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Posts posted by PvtW

  1. Looking for playtesters H2H!

    Fontaine-Raoul ( Have you ever seen the rain)


    I randomly chose a village in the region Centre in France.

    The briefing is not finished! But contains all the information needed.

    Most of the time, my maps and scenario's end up deleted from my computer. I find it very hard to create a decent scenario, and after working to long on the same scenario I lose inspiration. But this map is to good to end up in the garbage bin, so here it is!

    I don't have time to play and test H2h myself. (already used to much of my spare time to come up with this scenario ;) )

    Map size 768x448

    Battle length: 45 min

    Force size < Company?

    Us forces attacking a small village

    August 44

    Heavy rain


    Suggestions are very welcome :) Maybe someone can do a decent briefing?

    Feel free to use this map and release your own scenario with it!





  2. Nice to hear that you enjoyed the scenario. Thank you for the aar. and the comment.

    I have uploaded the scenario to the repository. And should be available there soon :)

    Also included with the scenario, is a larger version of the map. So there is even more room to maneuver. This is a empty map, without a scenario. If anyone is interested, feel free to create your own scenario and upload it to the repository.

  3. I admire the map design. Very well done. I managed a victory first time but at great cost. I was cautious from the start but ended the game with only 2 tanks left and a few ragged ad-hoc squads of infantry.


    In the first version of your map I caught the Stug in a crossfire between my last 2 remaining tanks. They must have fired at least 3 shells each into his side armour until eventually the crew bailed out and were mercilessly mowed down.

    Have you desingned any other maps? If so can you link to them.

    I have a new map ready. Now working on a scenario for it. Fj against 7th Ad again. This time a more infantry based assault, towards a railroad bridge ( fictional)

  4. I uploaded the new file here: http://cmmods.greenasjade.net/mods/4790/details

    File name is: Dusty roads2_0

    " To mjkerner " The scenario is indeed intended as Allied vs. AI.

    I have no idea how H2H will work out? If you can find someone who wants to give it a try, it might be interesting? Though the germans side doesn't have a briefing. I have never played H2H before. So I have no experience with that. But I think it's really hard as attacker.

    My advice for this scenario: Take your time, there is plenty. At guns are the biggest threat. Locating and destroying them should have priority. Depending on the Ai plan. They could be anywhere across the map. And don't save on air support and artillery. Use them. From the start of the mission. Just make sure you have support left once you have located the At guns. Enjoy :-)

  5. It's amazing what you can convince yourself of just before the wheels fall off your attack and you go flying into the ditch :D

    So after a good look I figured Obj 1 was within my reach. Obj 2 would depend on how much time I had left. First off one squad pulls a nice fire and maneuver to eliminate a PzShk team w/o loss. In retrospect it was almost bait. I am feeling fairly good right now, a 2:1 exchange so far in casualties and I now have eyes on the first buildings in town. I then order a tank forward to see if I can draw some fire from the buildings as I am not expecting an AT gun to be sited on this area.. then I hear a blast and I am figuring damn there goes that tank. Turns out it was a mine. Tank is immobilized but can still help root out defenders. The infantry starts moving up and the spotting rounds start falling. From the way they were dropping I figured my right flank was gonna get hit so I pull back...wrong, they hit my left. I was real lucky I didn't lose my FO and platoon commander. As it was I lost 3 men.

    I take one team and try to creep them into on over watch position and they take small arms fire from a force they could not spot near obj 1. I pull up a tank to give them covering fire...and the small arms fire turns out to have come from an AT gun crew. Scratch tank. Meanwhile another tank that has maneuvered around the one that hit the mine is moving foward to try and assist by flanking the AT gun and bam another hidden gun takes out that tank....

    The force commander radioed back, not today. This town is more heavily defended than expected.

    I'll try this again another time. It's hard, but perhaps it was more my time management and my attack plan. It'll take a couple run throughs to determine that, but it doesn't really matter. It was time well spent, even in defeat it was very enjoyable. I like the map a lot and the defenses were good. Well sited but not overwhelming..until I hit the wall but we'll see. Maybe next time I'll come up with a better plan.

