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Everything posted by Jackal2100

  1. The scoring is still bugged. I lost 1000 points in the Normandy side from last week to today. My opponent had surrendered both sides, giving me 4000 points, and this morning it is now showing as 3083. Similarly lost points in RT, though that was less. Both sets of matches finished weeks ago.
  2. My opponent surrendered in both of our BN games. On the offensive, managed to take out Barkmann pretty early, and was forcing my way around the flank, and on the defensive, Barkmann had managed to take out 7 of the first 12 Shermans and one HT full of infantry. I assume he felt that both positions were untenable.
  3. Was there a plan to do another nudge email for the second round? So far my Cold War opponent has been a no show.
  4. Yeah, I screenshotted both end screens for RT portion, which is the one that had the issue. Edit: I'm sorry if I'm being difficult, I just want to understand how this system works as it feels a little labyrinthine.
  5. That doesn't make sense @Holien, as I was given a T penalty for a game that was finished, and that I couldn't press end turn on even if I wanted to.
  6. I also lost points between ending the games and the end of the round. Hopefully we can get more insight into how the matches are adjusted.
  7. I'm very confused. On the Red Thunder set of matches, it shows that one of my games timed out when I had finished both games with my opponent several days before the round was over, and the scoring was changed because of it.
  8. What if one player abandons part of the way through without hitting a cease fire? Is the plan to give their opponent then the 1000 points for a no-show? If the player, like Holien above only gets the 3-1 points spread for a partial game, then they are pretty much out of contention for the tournament, and I can see people not doing subsequent rounds because of the 3-1 partial system, causing more problems down the line.
  9. Yes, the lack of communication or the possibility of communication with two of my three opponents has been extremely frustrating. Luckily two of the three sets has moved along at speed, but one I don't think I'll finish, and I don't know if my opponent knows we need to do a ceasefire. If he doesn't, then we both lose a large percentage of points. Maybe creating an automatic ceasefire for games that have progressed a certain amount at the end of the round so each side gets something for the trouble.
  10. I've run into a similar problem as above. My opponent surrendered the match where I was attacking, and now both of our scores are identical on the board, showing that I surrendered in one and he surrendered in the other. I was able to play and submit my turn for my defense, so hopefully it is sorted out, but right now it is not showing correctly.
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