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Posts posted by shri

  1. Guys. Thanks for the Great Responses.

    Unfortunately my first PBEM is ending in a total and unmitigated disaster.

    Swapping units, Supply, role of HQs all were ignored by me and rightfully exploited by my opponent.


    One more query-

    My opponent did a BIG NAVAL Rush into the Adriatic Sea-

    My Austrians have just 3 "Safe port" and 5 overall (2 on borders and can be targeted by land units), i was totally out-gunned and destroyed. 

    Maybe the Austrians can be helped with 1/2 ports. Historically, the Austrian navy didn't sink till the armistice due to NAVAL mines in Adriatic. 

  2. Eastern Front Trenches were more like level 1, at-most of level 2 and this should be a cap across Eastern, Serbian and Ottoman theatres, except the Western front, no front saw the expensive trench building taking place.

    This will automatically result in Russia getting 1-normal and 2-city trench and at most 3-very bad terrain, thus easy to destroy.

    This is very historical.


    Second, Russian mobilisation in 1914 is too fast, they couldn't mobilise so fast.

    Also Russia, Ottomans, all Minors and Italy should be somehow forbidden even level 1 infantry- it represents helmets, mortars etc, these nations couldn't afford.


    Third. Austria to not get level 3 trenches nor level 2 infantry or level 1 motorisation - no industrial strength for the same. 


    Also Countries not in combat must not have forces on map. Italy really exploits it.

  3. Hi,


    Played pbem with the base game few years ago and with the breakthrough expansion I want to return playing this very good game. I have good turn rates and would prefer multiple (at least 2 turns a day) turns a day. Would also prefer 'call to arms' scenario with soft build limits off. Either side is ok.



    Hi, would be interested in playing.

    If ok, choose your side and mail me the turn @ my id. Thanks. 

    i have no clue on the options, leave it to you.

    I would like the Entente if you don't mind. 

  4. Hi all,

    Bought this game a week ago, playing my first PBEM since yesterday (hate AI plays so just played a couple of small scenarios to understand basics).


    Some queries- 

    A few things i find odd in this game, not complaining per-se, but historically funny!
    1. I saw movement of the Italian Unit in the Replay, they are still not in the WAR!!.
    2. Also Ottomans cannot protect their territories in Mesopotamia and Israel-Palestine. 
    3. There are no naval mines, giving the Entente a HUGE advantage to land anywhere.
    4. Also, French need not attack into Alsace headlong, thus negating Schlieffen strongly.
    Maybe they can get a strong NM penalty if they fail to attack or fail in attacks. 
    5. Russians mobilise very fast and very early, the Russians were in force only by last week of August
    and in Beginning of September they fought those big battles in Gnila Lipa, Rawa Ruska etc known as Battles of Galicia. 
    Historically, the Russians had to travel a lot to reach the front and this saved Austria though this advantage was squandered by Conrad.
    6. Also buying Corps once destroyed is not allowed, this was done historically by all armies in all wars.
    7. Germans are 1/2 Cavalry corps short and maybe some infantry short (Historically), Why?
    Germany mobilised 9 Cavalry + Guards + Bavarians + one Freikorps type cavalry - 12 divisions, 4 corps give about 8 divisions only.
    All this in August 1914.
  5. @all,


    A newbie, played against AI but just 2 games, (1 from each side). Have played some WW1 Strategy games like La Grand Guerre/WW1 Gold and The End to all Wars (TEAW) also Commander:great War. Have a good working knowledge of the historical period and the main battles but total newbie with respect to Strategic command.

    I can play 4-5 turns (at times more, at times less) per week by e-mail. [No clue how to host and what are the various options like SOFT builds]. Would like to play a PBEM if anyone is interested. Either side is ok. 



    SC-WW1 Breakthrough 1.05 Patch

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