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Posts posted by ChappyCanuck

  1. They actually can't penetrate the Bren carriers at all. At least not from the front or the side at 300 meters. Despite that, the MG42s blaze away at them whenever I give the command. I really don't know why they aren't working in your game.


    I can't figure it out either. And it isn't just that battle. My friend and I have been playing all of the CW battles over the last 8 months and time and again this is an issue. I hope this is investigated by the BF team

  2. I just tested this. At 300 meters HMG42s and LMG42s will fire at buttoned Bren carriers and M1 halftracks IF you give them a Target order. They do not fire on their own.


    I have tried dozens of times to try and target the carriers (with all of the target options) to no avail. Long range, medium and short. HMGs should be shredding those little carriers. They will not engage whatsoever.  My friend Stonecutter is experiencing the same behaviour.  For example, during "Breaking the Panzers" battle, he rolled up to two of my HMGs in bren carriers. My HMGs saw him coming from a long way out and they were not suppressed at all. They watched and watched and then died. Frustrating!

  3. Hey Ian...no I do not, presently. But just pick any CW battle that has Bren/Universal carriers and German HMGs....good luck getting any results.  I have had to "trick" my HMG gunners by firing area fire in front of those carriers , hoping for some stray rounds to hit them, in order for anything to happen. My friend has gotten mixed results when he has tried HMG "light" fire against them.

  4. Sometimes I have had problems with tanks firing through bocage, but with Churchills it is even worse. I just assumed it was because of the short barrel on the Churchill that caused this.  During one battle I kept positioning and re-positioning my Churchills against the bocage....reverse, move forward: no LOF...reverse, move forward: no LOF. Eventually I just stopped trying. Anyone else notice this with Churchills?

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