    Nice work PvtW

    Thank you sburke, nice to hear that you enjoyed the scenario. Maybe next week I'll upload my improved version of the scenario. It need some more playtesting, but with 4 AI plans, that is quite time consuming. I extended the time limit to 2 hours. More than enough time to complete the mission. I found that the enemy surrenders way before the time limit. So: should I leave it that way? Or reduce the time limit? That's the question:confused:

  6. @PvtW,

    I've made two more attempts with this scenario as the USA player and have had no success. I really struggled with trying to accomplish the USA mission with the forces available. I don't think the US can overcome the 1:1 force ratio nor is there enough time to accomplish the kind of recon necessary before assaulting the objective. I was very frustrated with the minefields. One part of that is because I don't know how to search for and clear them before I blow something up running into them; chalk that up to newbie player shortcomings. The other part is that I don't think I have enough time to accomplish my objectives and slow down for mine clearing tasks.

    I'd like to see more info in the briefing, plus additional FO's, the engineers mounted in half tracks, and an additional platoon or so of regular armored infantry. For me, the three mortar jeeps could be better represented as off-map artillery but that's because I don't think this scenario supports light mortar direct fire the way I played it.

    That stone wall running the entire length of the road from the US entry point to Objective 1 made no sense to me. It really constrains and channels the US player while preventing support for any kind of recon on the left flank of the US advance.

    The map is exellent but I think the mission is too ambitious with the forces used. So, I didn't have as much fun as I would have liked. The scenario as is, is not a scenario I could recommend for others to play.

    Its clear that you put a lot of work into this but I don't think its ready for prime time yet. This scenario has real potential. Keep tweaking play balance and don't give up further development. Stay at it! Thank you and good luck.

    I have tweaked the scenario and the briefing.

    - more info in the briefing about location of at guns and minefields. PLan of attack . And added some pictures for atmosphere.

    - Changed the terrain objectives so that they make more sense.

    - Additional off map 81mm mortars + spotter

    - Engineers now mounted in halftracks

    - Different AI plans for the germans

    - More time to accomplish the mission

    - Removed the wall:)

    Now I just need to playtest it some more.

    Thank you for your comment

  7. Okay. First game played as USA found my head handed back to me on a serving platter! After 30 minutes of elapsed time, the 17th Luftwaffe Field Division has severely mauled and manhandled the 87th Cavalry Mechanized Reconnaissance forces. The Germans are well and cleverly positioned. Must ponder anew and try again. Am not using my artillery effectively at all. Will keep you posted.

    Map is gorgeous. Am finding the US force mix unusual and interesting. Thanks for the scenario!

    Hey, thank you for your feedback and comment.

    It is a tough scenario. Mayby to hard. As I find it tough myself to meet the objectives. I should work on the briefing, revealing more about the location of the enemy AT guns. And I am thinking on removing some of the minefields.

    I am also thinking on giving the Us forces some reinforcements. Maybe more infantry. Or the engineer platoon mounted in halftracks, to make them more mobile.

    But reading the 7th armoured divisions After action reports, and those of the 87th cavalry reconnaissance squadron. It seems that much of the resistance was overcome without any, or with little infantry support. Sometimes using the crews of the vehicles as infantry. Amazing how they swept through the area. Keeping constant pressure on the german army.

  8. Waiting for approval on Bf repository:

    But already available here :) : http://cmmods.greenasjade.net/mods/4772/details

    Us 7th armoured division race towards the Seine river.

    August 1944

    Us cavalry attack german positions near a small town.

    Originally intended to only release the map. But I decided to try and come up with a challenging scenario. If you don't like the scenario, you always got a nice map :D

    The scenario and map are fictional. But slightly based on after action reports from 7th ad. Map could depict area between La Loupe and Epernon, France.

    map size 1072* 976

    Force size: less than a company

    Play as US vs AI only

    Only one AI plan for the enemy. If people are interested I can make more.

    Feedback highly appreciated, this is my first attempt.

    Enjoy, PvtW

  9. Any Dutch speakers on the forum: If you can look at the "watwaswaar" site and explain a bit more to us in English about how to use the interface, that would be fantastic. I'm learning how to nativate it slowly, by trial-and-error, but I know I'm missing a lot of its capabilities.

    It is currently not possible to download maps from the website.

    How to use it:

    Type the name of the city you want the map from, in the pink searchfield.

    In the green searchfield you can find what kind of map you want.

    For example ww2 maps, aerial photographs, topographical military maps

    For aerial photographs, choose "luchtfoto's"

    In the blue searchfield you can specify the period you want the map from.

    Then click on the overview map in the area you want a map from.

    If you zoom in to much, you can get few or no results at all. So if you get no results try to zoom out until you see the available maps appear. The maps available are shown in the right. Just click on the map you want.

    Hope this helps. If anyone has questions about this site or other in dutch. Just ask.

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