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Posts posted by Haiduk

  1. First appearance of Russian wheeled SP-howitzer 2S34 "Malva". The photo made in Kharkiv oblast

    2S34 is equivalent of tracked 2S19 "Msta-S", having the same barrel, so has the same maximum range 24,5 km and the same ammunition

    "Malva" has been developing since 2019, in 2022 it was under tests. Since October of 2023 first serial howitzers went to the troops 


  2. Russians reportedly activated near Nesterianka village NW from Robotyne. Russians probably have plans to advance to Orikhiv and Nesterianka is closest point to reach it. As UKR serviceman told in twitter, Russians several days shelled this direction with artillery and made false movements and at last tried to make probe attack with armored column east from the village, but their column was mostly destroyed.

    Robotyne on this map marked under Russian control, but this guy says it's a grey dead zone - anybody, who comes there perishes almost immediately



  3. Russian milbloggers report about some counter-attacks of Ukrainian side in Vovchansk and in Lukyantsi areas and about UKR armored troops concentration for countr-strike there. No clear information about this. Kostianntyn Mashovets assumes Russians just try to expain own dead end in "Kharkiv offensive" thay they now will "heroically repell Ukrainian counter-attacks" after that will be claimed "we didn't want to seize Kharkiv at all"

    But some limited advances of UKR troops really take place - they turned back some quarters in northern part, approaching to town hospital and meat factory


    On other hand, as Mashovets predicted two days ago Russians started attack on western flank of Vovchansk toward Starytsia village. This is western bank of Siverskyi Donets river water reservoir and Russians try to unite two bridgeheads in nortehrn part of Kharkiv oblast. 

    42nd mech.brigade repelled Russians attack there. Enemy used old T-62 tanks

    Vovchansk view from UKR drone of National police assault brigade "Liut' "


  4. 2 minutes ago, Battlefront.com said:

    Absolutely!  As the saying in English goes "the absence of evidence is not evidence of absence".  A lack of secondary explosions doesn't mean there was little or no damage, but secondary explosions tend to remove doubt!

    I remember very well a Russian truck that looked fine from a distance, but when you got close to it you could see 10,000 holes where tungsten balls had flow through it.  That was definitely not a truck going back into service :)  But was it counted on the various open source counters prior to the Russian mechanic uploading the video?  Maybe not.


    I've seen today post of Russian milblogger, where he told Russian troops are incapable to shut up UKR artillery and he wondered why - because Lancets and MLRS regularly hit UKR artillery assets, but... almost no effect. Probably this is also a sign of effective usage of false guns. Really it's hard to distinguish real gun from fake if it on real position, covered with mask net and for better reliability some real powder charges can be near the gun or inside to make good "visual effect" after hit.

    To be fair Russians also try to do it. There where videos they placed fake mortars, which fired with pyrotechnic charges 

  5. 1 hour ago, Battlefront.com said:

    That's an interesting question!  One thing I have noticed is that observers are looking for secondary munitions explosions to confirm a true hit.  I saw some of that with the recent S-300/400 complex that was hit by ATACMS.


    Secondary explosions we can see mostly if SP-artillery is hit. Ammo for towed howitzers often keeps nearby, so if the drone hit the gun we mostly can see just one explosion. 

    Magyar on own video with FPV-strike on 2A36 guns told that is not easy to destroy heavy towed guns with FPV. You hit just the iron part and what next? Often the gun after this can be repaired. 

    I watched recently reportage from UKR repairing unit, which repairs western howitzers. Some of their "patients" were coming back several times and they managed to repair it. Of course, part of howitzers come dead, but they use it for "cannibalization", some parts they made itself or order it in "garage-production"

    So I think enough part of damaged and destroyed western towed howitzers can be one piece, hit several times or it can be repaired after

  6. 7 hours ago, cesmonkey said:

    Russia's strategic campaign of destroying Ukraine's power grid seems to be increasingly effective, unfortunately.

    In previous year they hit mostly power distributive sites and transformer sites of power plants. But turned out Ukrianian power specialists and State Emergency Service  managed to reapir damages very quickly and substitute destroyed transformers and other equipment - we got alot of this stuff from differnet countries. 

    So likely Russian generals decided previous startegy turned out ineffective and dicided to hit objects of generation. This is an indicator Russia has no illusions more that they can grab Ukriane and use our power resourses, but on other hand power units are too vulnerable and can be repaired - after the war we have to rebuild most of thermal power plants. But this is also good sign - less coal and oil fuel generation - it a plus to ecology and opportunity to small nuclear power plants and solar/wind plants. 

    But now becvause we lost most of our "maneuver generation" and forced to import electricity, our government has rised cost of electricity almost in 2 times, now we will pay 0,108 $ for kilowatt. 

    Concerning today' strike here it statistic:

    35 Kh-101/555 - 30 shot down

    10 "Kalibr" - 4 shot down

    1 "Iskander-K" - 1 shot down

    3 Kh-59/69 - no intrceptions

    4 "Iskander-M" - no interceptions

    47 "Shahed" - 46 shot down

    Total 35 missiles from 53 and 46 UAVs from 47 


  7. 8 hours ago, Viko said:

    Another Ukrainian adventure ended in complete failure with huge casualties.

    Man, 35th marines brigade still on left bank. Except Magyar we have units who can conduct drone recin and attacks. Our forces abandoned completely destroyed part of Krynky, which they were holding recently and moved toward Kozachi Laheri and established new positions there. I notice that Krynky has about 10 km in length. Also General Staff in own report for 28th of May made a hint we have new bridgeheads on left bank or on islands close to left bank. It was said "in area of Olhivka and Novotiahynka". But these are Ukraine-controlled villages on right bank, so new allegedle bridgeheads can be establishged in area of oppose villages through the Dnipro - Kozachi Laheri and Korsunka.  

