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Posts posted by FoxZz

  1. 3 hours ago, Cpl Steiner said:

    "Force on Force" wargame rules got there first but if it's legally possible I would now favour borrowing from their supplement title and calling the new game family "Combat Mission: Bush War" - subtitle: Tactical Combat in Africa, 1960 to Present. It wasn't all infantry-only stuff either. I own a board game (can't remember the name, possible "First Battle" or "First Fight") that portrayed post-WWII tactical combat, in which there was a scenario featuring an armoured clash in Africa. BMPs were involved. Possibly Angola.

    If such a game family became reality you could make it a fictional "emergency" scenario in an African state fought between the government and local insurgents with forces intervening from Belgium, Britain, Cuba, France - and if political sensitivities could be addressed - South Africa and Rhodesia. It would give the setting some sort of cohesion whilst providing scenario makers the tools to make whatever historical scenario took their fancy.

    I can imagine there is probably a < 0.1% chance of such a game family being made but I can dream.



    Rhodesian and Angolian conflicts are quiet well known in the english world, but at this time there was also plenty of hefty fights troughout all africa, I'm thinking especially to operations going on In Chad from the 60s to the 90s between Lybia, France, Chad, involving fighters jets, tanks, IFVs, ATGMS, and so on.

    For those interested : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opération_Épervier






    Some pictures of this time



    It was a very interesting time period indeed.

  2. Yes the Saoudi are pittyfull, it seems they're using their tanks as relocatable pillboxes. 0 cooperation and communication between tanks and infantry, poor situation awarness, their shortcomings are so numerous it would tale too long to name them all. I think there is a video on the internet where you can see the infantry running waway letting the tanks alone. I wouldn't like to be a poor Saudi conscript.

  3. As already stated, a very good starting point to improve the modelling of artillery dammage  and shrapnel against vehicle is the Stanag 4569 : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/STANAG_4569

    Most vehicles in the game have a STANAG rating that can be found easilly on internet. From there it should be possible to tweak the dammage model.

    The Stryker for example, is amodified LAV III. The LAV III has a base all-around armour rated Level III and when applied appliqué armour can reach Level IV. Thus, Stryker ingame should have Level IV armour 14,5 proof, at least on the front, which means its armour cannot be penetrated by Shrapnel if the 155mm shell detonate at more than 30m distance. At less than 30m a 155mm shell shrapnel can penetrate and kill the crew/engine, etc.

    That being said, all the external optics and weapons can probably be dammaged at further range. But I believe those also have a rating.

  4. 2 hours ago, John Kettler said:

    From the same site as my prior post comes this sweeping and heavily supported assessment of Russian armor in the international market. There are also some pointed commnets about perceived value of Russian tanks in light of the poor showing of the LeClerc and M1A2 (really M1A2S) in the desert and mountain environment of Yemen, as well as the vulnerability of the latter to the 9M111/AT-4 and 9M113/AT-5.


    John Kettler 

    The Leclerc didn't performed poorly in Yemen, quiet the opposite actually, the Emiratis are very happy about it. It showed a very good operationnal availability, good endurance and long range. They still had minors problems due to the harsh conditions, rocky terrain and lot of sand that wear the tracks faster, sometimes jammed the tank's MGs as well as the cooling fans. Several tanks were disabled by IEDs and one was  hit by a RPG7 that was disabled by the rear slat armor, but no crew was injured in those attacks and all the dammage tanks were field repaired and put back into action. One tank was hit by a Konkurs-M in the driver hatch area that killed the driver and amputated commander legs. However the tank was repaired and put back into action because no critical part was dammaged.

    Poor display by M1A2 isn't really the tank's fault but rather the very bad Saoudi crews and overall performance, even if the tank is a fuel thurtsy beast which make its sustainability on the field hard for any army that doesn't have the massive US supply chain.

    I don't think the Saoudi's would have performed better equiped with T90s.

  5. On 06/12/2016 at 2:14 AM, IICptMillerII said:

    Airburst does not equal armor defeating. If an HE shell set to explode before hitting the ground goes off above a tank, all its doing is spraying the tank with small metal fragments. Will it shred antennas and ruck sacks and the like on the outside of the tank? Yes. But its not going to destroy a 120mm/125mm main gun. Its also not going to damage optics, because optics are protected behind blast shields that are operated by the crew. All airburst artillery is in CM is a shotgun going off a few meters off the ground aimed down.


    Ofc Airbust rounds would not penetrate armor, but it would probably mission kill a tank by destroying most of its lightly armored external components : masts, antenas, optics eventually depending of the angle.

    I don't think ingame you can close the blast shields. And if you are suprised, you might not have the time to close it. Would be interesting though to have the options of closing the blast shields.

    Do we have sources about crew members being blasted by overpressure in case of a direct hit from a shell ? I know occurence of RPG-7 boucing on an APC but not exploding resulting in crew members being blasted, with internal injuries, deaf, dizzy, etc. It's likely that a shell hit would also serverly blast the crew, even if most of the enrgy spreads out of the cabin.


  6. On 01/12/2016 at 11:06 PM, Codename Duchess said:

    That was a concrete bomb, if it had been live that tank would have been toast. But you can see that the KE alone of that would have ruined a tank. When we drop on armor we use tail fusing for the bomb, which will kill it very dead, including ex-Iraqi Abrams. I'd chock the "miss" up there to most likely being the EOTS on that F-35 being out of calibration, or just standard CEP stuff.


    Yes, that was actually my point, the bomb usually kills the tank by its shear explosive power and not by direct hit.

    During the final phase of the Lybian war, French air-force used concrete bombs in urban environement against vehicles to reduce risk of civilian casualities because the tanks and vehicles were hiding in cities. And they witnessed that it was a more complicated to achieve than live bombs due to the need of a direct hit to kill the tank, very much like in the video. Consequently they switched to more advanced guidance kits. That's also why they decided to engage the helicopters that proved very deadly later on.

    Back on the topic, I really think artillery should be more deadly to vehicles and destroy more subsystems on tanks, especially airbust rounds.

  7. I guess, an effective way to see how damage the vehicles should be is to take the STANAG 4569 protection scale against arty.

    Stryker and BTR have a STANAG of 3/4, hence, an artillery shell landing at 60/30m could penetrate them.

    Bradley with Era is more heavilly armored, depending of the side, it could get penetrated if the sells lands under 30/10 meters

    For a direct hit, considering the shell will hit the top armor, it's very likely that the tank will be destroyed.

    It'd be also interesting to bring the guided bomb case. As far as I know, guided bombs kill tanks mostly by near miss ( we can clearly see it here

    , I don't know how a 155mm shell compares to a 250kg guided bomb, but it might be interesting to look into it.

  8. Nice stuff,

    One thing I'd like to be implemented is a move on the road command, similar to move fast command in the Wargame franchise. It would allow to move around groups more easilly without your vehicles getting bogged down in forest or anything if you did not set a specific path for each one of them. It would also make movements at the rear of the front much easier.

  9. If I had to choose one I'd go for a French module, considering those never appeared in CM licence yet and they would bring some neat stuff, like the Leclerc tank, the bonus smart shell, they also have a nice command system that allows to fire for effect without spotting shot and many other nice stuff.

    But I guess I'm a bit biased here haha.

  10. Hello everyone,

    Bought the game recenty and I'm really enjoying, I just finished the campaign, and I was wondering if a DLC/module is planned for CMBS at some point including new nations and campaigns, like it was done in shock force ?

    Would be great fun to play with new units and new kinds of organisation, such as Brits, French, Germans and so on.

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