this discussion for now because I'm not sure we have enough information yet.

    Out of curiosity I typed "Russian Radar" into Google News, not much mainstream media coverage of the story. I found articles from Radio Free Europe and Yahoo both of which seem to cite a WarZone article.

    Original article: Strike On Russian Strategic Early Warning Radar Site Is A Big Deal (TheWarZone)

    Satellite Photos Show Ukrainian Drone Strike Damaged Russian Radar Station (RadioFreeEurope)

    Strike On Russian Strategic Early Warning Radar Site Is A Big Deal (Yahoo)


    Here is a quote from the RFE article that I think is the reason Ukraine hit this target, and this speculation was already brought up here on this forum by some members.


    The blog said the station may have been targeted because it is capable of tracking U.S.-made ATACMS long-range missiles, which were recently approved for distribution to Ukraine by Washington.


  9. FriendlyKozak makes a good point in his humorous style. 🙂

    Kinda amusing how the same officials inside the Kremlin which were so proud of Crimea being supposedly being legally a part of Russia, seem to be forgetting that part of their narrative. Now that it looks like we may give Ukraine the ability to target the Russian military inside Russia.

    I don't want to count any chickens before they hatch, but my gut feeling says we will see the Ukrainian military target the Russian military inside Russia with ATACMS and other western made weapons in the future.

    Edit: Good stuff Germany! 😀



  10. 2 hours ago, sburke said:

    Well, he is an expert after all.  😎

    Speaking of he who shall not be named.

    G7 warms to plan for Trump-proofing Ukraine aid (Financial Times)

    I like the idea, not only should it be done we should be emphasizing that we are using frozen Russian assets to help Ukraine's war effort. Good way for the Ukrainians to know that we have their back and a good way to remind Russia that invading Ukraine was the worst geopolitical decision of the 21st century so far.

    Seeing billions of frozen Russian assets going to help Ukraine keep destroying Russian military assets on the battlefield should do that. 🙂

  11. 6 minutes ago, Nastypastie said:

    Anyone else feeling that the RU info ops are at a fever pitch right now?

    On Youtube I'm seeing videos from once relatively benign sources like Balkan Mapping, that have turned decidedly pro Russian in the last year or so. Daily video gets released and its, as expected, music and everything, glorifying the push into Kharkiv. Whats more interesting is that within 30 minutes of release there are hundreds of comments both in Russian and English, speaking like the Russians have already captured Kharkiv city, destroyed the entire Ukrainian army and will be in Berlin in 80 days (not even joking, that was an actual comment).

    I've even seen something similar happen with a piece from the Hindustan times, claiming that the Russians were advancing Sumy (when they are clearly not). I mean, not typically my go to for news lol, and it is right wing, but its still a relatively reputable news organization.

    So what is actually happening here? Are the Russians just cranking up the algorithms?

    I'll be honest I have not heard of any of those other sources before but I have placed "the Hindustan times" on my ignore list on both YouTube and on the Windows 11 news section over a year ago. They were obviously pro-Russian just going by their headlines.

    I really don't want to read Russian propaganda if I can avoid it. 🙂

  12. 7 hours ago, cesmonkey said:


    I wish them luck in arguing their case.

    Seriously, this is a brutal war not a children's playground game. Russian commanders should not be able to stick their tongues out and say you can't catch me! Na-na-na-na! When they are rallying their troops inside Russia to commit more barbaric genocidal acts inside Ukraine.

    It really seems like Russia is allowed to strike Ukrainian civilians daily, and we will still not let Ukrainians strike legit military targets inside Russia with some of the weapons that are provided. Ukraine has a full right to defend itself and strike military targets inside Russia according to the laws of war.

    Hey according to Russia's own laws a large part of eastern and southern Ukraine is already sacred Russian land and we let Ukrainians hit those areas. Maybe it is time Putin finds out that annexing parts of Ukraine and making it "Russia", could be a double-edged sword here.

    I wish to applaud the British and Finnish governments for already announcing that Ukrainians are allowed to use the weapons they provided to strike targets inside Russia, I hope the folks in Washington will do the same soon.

  13. 29 minutes ago, FancyCat said:

    Entirely unserious. No wonder Macron is getting more heated rhetorically, at some point this becomes meaningless.


    Fun fact: you can also use a Mig-21 to drop a nuke. :rolleyes:

    Of course Ukraine does not have nuclear weapons of any kind due to that Memorandum which they signed in 1994.

    Don't know about everyone else but I'm at the point when I hear those silly Moscovites employ this kind of ridiculous rhetoric regarding a specific system, I'm less worried and more convinced that we are doing something right.

    Just shows that they are worried about the introduction of F-16s to the battlefield.


    mig-21 nuke.png

  14. Lets not go down the path of even suggesting that Ukraine is not worthy of our support if they do not have the same level of LGBT rights as North America or some parts of to use a Rumsfeldian phrase, some parts of "Old Europe" have.

    Personally I hope LGBT rights will improve in Ukraine because I believe what consenting adults do is their own bushiness. 

    But if a country like Italy still has a long way to go which I'm sure most people here know was a founding member of the EU and NATO, lets not get hung up on this issue while Ukraine is literally fighting a war for its survival.

    On a side note I had no idea Montenegro was so LGBT friendly until I looked at this map.

    Source: ilga-europe


    lgbt rights.png

  15. While I'm sure it is tempting to see this guy's posting as some sort of April Fools prank or maybe some kid with to much time on his hands trying to "troll" us. Perhaps a paid Russian troll?

    The reality is going by the fact that he registered on this forum before 9/11 even happened, he is likely a grown man who has accepted the Kremlin's propaganda as truth.

    This is a scary thought but not surprising for me given how many seemingly normal people I've seen on social media who are now parroting the Kremlin's line.

    While Russia's military machine leaves a lot to be desired for the Russians, I think their psychological operations like the infamous troll factories are maybe more effective than we care to think about.

    A good reminder of how important it is to counter the Kremlin's lies with the truth no matter how we can.

  16. 1 hour ago, JonS said:

    Cheap-thing-takes-out-expensive-thing is not exactly a fresh hot take. Kipling was writing about that well over a hundred years ago.


    I think some people still don't quite get how important drones will be for the future of warfare. I'm guessing Euan focused on the dollar figure in his recap of Arthur's thread because money is what most people understand. We are seeing some exciting naval history be made on the Black Sea thanks to drones. 🙂

    Lets be honest after all this time we are still kinda impressed when we see Ukraine take out expensive RU stuff with cheap drones and disappointed when RU can do the same with expensive Ukrainian stuff. No matter how many times we see it.



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