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  1. And yet you haven't refuted any point, instead you decide to call names and label others trolls in order to question their arguments base.
  2. A game released in 2009 costs around 80 Dollars in 2012. That is the issue.
  3. Now this is some other thing. I have not seen anything like that in the upgrade description. Let me explain where the problem lies: The description mentions rather cosmetic functions like camera jumps and improved framerates which are expected to be released for free. Have you looked at the progress Il2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover made? Not a penny charged for anything, and they even released another campaign for free. A developer that puts work and effort into a game mostly to please his playerbase is something rarely seen nowadays. Taking one for the team and releasing a big upgrade for free, mentioning the work it has cost you gives you the look of one of these developers that is known to really satisfy his customers. Also, one more thing: All this fandom going on is damaging your reputation outside this forum, and it is that one thing where no developer is intervening. That being said, I am pleased that somebody responded in a polite way, having facts to back up his claims.
  4. But this is exactly what is wrong, it's not the kind of 'new stuff' you'd pay this price for, other companies charge below 10 Euro for entire expansion packs, not cosmetic changes that don't affect gameplay.
  5. Well actually, while I dislike all this blind fandom, I find seeing the developer of a promising and innovative game getting greedy and really like all the other big money companies too worrying to laugh about. If you've seen my first post, I was just getting into this game. Also, calling other people out instead of refuting their facts in order to defend one side is exactly what I call 'blind fandom' and has corrupted various forums.
  6. But if they implemented these kind of minor changes to the game free of any charge, why did they go that far and charge 10 Euro for those petty functions that serve nothing really? I could understand it if a few new units and campaigns together and threw it into a DLC that is like 15 - 20 Euro. There is a difference between selling improvements that gets rid of some trouble you had during the game and polishes other areas that were implemented already and selling new content. This is exactly the marketing strategy that promotes and spreads piracy.
  7. Are you serious? Expect everything for free? Framerate patches? Camera jumps to groups functions ? This is worth 10 Euros? Not even EA and Ubisoft go that far, and they are known for putting spyware into their games.
  8. Is this true? I've been looking into this game and thinking of buying it, but charging 10 $ for what's basically so much of a patch that you explicitly need to state 'It's not a patch' is... Questionable, at the least. I really don't want to see another 'Rise of Flight' thing, where I get one half of a good game and need to pay more to get the other half. It's not like there are more units, maps or really improvements in this 'Upgrade'.
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