    About avanture and casualties. There are many opinions about sense of this operation. Many plaints about this operation had to be better supportes with artillery, SAM and EW protection. Many claims to former Marine Corps commander general Sodol (in 2014 he was 25th airborne brigade comamnder), who is blamed in "Zhukov methods" and complete indifference to lives of personnel. But even despite this bridgehead allowed to tie enough of Russian forces (at least new division, two naval infantry brigades/regiments and batch of territorial troop units), which could be moved to Zaporizhzia direction. Also as you could see, above, Russian losses are mauch more then Ukrainian. 

    Real sense of this operation we will understand only after the war 

  8. Russia enforces enlisting of merceneries from third world countries. There are more and more African and Asian (Sri Lanka especially in last time) merceneries in Russian units.  Russians in joke call them "blackorusians" or "hindurusians" depending on their origins %) 

    Also reportedly they hired about 1000 african women for drone assembling on large drone factory in Yelabuga, Tatarstan Republic.


    Just a platoon of 15th motor-rifle brigade


  9. 29 minutes ago, dan/california said:

    Personally I would expand it all the way to Tagenrog Airbase

    Already done. 27th of May. Albeit not airbase, but aircraft repairing plant. Type of used wepon is unknown.

    Taganrog airbase is not so "populated" by jets. Baltimor airbase in Voronezh oblast is very fat target, but has strong EW and SAM protection.


  10. 22 hours ago, FancyCat said:

    Fresh UKR florks meme about US allowing to strike Russian soil only from Kharkiv oblast

    UKR florks carry road sign "Kharkiv oblast" (means they are going to set it, "expanding" Kharkiv oblast on Sumy or Chernihiv oblasts)

    US flork: "Turn back the sign on it place!" 


  11. 17 hours ago, Offshoot said:


    Yeah, this is first video allowed to publishing. Reportedly there were several successfull interceptions of Orlan-10 and ZALA. UKR UAV community already have some developments of fast FPV interceptors, but by known reasons information about this doesn't issue. Now works are directed to get at least "beta-version" of interception complex (detection, guidance, drone-interceptor) to unload SHORAD from most tasks of drone hunting.  

  12. 4 hours ago, FancyCat said:

    How legit is bild? German news. They have a article on Germany and U.S threatening Ukraine over the use of Western air defense but I don’t wanna post clickbait or false news.

    In this case I think, Bild like a broken clock, which shows true time twice for a day. 

    Probably you are about this (in Ukrainian retelling):

    When Ukraine used Patriot missiles agains Russian flight order as far as on 13th of May 2023 in Bryansk oblast and shot down two EW Mi-8, Su-34 and Su-35, Berlin and Washington were angry. They threaten to stop supply if this repeat. Unbelievable, but this explains a lot. This is proves one more, how wrong decisions making in western capitals prolongs this war. Russia is vulnerable, it can be defeated, but they don't allow Ukraine to give proper repulse, so Russian bombs still hit Ukrainian malls and kindergardens.    


    Looks like this is true, because since this attack there wasn't any similar successes. Ukrainian General Staff didn't recognize this success neither there not now, though AD battalion command vehicle, which unit conducted this attack has markings of these aircrafts. 

    And here some more:

    NATO is discussing participation in sky guarding over western Ukraine, Bild reports. 

    This idea supports Estonia, UK, Poland, Canada, Lithuania, France

    Against: USA and Germany


    We have a joke: any US statement now starts with words: US concerning about... , US afraids that... , US considrers it premature..., US do not support. 

    Putin made serious mistake. To restore influence of Russia in the world like USSR, he had to attack NATO directly through Baltic states. Spineless western democracies would drown in endless discuissions and offers "immediately to listen other side to achieve compromisses" when Russian tanks rolled further west. 

    It's good the West is gradually healing itself from own phobias. But the remedy is prohibitely expensive - the blood of Ukrainian soldiers and civilians. And we are paying it cost  

  13. 8 hours ago, Maciej Zwolinski said:

    probably the first victims were the Ugric tribes in the North

    They showed no mercy even to the same Slavic people. Execpt Finno-Ugric nations first Slavic victim of genocidicval "lands gathering" was Novgorod - north Rus' nobility republic, crashed by Moscow in late 15th century, because it remained single rival of Moscow hegemony in northern part of Rus' lands. Many Novgorodians were massacred or moved to other lands. If Novgorodod won, history of Russia could by completely other. But Moscowian asian-despotia type of ruling completely won over traditional Rus' form of ruling in triada "duke + nobility parties + citizens council", when Moscow gradually was subordinating during almost 300 years other smaller principalities like Tver', Ryazan', Rostov, Pskov and tried to contest Great Principality of Lithuanina for the legacy of south-western Rus' lands (modern Ukraine and Belarus).    

  14. Aftermath of next "escalalation-level" strike. First sattelite images appeared of aftermath of four ATACMS strike on GLONASS control center in Semidvorye settlement NE from Alushta, southern Crimea. This happened on 24th of May, I posted the video. Maybe better quality images will appear soon


  15. Russia moved two newest pr.22800 Karakurt-class missile corvettes from Black Sea to Caspian Sea. These two corvettes both under final stage of constructiojn and up to the end of 2024 should be adopt to service. Two Karakurts already destroyed/badly damaged. Only one also under construction remained in Black Sea


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