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Everything posted by simon211

  1. I've also noticed #3. If you look at the first mission in the Scottish Corridor you can see pretty good examples of this. I call it suicide rushing.
  2. That's kind of ideas I'm looking for.
  3. My objective is to record a full battle from the top. I had a few ideas that might help with this. The best idea, obviously, would be a single button push or console command that positions the camera at a standard x,y,z position. I don't know why this doesn't exist. I also had an idea for an alignment box. Basically, an overlay, so I could align the edges of the map with it. My friend built one that works in many games, but it doesn't work with CM due to OpenGL. What I want it something like this so I can align the edges perfectly each time. http://imgur.com/a/mts7Z The video I posted shows my best attempt at recording a battle from the top down. You will notice a lot of movement. I did my best to align properly every time and I did some post processing. It's very hard to get a proper alignment. Hopefully, people can help me with something I haven't thought of or we can get such a hotkey added. Until a 'movie' function is added to the game this is really the best idea to look back at your past turns or show big maneuvers.
  4. Ideally, I could use a fixed central camera with one button push and these would be a lot easier. Currently, I have to align with a map feature and zoom out exactly four mouse wheels from view '7'. I can't fix x or y. Just z if the map is flat.
  5. I've been trying to do some experiments with battle recording. Let me know i you guys have any better ideas. Ideally, I'm looking for better ways to center the image.
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