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Posts posted by dragonwynn

  1. A few more very quick screenshots of the map progress. It's getting closer. When done, if there are any Afghanistan vets on the forums I would like to send the map to you to take a look at and recommend any improvements. I have tried to create a realistic map of this region as possible but I am open to any suggestions. As mentioned above nearly every meter of the map has micro terrain to battle through.



  2. 4 hours ago, MOS:96B2P said:

    +1.  Nice looking map so far.  

    I vote for the 82nd Airborne.  However, I have a biased opinion since I was in the 82nd back in the day.   I'm sure it will be an interesting campaign, on this map, no matter which BluFor force you use.  It might even be possible to have the opening scenario be a "choice" scenario where the player chooses if he wants to use Canadian forces or the US 82ND Airborne.  I did something similiar with the CMRT mini-campaign Alarmeinheiten.  The AI plans are the same (which is most of the work) only the forces the player decides to bring to the fight are different.  Below is a link. The first "choice" scenario is pretty straight forward and simple. The ability to compare and contrast the challenges of the mission with different TOE is interesting IMO.  Just a thought if you can't decide. :D  


    That's a very interesting idea that I had not thought of. I will see what I can work up. Since the map size is large I may cut it down for each scenario kind of like I did with the Operation al Fajr campaign just to reduce lag.

  3. Here are some preliminary screenshots of a master map I have been working on of the Arghandab River Valley in Afghanistan. It is roughly half done is by far the largest map I have ever tried to create. It will be 4160m wide and 2992m deep and it covers a variety of terrain including farm fields, waddies, compounds, villages, highlands and lowlands. There is tons of micro terrain to battle through and the map is for a future campaign for either the 82nd Airborne or Canadian forces, haven't made up my mind yet.

    In Kandahar province, the Arghandab River flows south from the Afghan central mountains, passing just north of Kandahar City. Together with its various tributaries, the Arghandab irrigates the greater Kandahar area—including the Arghandab Valley, northern Panjwaii, Zhari and Maywand—before continuing westward to join the Helmand River immediately south of Lashkar Gah.  The Registan Desert lies south of Kandahar and the Arghandab. To the north, foothills and mountains of the Afghan central mountains separate Kandahar from Oruzgan province.  A highway runs southeast from Kandahar to the Spin Boldak-Chaman border crossing and thence to Quetta, Pakistan.  The Kandahar to Kabul section of the Afghan Ring Road stretches east and northeastward from Kandahar into Zabul and then Ghazni provinces.

    Arghandab district is one of the most troublesome in Kandahar because of the level of insurgency and insecurity. The Taliban have taken control partial of complete control of the strategic district as they see it as a gateway to the city of Kandahar. It is strategic terrain given its proximity to Kandahar city (it is only fifteen kilometers to the north). It also offers natural defenses. Insurgents can hide from the air attacks of the ISAF Forces in the district’s fruit orchards. 

    The map is as accurate as I can make it using satellite imagery and photographs though there will be some fictional farms and villages. The campaign I hope to create will hopefully be a different type of experience where the idea is your forces, based out of a FOB and a OP, are responsible to gaining control of the valley from the Taliban. The valley is a rich source of poppy harvests used to produce opium that the Taliban use to finance their insurgency. Your mission will be to secure the villages from the Taliban and win the hearts and minds of the local population.

    If anyone has a preference of whether to have the 82nd or Canadian Forces you can chime in. Right now I am leaning towards the Canadians. The master map has a long way to go so it will be a future project.

    Here is the link to the screenshots. I'll post more as it comes along.


  4. 16 hours ago, Falcon_the_Slut said:

    I restarted twice before getting to the railway burm. I wasn't sure about so replayability so I didn't want to get too far if things were not the way I wanted.   I've never had much luck with engineers and mines. Seems like the only way I ever find mines is the way the enemy intended....

    I like it so far. Thanks again.


    Thanks for playing. Just use good tactics while advancing. The mines are not heavy, just scattered, but just clear you some lanes them move the vehicles forward.

  5. Just now, Hilts said:

    I played most of the original. When you say you have revised the maps does that mean you've got rid of those awful zig-zag roads? If so I'll take another look.

    Yes I have straightened out nearly all of them lol. It’s bocage country so there are still some winds and turns but most are straightened out. All the maps were quick battle maps I just modified them. They are the same maps from the original I just reworked them.

  6. After completing the Seven Days Campaign for CMCW, which is part of a 3 part trilogy following the legacy of Captain Charles Stevens  (In the Fields Where the Poppies Grow CMBN and Fields of Tears CMFB) (and his son Charlie Stevens in Seven Days CMCW), I decided to go and revise In the Fields Where the Poppies Grow. 

    It was my first campaign for CM and I made a lot of mistakes along the way. I had did an earlier revision but I still left issues unsolved. So this is an attempt to get the campaign up to the standards of the other two hopefully. Below is the information.

    In the Fields Where the Poppies Grow

    This campaign is a complete revision of my first ever campaign that I created. Being a novice, I made a lot of mistakes, despite the campaign being well received by the community.

    So I have gone back and reworked the entire campaign, making what I hope, are some noticeable improvements.

    In the Fields Where the Poppies Grow is a semi-historical campaign following the 31st Tank Battalion, part of the 7th Armored Division, through the Battle of Normandy during August of 1944. It is an interactive campaign, the first part of a trilogy that continues with Fields of Tears in CMFB and Seven Days in CMCW.

    It follows the legacy of Captain Charles Stevens (In the Fields Where the Poppies Grow and Fields of Tears) and later his son Lieutenant Charlie Stevens (Seven Days) through the trials of war.

