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Posts posted by Oakheart

  1. No, it wouldn't have been twice as expensive. It simply would not have ever been released and BFC would have gone out of business for lack of a revenue stream. "These features" are emphatically not easy to program in the extremely fine-grained simulation that is CM. You think BFC didn't want a feature-complete release at day 1? Yes, doing things piecemeal attracts additional costs, but it wouldn't generally double them: you get significant quantities of new content in modules that cost more than the (nominal) upgrade fee. v3 CMBN without modules would have cost you [basegame price] plus $20, which is a long way from twice the initial price. You paid more for the modules and vehicle pack because they had bags of new content.


    So, what are you objecting to? That content costs money? That programming new features costs money? That getting more of either costs more money? If the Bulge game was released instead as a module for BN (a great big module that costs $55), would you get it? Will you not get an upgrade that brings the interface into the 21st Century, for the probable price of $10? Or did you just mean "The AI improvements aren't something I'd pay for"?


    If, for example, you bought Hearts of Iron, HOI2 and HOI3 and all their expansions and DLC, how much would that have cost you? Sure, that's spread over 3 "entirely new games", but effectively the upgradeable nature of CMBN means that instead of having to buy 3 games (1 for each version) you only had to upgrade the existing game. For ten, or even 5, if you bought it in a bundle, measly bucks. And upgrades is all there is going to be for BN, in all likelihood. Maybe there will be a pack of new goodies. Which is entirely optional. Or don't you think you've had your money's worth?



    Do you know if Battlefront has considered kickstarter? They seem to be in a rut (maybe) where they have very tight time constraints  where they can't take the extended time needed to implement these features.

    I'll reiterate that I'd like to see them make a sandbox, where they provide the tools and we provide the dreams. I'd hate to use another game to compare but thats one of the reasons arma has done so well. that map editor is powerful and the ability for the community to make whatever units they can dream up. Its that unlimited potential that makes that game such a selling point.

               I'd love to see this one the Unreal 4 engine where they provide a base frame work and then release packs for that framework. Like a "WW2 Nazi 38-44" pack, a "USMC 56-81" pack, or for the large money packs they could include features like "infrared player screen" or something along the lines to expand the sandbox.

               I'd also like to see the community have the tools to make their own units, weapons, and tanks. I know the community would as well. I've heard the reason that battlefront hasn't allowed that before is "balance and historical accuracy" which really translates into "We need DLC money" which is fine but they shouldn't stifle the community with that fact thought. If people think MOD units are unbalanced then they can ask for changes or just uninstall the mod.

  2. The other folders only have ground textures in them, it shouldn't change the lod issue, which by the way should only appear on big maps. If you just load a small map, you might not see it.


    Oakheart, it is also possible that you are using both autumn mods. The second one, Early Autumn Foliage.brz, actually has working lod bmps for the trees but I found the color doesn't match. So if you have both installed in your mod folder, you won't see the absence of foliage at a distance.


    Anyway I made this quick fix for the lod issue for trees number 1,3 and 4 in the Autumn environment mod.




    Tell me if it works for you guys.

    Yep works for me, I checked to see if I was still using that other mod but I had thoroughly deleted that sucker. I guess I'm just better than everyone else.

    The distant trees look just a bit more pea-poop yellow/green than they should I think? but its no biggie for me.

    Btw, I'm pissed no one mentioned my Girls Und Panzers CMBS icon :/.

  3. This stuff comes up every once in a while during ChrisNDs' twitch nights, he said it was in the pipe to make squads do formations and to fix the rubber band effect that make infantry run in place but it was a long way off as it required a major rework of the current system.
    It needs to be done though, perhaps this thread could get the ball rolling on things?

    Edit: one frustrating things though about this is how the Battlefront fan boys can't admit that this game shouldn't have these problems to begin with, hence they call you a crap player and then tell you to micro the **** out of your troops as a work around to the problem (that isn't supposedly there to begin with).

  4. This is very important and until I saw it I couldn't get the installation to take. It doesn't mention that anywhere in the popup documentation.


    I downloaded the zip file into the main Combat Mission Black Sea folder and unzipped it to the same place. When I tried to run the setup from there, it hung for about 20 minutes and then I got an error saying the install failed. After I moved the 4 files to another empty folder and ran the setup from there, it worked fine.

    This worked for me, thank you.

  5. Dang man, must of been some fight. My fights were more along the lines of "hump this mountian for the 12th day in a row. On day 12 receive enemy fire(More like pot shots) from the adjacent mountain from over 2000+ meters  from idiots firing blindly. After 3 hours of not being able to see the idiots shooting at you, go ahead and call rotorwing. After another 45 minutes rotorwing arrives then proceeds to light up the mountainside with a few cannon bursts. Head home, rest up because lets do it again tomorrow.".

    But seriously though, Love the soundscape but I'm not a huge fan of the default music.

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