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Everything posted by majorbly50

  1. I see what you mean about the ai and the designer because in my last battle whoever made it spread out his units all over the place and I made piecemeal of them one at a time basically. I guess it was suppose to be some kind of delaying action but it wasn't a very good 'random' battle with the ai on defense. Still like the challenge though.
  2. this game continues to beat the crap out of me when its on defense. I used to beat old CM games easily when the ai was on defense but not this one yet. I like an ai that's not brain dead. so far this one is a challenge.
  3. ahhh shift + left mouse button gotcha thanks.
  4. Ok I guess it was too much to ask and 401 sounds better than say like 10 maps hope there is more though. thanks anyways.
  5. Is there a way to surround a lot of units like in a real Rts game? I've tried holding the left mouse button down and then drag a small square around a bunch of units but that doesn't seem to work? How do you get a large group of units to light up? thanks for help.
  6. well then we're back to question #1 again, how many Maps are there then?
  7. yeah that's what I wanted to know thanks. that should be enough to keep it random enough.
  8. How many random battle maps there are with the CMFI and Gustav line exp included?
  9. well these battles/skirmishes are an 1hr so I think that is plenty of time. I'd venture to say most skirmishes lasted only a few minutes anyways but those that lasted an hour or more were few and far between. I think there was a setting for an hour and a half but I was already beated by then.
  10. Say what you will about the ai but it kicked my butt defending on a normal village setting. whoever set that map up did a good job as the ai was set to slaughter me just as i came over this ridge. I brought everything to gun even tried the flanks and it smeared me. I hate this game. lol good ai for me.
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