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Posts posted by llhnickerson

  1. So I am playing a PBEM game of 1939 World at Arms (that is the name of the main campaign, right?). When I took Chongqing, the Chinese capital, with Japan, it gave a message saying "Axis plunders 25 MPPs from Chungking". I thought to myself, Awesome! However, I was looking at the MPPs, and there was no change. The thing is, this particular campaign I am playing on my old computer and it's 1.02; however, upon looking in the 1.03 changelog, I saw no mention of this. The fact that it says "Axis" is a bit strange. Do the MPPs go to Germany? I wasn't watching their MPP count. It usually says specifically Germany plunders or Japan plunders after a national surrender. (Though I guess this is not a national surrender, but a special case.) Do the MPPs merely get destroyed and removed from China's MPPs, but not added to Japan's? If this is the case, it should be made more clear. Thanks a lot!


  2. Not sure where else to post this. I have a new laptop with Win8, and v. 1.03 of Strategic Command GC Gold. When I start up the game, it runs fine. Then when I try to load an actual campaign, it says campaign not found for all of them! I can't actually play the game, just stare at the initial screen. I have modded the game myself but I had done this on my old computer and the game ran perfectly fine. And the only thing I modded were the bitmap files to change the vanilla flags to the historical German hakenskreuzen. What could be causing this? Has anyone else encountered it? Thanks.

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