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Everything posted by TLTay

  1. I've been playing single player CM games for almost a decade and own basically all of the modern modules except FB and Afghanistan. I recently started playing PBEM++ against humans on steam, and at first it looks like my missions were being returned by the opponent when they had completed the turn, but now it seems like there is a delay. I'm getting missions sent to me at exact 15 minute intervals instead of normal times, and several days it appears the server saw fit to return multiple turns in multiple games at precisely 4:30 AM. Am I using too much bandwidth running several missions at once over PBEM++? I like the convenience of PBEM++ from within the game, but if it's going to make me potentially wait overnight to be served a turn that was completed the prior afternoon, maybe dropbox is better? Is this a known issue, or is it just an oddity with me?
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