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Harry Speakup

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Posts posted by Harry Speakup

  1. He's not the only one. I was registering some Matrix keys a couple of weeks back and noticed that CMFB was on the dropdown list, so tried mine and it didn't work. It's only when I double checked their store that I noticed it's TBA release date. Other than that I've never had a problem with any of the keys going from BF->Matrix->Steam. The process is usually flawless.

  2. If you were flush with investor tier cash it would probably be cheaper to ask how much it would cost to licence the engine to create a France 1940 project, as happened with CM Afghanistan. You would have to do the necessary 3D modelling and art work, as well as OOB, campaign and scenarios for the project. If you had a dedicated team you could ask Steve privately as to the cost of such a licence, if the subject is up for discussion. 

  3. 19 minutes ago, Juju said:

    Oh, I'm going to have to disappoint you there...

    I knew this would eventually come up, and I've been thinking about it.

    Since 2011 I've made around nine UI versions covering four different titles (BN/FI/RT/FB). Over the last five years or so I've also done the occasional side project for Kohlenklau. And while these are still an absolute joy to do, I decided not to do major updates for any of my UI's anymore.

    Sorry guys.

    Understandable. I imagine they involve a large amount of time and creative energy. Burnout is a thing. Everyone who downloads your work appreciates what you do even if we don't express it vocally. 

  4. According to the info posted by Steve earlier in the thread, Battlefront will still release CMCW in April. The Slitherine release, which includes Steam has been delayed to June, as Slitherine want to test their MP system. So if you buy it from Battlefront you get the game earlier and you can get to test out the Slitherine multiplayer service before it is officially released. As I understand it the game is otherwise finished for release (or very, very close to release).

  5. One thing to be aware of with Steam is updates. Sometimes updates can be unfriendly and break things. If you have an ongoing game that you would be upset about being broken by an update then back up your game folder with your current version of the game. Keep the old pre-update folder that works and run it in parallel with the current install in Steam. Start it from the game.exe in the parallel install folder and you are golden and all is right with the world. Pressing Play in the Steam launcher will give you the current version of the game or try and update the old version beforehand if you didn't rename the folder to something else to leave it untouched.

    Some games on Steam allow you to roll back updates (Paradox titles, like CK2, EUIV and HOI4 spring to mind), others don't, and you can be stuck with an update that you are non too fond of in some cases.

  6. 22 minutes ago, Icechuck said:

    If you purchase on BF you can get a Steam key courtesy of Slitherine, that was for SF2 and BS but I'm unsure if this policy will continue. 

    I've not heard anything to the contrary. I've bought plenty of games from Matrix site, registered them and then claimed my Steam key and registered them to my Steam account. It usually costs a bit more, but it's worth it if in the distant future anything happens with Steam or your online connection goes pear shaped.

  7. 11 minutes ago, DuckCuckem said:

    What I meant is could you buy the expansions on Steam to work with your BF site purchase of the game.

    If you buy the base game from BF, register it on Matrix site and claim your Steam key there, then any DLC you bought direct from Steam will work with the Steam version of the game, launched from within Steam. The BF version if you run it as a separate install will be unlikely to work with any Steam purchased DLC since BF installs of DLC require activation, and the Steam versions don't appear to use licence keys and activation.

  8. It'll be in a sub-directory of the steamapps\common folder in your Steam directory. In my case since All my Steam games are stored in a Steam folder on the root of my D : drive it's

    D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Combat Mission Black Sea\Data

    If you've installed it in the usual Steam default game location it may be

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Combat Mission Black Sea\Data


  9. Just now, se_poika said:

    I bought the SF + Marines bundle and all I had was one key.

    Same. You didn't need any other key before other than the CMSF1 Big Bundle Key. The old procedure was install Paradox CD, add Paradox version patches, install Big Bundle with all modules, patch to latest version then activate single Big Bundle key and it all worked. I've never had a CMSF 1.21 key and never needed one.

  10. Just about to purchase the upgrade, but...

    I'm a Paradox buyer who upgraded via the $1 upgrade then bought the "CMSF Original 3 Module Bundle"
    CMSF-B3V1. Do I just buy the Big $35 Bundle and the download will work and activate? The key to the CMSF-B3V1 bundle activated everything for CMSF1 including the base game.  I'm holding fire after reading the requirement below, since as a Paradox buyer we had no original BF key for the base game.


    The CMSF1 Base Game Upgrade works with an original Battlefront purchased CMSF1 Base Game license key."




  11. You could try Audacity. It's free: https://www.audacityteam.org/

    It will allow you to record, edit, convert and export any audio to the correct wav format used by the CM series. The background wav file can be stereo, it will still play.

    Right clicking an audio file in windows, selecting Properties and Details used to show sample rate, bits and mono/stereo for a file IIRC, but Windows 7/8 etc now just gives a bit rate, eg 44.1Khz x 16 bit x 2 (stereo) channels shows as 1411kbps


  12. 45 minutes ago, Snake726 said:

    Just imagine how ridiculous this is - I sell games to people for a living, and I have to lecture some people on protecting their rights as consumers. Your willingness to get fleeced so you don't upset the person selling to you is obscene; when the marketing team try to tell me how effective they are I usually don't take them so seriously, but hey, these people really exist eh. You learn something new every day.

    Fleeced? CMSF2 is hardly a Ponzi scheme or similar take the money and run operation, nor is it in the league of Vapourware kickstarters. The product is near completion and has hit a speed bump and is delayed. Their communication is not the best, granted, but they've not run off anywhere with anyone's millions. You seem to be over-reacting. If you're that upset about pre-ordering for a product that's missed it's release date then simply cancel the order and get a chargeback on  your card or a refund from Paypal. It's not that hard.

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