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Posts posted by Jane's

  1. I actually played this scenario about 2 weeks ago. Played also as Allies and got my ass kicked about 3 times:) I was changing tactics and always acted like I was playing the first time. Finally i took only one route (one from your list but not telling wich one) and it turned out really good. Achived total victory. I know that AI has several plans for this map so it has nice replayability. I'am very curious how this turns out for you:)

  2. Whatever - the New Installer System is a big let down. All I wanted was the engine upgrade v3, which cannot surely be more than 30 mb. So I have to download 10 Gb of material that I already possess just for 30 mb. This is less than ideal!

    If that weren't bad enough, 7 hours later I'm still sat here with only 45% of that downloaded. Now I might not have the fastest download speed but you know I regularly dowload Steam games of double the size of your installer in under 30 mins. And then at least it does complete the download and I receive what I paid for because after 7 hours your download has now crashed.

    Now there ain't so way I'm gonna sit through 14 hours of download with the same poss of another crash all for 30 mb of engine upgrade, so can we resolve this somehow, please some other way.

    I paid for for this engine upgrade last night and 24 hours later, I am still waiting to receive what I have paid for (which is not too much to expect).



    I know this problem and my complaint should be submitted via a ticket but I have tried this. My ticket application was rejected because it stated that I hadn't filed in a "description" where there doesn't even appear to be field for that on the ticket submit screen. Field's entered: Name - forename, Name -surname, Email address, Auto bot check.

    One pretty pissed off customer here. Please address this or else I will have my money back will be fine!



    I feel your pain. Bought 3.0 couple of minutes a go and now i'am downloading this 10 GB file. Looks like it's going to take me 2hrs. I agree that there should be also just a 3.0 upgrade download. This new aproach with a master installer is obviously a great idea but i can imagine not everyone is able to download such a huge file within a reasonable time.

  3. This argument can't go anywhere unfortunately because the only people that know BF business status in terms of profit margin and expenses is BF themselves. And the only people who understand how Steam works is people like me who helped a friend launch their game which I don't think I can mention but I will if questioned. I should note that my friend was a modder for Total War and this was his first release of a game and that due to Steam he was able to release a niche game and have it sell extremely well and get a huge amount of publicity.

    Ultimate General Gettysburg? Picked that one up. Great game :)

  4. Steve


    I have to say that there's a bit of contradiction in what you say. We all know that CM games have very faithfull and loyal fan base. It has been for years. So i think we can agree that CM players would simply never steal/pirate a CM game. And as a developer you must know that DRM is always only a problem for folks who BUY a game. Always has been. Those that are downloading from torrents don't have to bother themselves with any of these restrictions. They have cracks and other stuff. So my question is, for whom this DRM is? Pirates will be pirates, they'll have this game anyway if the want to. Those who pay have to deal with the DRM. That is not fair if you ask me. 

  5. No offence taken if that was your intent, and no offence meant either. But there have been certain commenters in this thread who tried using both the "age" and the "behaviour" interpretation of immature to simply dismiss posts made by the Steam supporters here.


    And I don't see Steam as less freedom, at least not in the case of Battlefront. If these games were on Steam, we would no longer be limited to a handful of DRM activations without having to beg BF support for more. We would not have to go through complicated installation and licensing procedures to update our games, it would happen automatically. We would not have to search patches on third-party websites. We would have unlimited downloads of the latest game version at far faster speeds than BF provides and would continue having so even if BF went out of business, while in the current case all CMx2 titles become uninstallable without BF's activation servers. That in my opinion is a lot more freedom than we have today.


    I fully agree about the DRM. This has to be the dumbest idea. When you have such a small and faithfull community like BF has, you should do everything to keep them happy and treat them as adults. Existing DRM is everything but that. 

    Remember that lot's of Steam games still uses their own DRM (some with activations limit like DCS). So i would expect that even if BF go with Steam they'd still keep theirs.


    Also agree on the quality of BF services. The website, store and the whole installing, patching and upgrading dance is a pain in the but and a bit of a joke considering it's XXI century.


    But i maintain mine opinion about Steam. Yes, it's very convenient but it comes with a high price. Not be able to sell or trade a game that i bought or a possibility of actually loosing it because of some corporate bs is to much for me. Like i said, i've been using it for years but not because i like it but because i have to if i want to play certain games. Whenever i can i buy games on GoG. That's my definition of freedom.


    I'd be very happy if BF got rid of this atrocious DRM. That  would be enough for me. I know that lately they changed the way you install and upgrade CM's. Haven't tried that yet but i think every change is very welcome in this field.


    And ofc no disrespect taken:)

  6. The comments of that RPS article would prove otherwise. In a quick glance I counted at least 5 different people who used to play CM titles (even the original CMx1 titles), who used to be Battlefront customers, and who are no longer because BF "is a trainwreck", "is run by dinosaurs", "has an atrocious webstore",... (their words). All claim they would gladly become customers again if BF went to Steam. Are you going to dismiss them as immature just because they disagree with you, as so many others have already tried in this thread?

    The "immature" part was regarding age and not behaviour. I just find a bit strange that someone is freely choosing actually less freedom (this is how i see Steam). No harm or disrespect intended to anyone. 

  7. IIRC I'am using Steam since 2008. I use it everyday since i have Steam on autostart. I can agree that community there is huge and surely lot's and lot's of ppl would find out about CM. But i have to agree with Steve that those who are even mildly interested in wargames already know about CM and other niche wargames out there. 


    I also can imagine that lot's of folks on Steam after buying and getting familliar with CM wouldn't be very happy with it. It's a hard game with a steep learning curve. It's quite expensive plus i'am almost sure that BF would get trashed over their modules and upgrades policy. Steam community is very demanding. They want lot's and they want it cheap (Steam sales). I bet CM would get tons of negative reviews because of that. And reviews are now a big part of Steam. They are visible to everyone under every game plus there's a summary opinion about a game. So a quick look and you know if game has positive, mixed or negative reviews. 


    Plus there's the activation DRM. Ppl on Steam hate (and i don't blame them) other that Steam itself DRM's that are applied to games. 


    All in all, as much as it might sound strange, CM might actually get bad reviews because of the above.


    I know that Matrix put on Steam some of their games. I already bought 2 of them - Command Modern Air/Naval Operations and Flashpoint Campaigns Red Stom - both fantastic games. They appeard on Steam with quite a big disscount. But obviously we won't know how much impact on sales this action had and will have in the future.


    Plus IMHO "no steam no buy" attitude is a feature of really young gamers. I can't imagine a mature CM player who says that. Steam is nice but remember that it's very restrictive and not consumer friendly. Basiclly it destroyed second hand market and you can't even trade games anymore. On top of that Steam can delete a game from your account when you violate the Steam agreement. So basiclly your're renting games nowadays.  

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