    In this campaign Captain C. Stevens is in command of A Company, 31st Tank Battalion and he must lead it through the later stages of the Battle of Normandy. Your job is to keep Stevens alive as his loss (2500 points) will effectively end the campaign, and still complete the missions.

    About the Campaign:

    It is a 10 mission campaign.

    In the original you had a command decision to make which was confusing to some players so I eliminated it.

    A draw will advance you in all missions.

    Mission Tree:

    1. The Crossroads

    2. When Angels Weep
    3. Tiger Tiger
    4. The Road
    5. The Bridge Over the Eure
    6. A View to a Kill
    7. Dance with the Devil
    8. Bunker Hill
    9. Encounter at Loire
    10. Chartres

    All the missions are from the original campaign, but have been heavily reworked and one renamed due to script issues.


    1. All maps have been reworked, especially the annoying roads, and much more micro terrain has been added as well as flavor objects reworked.

    2. All mission dates and times are in correct sequence

    3. The command structure for all units is now correct as well unit names. The core unit commanders are all named from friends or actual participants.

    4. Mission objectives have been updated and expanded and the point system modified for better balance.

    5. Mission briefings have been reworked for better detail and there are now tactical maps for each mission as well. To follow the narrative of Captain Stevens, read the designer notes for each mission as I have updated these as well. They give you insight into his experiences.

    6. Artwork has been updated for all the missions.

    7. I have added a number of additional mods to the mods in the original campaign for better immersion. One not included in the download  but needed for the immersion of this campaign, is Lucky Strikes Hedgerow Hell mod, a must have for CMBN. All the other mods used are included in the download. Just drop into your z folder. All credit goes to the authors of the mods.

    8. AI has been reworked as well for hopefully a better challenge.

    My goals was to bring this campaign up to the standards of the other campaigns in the trilogy and I hope I have succeeded. In the download you will find the .cam file and the mod folder.


    As always let me know of any issues and I hope you will find the campaign enjoyable.



  7. 2 hours ago, Falcon_the_Slut said:

    I've been playing for real life time about an hour. Game minutes that have past - two. This **** is stressful. It's only been two minutes. I've probably already made mistakes.  ****.

    It does take patience. The first battle is big with a lot of moving parts. I tried to keep it at least semi historical as the opening fight for Fallujah was huge. It scales down some until the last fight as the campaign progresses. Thanks for giving it a shot.

  8. This a USMC  mini campaign designed for the latest version of CMSF 2 and the Marine module. It is semi-historically based on the Second Battle of Fallujah in 2004 and follows the 3rd Battalion, 5th Marines and supporting units through four battles in the Jolan District of Fallujah against the insurgency based there. Due the game date being 2008 the weapon load outs may not be historical but I tried to keep it as realistic as possible.

    The maps for each battle are cut from a master map I made of the Jolan District (see the thread about this map). It is not to exact scale due to game and system limitations but it gives a good representation of the Jolan District with actual places with in the district.

    Campaign Notes:

    There are four battles:

    1. New Dawn

    2. Fubar

    3. Facing the Fanatics

    4. Get Some

    I have included the mods in the download that I used for the campaign and all credit goes to the authors of these mods. I also included actual background information in the opening designer notes about the events that led up to the battle to help set the stage.

    The Core Units:

    3rd Bn 5th Marines

    Lima Company

    Kilo Company

    India Company

    Weapons Company

    Recon Platoon

    Light Armored Recon Platoon

    Scout/Sniper Platoon

    Howitzer Battery

    Supply Platoon

    Support Units

    Charlie Company 2nd Tank Battalion

    I MEF Engineer Group

    Task Force 2-7 ( US Army Mechanized Calvary )

    Various air assets


    Special Notes:

    This campaign depicts heavy urban combat and may not appeal to many players. It requires patience and careful planning and orders to be successful. There is a fairly high refit/replenishment factor to help between missions. In the real battle the U.S suffered around 95 casualties. Do not expect to try and maintain this ratio, you will be frustrated. You will take losses depending on your skill level. I spent a good bit of time placing the insurgent defenders to have interlacing lanes of fire to support each other with a fairly sophisticated AI. There are mines and IEDs (use the engineers wisely). You have the firepower advantage so use your armor and support assets effectively to support the Marines.There are a lot of moving pieces to watch as the battles are medium to large in a tight urban environment.

    However if you accept it for what it is it will be a fun challenge. I had a blast testing the missions, even when I was losing my Marines.

    The download includes the .cam file, the mod folder, the individual scenarios to play without the campaign format and the master map. The map is clean and has a fair amount of flavor objects though I wanted to add a lot more but CPU limits would probably be tasked. I recommend using the included mods with the map for the immersion.. You are free to use it to create your own scenarios, just please give me a little credit when you do.

    Here is the link. let me know if you come across any issues: 


  9. 32 minutes ago, Erwin said:

    "Zawiya Uprising" did a great job using portions of the same map in a campaign so there is continuation from one mission to the next as one uses a portion of the map from each immediately preceding mission.  That's the best one can do in the absence of the wonderful CM1 "Operations" that enabled one to play in a "window" of a much larger map.  (In a CM1 "Operation/Campaign" the window either advanced or retreated in each successive mission depending on previous mission success or failure.)

    That would be a cool feature I had forgot about it.

  10. Thanks for the compliments on the map. Because of its size I’m breaking it down in segments from the master map and designing missions from there. It’s semi historical based around the USMC 3-5 and though the map isn’t totally to scale I’ve tried to make it as close to the layout of the Jolan District that I could and still keep it playable. We shall see how it goes working on a third mission now.

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