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Posts posted by THH149

  1. I have a query about BS, does anyone more about how "Brittle" works? What causes it?

    Page 35 of the game engine manual mentions it briefly.

    I have practically a whole swathe of my poor ukrainians with the Brittle light flashing hot (kind like a low oil light).

    I think it lights up when an experienced member of a squad or platton (eg squad leader?) becomes a casualty when the rest of the team are low leadership/motivation/experience, but can't be sure ... and it makes the team more susceptible to falling to panic ...



  2. And there churches given seem to be norman or western european style churches, rather than eastern orthodox inspired versions with blue walls, gold domes etc that would be more common.

    The only changes I could make to the walls etc was to add damage to walls roofs. Couldnt change wall styles, add balconies, change windows/doors, nor change spires!

  3. Take a look at "Demolishing the Myth: Tank Battle at Prokhorovka" if your interested in the just the tank part of Citadel. I'm just reading the Russian use of anti-tank strongpoints manned by "destroyer anti-tank artillery units" who got a bonus for destroying german tanks, made up of regiment and brigade level units with 20+ guns of 45mm/76mm guns, some even with APCR.

    Glantz has published a book "Defensive tactics at Kursk" which you should be able to get as a free PDF somewhere on the web, it has usable maps and is only 60+ pages, very easy to read.

  4. Super cool to see so much CM content (I only have to wait to the end of the month, right?). I'm hoping CMFB and CMD will come to Steam at the same time as from BFC, since its a touch more convenient.

    If we're spotting for  future titles, I would love to see more east front, either stalingrad and related offensives and a Kursk title. Or maybe even that time the germans encountered T-34s and KVs for the first time on the drive to Leningrad.

    And if we want to get more granular, may fav terrain upgrade would be to add basements, some way or other (eg the Hapless Rattenkrieg map has basement like structures which could work with some extra fudges).


  5. I found this X post very informative and well reasoned, explaining how Ukr will go onto win the war (praphrased as Morale beats Metal). 

    One observation he made was that RF used a losing strategy "elastic defence" rather than "defence in depth", as measured by RF needing to deploy 2 airborne brigades as reinforcements, not to mention the losses he says the RF has suffered. 


  6. 7 hours ago, The_Capt said:

    If you know "stuff" one does not go around saying "I know stuff but can't tell you"..

    When I was doing national intel selection, a critical component was the lack of desire to tiktok or facebook everything you saw.

    I would warrant that the guy going around say this stuff is nowhere near this stuff.

  7. 10 hours ago, Battlefront.com said:

    that simple statement of yours triggered all of my alarm bells

    I'm very triggering!

    Don't disagree with your points. You'all on this thread have come so far (after 2940+ pages) that there is also a lot of accepted wisdom (which may be either a reasonable ongoing assessment, a myth, an entirely skewed perspective or just incorrect) depending on what and when it applies to. especially relying on OSINT sources and some members whio imply they have secret sources. And of course, its so easy to fall into stereotypes 'cos thats the human condition.

    But, I keep seeing claims how solid the Ukr is and how bad the russkies perform etc etc but wonder why they're still there.  But of course it 'cos they dont have F-16s and ATACMs.

    Anyway, this is all a bit rhetorical from me. But, I remain Russo-Ukraine War curious!

  8. 5 minutes ago, Rokko said:

    This article claims, the 47th Mech is basically a spent force and has to resort to sending specialists into assaults.

    This is interesting, since I've heard rumours of the 82nd also being badly punished after they were committed to take Verbove.

    So presumably the effect on the 47th was similar on the 82nd. I think they were in line only for a week to take that town and head south, but after an initial impact, then not much.

    And remember, the 47th had the Leopards and Bradleys. 

  9. We have official counts of casualties for both sides: UA publsihes them both (including 15k for their own).

    But are they credible or self serviing?

    For instance its widely reported that Ukraine has suffered 25,000-50,000 amputees.

    And NYT said this August, presumably from US officials:

    Russia’s military casualties, the officials said, are approaching 300,000. The number includes as many as 120,000 deaths and 170,000 to 180,000 injured troops. The Russian numbers dwarf the Ukrainian figures, which the officials put at close to 70,000 killed and 100,000 to 120,000 wounded.

    But Russians outnumber Ukrainians on the battlefield almost three to one...

    So Ukr are saying Russia has 289k eliminated but NYT quotes officials saying 120k eliminated. And the US numbers would be based on what the Ukr tells them to say, so likely deliberately distorted to some degree. You be the judge.

    And where does the NYT get the idea that Russians outnumber the Ukr by 3:1 when Ukr seem to be mobilising a 1m or so army. Does the Russ have 3m? Really?

  10. 13 minutes ago, holoween said:




    Nice to see. About 238bn euro, with a mix of  humanitarian, financial and military, and spread over several years hence. Going to the data, the biggest military contributors are US and Germany with a combined 59bn euro. Lucky the exchange rate is good, cos that would buy a lot!

  11. I got you, ISW (prob from Telegram), Ukr Prada and wikipedia based on Ukr sources, thanks.

    The ISW map seems to have a slow refesh rate, with some very slow reconcilation of competing claims, going with the maximalist claims from both sides. eg I've seen several OSINT sources say the RF hasn't taken Orikhovo NW of Bahkmut (and never did apart from some random russian telegramers, several weeks ago) but there it is, still an RF claim. Though if someone had a source for an ongoing RF claim for capture, then I'd love to read it.

    OSINT sources are such conjecture, assumption, wishful thinking and outright propaganda, not even secondary sources in an academic sense. Remember when historians of rome talk about the reliability of sources? here it is true to life.

    Even educated guesses are fraught with unknowable variables.

    My tax refund is more real!


  12. As to the cost of the war in Ukr, it needs about US$4bn aid a month to sustain the expenditure - both military and all the civilian costs to go with it. Ukr GDP has fallen 20-30% and tax takes are obv well down, and the Hyrvnia has been devalued recently in a move that will make imports especially non-essential non military imports and foreign debt more expensive (unless they're gifted). But it will make Ukr exports more competitive, foreign currency more valuable.

    Every day Donbas is occupied (coal and gas) or out of action and Ukr ports (eg for grain) put out of action is a day when foreign currency isn't being earned. They should float the currency, but anyway ...

    The US pays for what 3/4 or 1/2 of this cost?

    Anyway, I'm not an expert on US congress but if there's no Reps speaker, can the House pass laws to fund the US gov (and Ukr with it) without a Speaker? Is that why Biden is thinking of a one off $100bn gift to finance Ukr for 2+ more years to kind of firewall Ukr war finances?

  13. 6 hours ago, Battlefront.com said:

    My point is that sometimes we see something in a video that is not representational of the whole.  But there's also the chance that we see something in a video that under represents the whole.  I think a video like the above bridge crossing is more likely to be the tip of an iceberg than it is a floating chunk of ice.

    Yep, its viewers choice whether they see something and think on the one hand its a systemic issue or on the other hand a non-systemic issue. However its extremely difficult to look at a single piece of evidence and conclude objectively that its one or the other. 

    As in, one swallow doesnt make a summer, but it could.

    One needs to see the whole context and many more facts to be certain. Sadly, facts are incomplete since we don't sit in Zelensky or Putin's chairs.

    And of course, facts don't care about feelings, but feelings don't care about facts either.

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