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  1. Upvote
    E4Grunt reacted to LukeFF in Request to BFC Please Disable Emoticon Default   
    or is it 

  2. Upvote
    E4Grunt reacted to LukeFF in Request to BFC Please Disable Emoticon Default   
    I think I've seen it all now WRT nonsense Kettler posts.
  3. Upvote
    E4Grunt reacted to LukeFF in Request to BFC Please Disable Emoticon Default   
    I've seen it all now from Johnny - a thousand-word essay on why emoticons are evil.     
  4. Upvote
    E4Grunt reacted to LukeFF in Request to BFC Please Disable Emoticon Default   
    Ah, you're always a good source of (absurd) humor, Jonnie. 
  5. Downvote
    E4Grunt reacted to John Kettler in Request to BFC Please Disable Emoticon Default   
    Emoticons are fine, for those so inclined, but the only one I've ever used was entirely accidental, wholly unwanted by me and occurred on this Forum because I was tired and forgot to deselect the blasted check box. Respectfully request you make traditional writing the default setting and Enable Emoticons a user selectable option.
    John Kettler
  6. Downvote
    E4Grunt reacted to John Kettler in Combat training ground near Luhansk?   
    In the T-90 doc, you'll see the right color camouflage in use. The green in this Luhansk training ground vid would be great in the spring. Clearly, the CO needs to fire the martial equivalent of his window dresser! Either that, or there's a budget crunch. Could you tell whether that was a Russian officer? He sure had command presence and impressive military bearing.
    John Kettler
  7. Downvote
    E4Grunt reacted to John Kettler in Combat training ground near Luhansk?   
    This is a vid I found via a Ukraine War search, and while it doesn't show any combat, it shows a great many militarily interesting things: a heavily camouflaged CP with CO in it (him in cammies with what I believe to be latest digital camo helmet cover), complete with panoramic photo of area to front, range card, fire sector markers and such, full-on fighting trenches, AFV fighting positions, MTLBs with tall pintles with MGs atop them, trucks towing mortars, a possible T-64, BMP-1s and a 2S1. HD footage of wonderful clarity. Sky is dark gray, and there's a brooding feel, too. As best I can tell, this is two parts making one program. What I find especially notable is how well these AFVs blend with the background, despite monotone paint jobs. Also, other than a little wind noise, when the T-64BV? (has remote controlled rooftop MG actively moving about) tanks are on the move in the second vid, there is no stupid music playing, only engines and environmental sounds, including birds. Likewise with the BMPs. Maybe someone can take advantage of that for sound mods? These tanks are pretty quiet on the move, but neither are they racing about. The BMPs are noisier than the tanks, and their tracks squeak. A further point of interest is that when the CP displaces, right behind the Komandir's MTLB is another one. With a MANPADS guy standing in the open hatch ready to go while the MTLB is on the move!

    John Kettler
  8. Downvote
    E4Grunt reacted to John Kettler in Nine Lives of a Soviet Tank Commander, Vasily Bryukhov   
    I may've posted this before, but if I didn't, you'll likely be glad I did. He was in the GPW from November of 1941, maybe earlier, and fought through the entire war.
    John Kettler
  9. Downvote
    E4Grunt reacted to John Kettler in Soviet tank training required destruction of an enemy tank within 60 Seconds!?   
    Which M60 version, please? Makes a big difference in both general capabilities and in terms of comparison with the T-64. M60A3TTS, for example, had stabilized gun, LRF, ballistic computer and thermal sights.
    John Kettler
  10. Downvote
    E4Grunt reacted to John Kettler in Is it possible to do a CPU vs CPU battle?   
    Having carefully reviewed the entire thread, I can assure you that the reception which first your idea, then you after you repeatedly stepped in it here, has been restrained, gentle and polite. I say this as a veteran of myriad thread wars, some so vicious people have been banned, going back to January 2000. Since you invoked your MS, I should tell you we have a number of people here who are disabled or have major health issues. Indeed, for some, the CM Forums are their major connection to the outer world, for they're home ridden or even bedridden. I'm not supposed to be stressed myself, for I'm recovering from a brain injury and am on disability, but in your case, I think it fair to assert the stress you're feeling is self-inflicted. You may not have intended it, but you have, in fact, riled the troops. And to your evidently great discomfiture, they're expressing it strongly, yet courteously. In a sense, you have tracked mud into our living room--and now are defending having done it! Unsurprisingly, it's not going over well.
    We welcome players of all ages and genders and are under no delusions whatsoever that we need to get some (not spill some; that's later and it'll be from pixels) fresh blood in here if our hobby cum obsession/E-crack is to survive. You may also be interested to know we have people here who play many popular games over and above the CM series. Contrary to what you might believe, this is not the Place Where Innovative Game Thinking Goes to Die™, but is a dynamic opinionated community which, if it could have thought controlled, 3-D, fully interactive Holo Cube displays using projectors the size of a quarter but creating a sim battle space, say, 100 x 100 km; with everything in it, including visible planes, horses, cows and motorcycles, perfectly rendered and functioning exactly as the real ones do--would be on that in about a nanosecond, particularly if it could be done for what our current CM rigs cost. Yet, you're essentially portraying us as using these and being unwilling to go beyond them. Not even remotely true!
    Simply put, we welcome innovation here that improves combat sim fidelity and our gaming experience. We want to be able to do in CM everything those same units and weapons did and do in the real world. We are not there yet, and even if the coding resources were there, the computational horsepower simply isn't. As it stands, CM can't even take advantage of the widely proliferated multiple core systems, which inherently limits what can be done, since the game can use but one processor core, of n available. 
    You seem to expect us to jump in and enthusiastically support your idea, but you don't have the perspective we have. Some of us have CM backgrounds going back to, I believe, 1998. What was true then, and still is now, is that BFC is a tiny and very busy firm. A firm with a whole two programmers who would have to devote a great deal of time and effort (and a substantial chunk of BFC's very scarce funding) to give you what you want, presuming it's even doable, at the direct expense of other important things which need doing, such as a Module for CMRT, which has none, and a whole Battle of the Bulge game, not to mention modeling of weapon depression and elevation limits, which we've been trying to get since CMx1"s CMBO, and CMBS's tactically significant and very galling inability to model mast mounted sights and weapons. You've been a member for a bit over two years, so you have no idea how thrilled we were when BFC announced it was hiring a (trumpets blare) second programmer. Before that, it was just Charles "Brain in a jar" Moylan, BFC's co-founder along with Steve, who was doing all the coding for all the CM games.
    Having ideas is great, as is suggesting them. but how you go about presenting them, stating your case and asking for what you want is going to, for good or ill, have tremendous impact on what sort of response you get here, whether from the members, BFC or both. 
    Sadly, you probably could sell that to the networks. Might trigger a bidding war. Meanwhile, the basic concept's been done already. With a lower carbon footprint, too.

    John Kettler
  11. Downvote
    E4Grunt reacted to John Kettler in Intriguing article on how Japan could defeat a Chinese attack against it   
    Here are three pages well worth reading if you have any interest at all in China as an emerging military presence in the Pacific. I found it quite a read.
    John Kettler
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