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Everything posted by kraze

  1. russians are sending dozens of missiles to strike apartment blocks in Kyiv almost every night now. Are we really arguing if them blowing up the dam was a natural disaster?
  2. Ah special civil war in Russia. It was a long long time coming.
  3. You've been waiting for a justification for victim blaming yourself for almost 1.5 years now and it's not happening today either.
  4. Shot down 15 drones out of 25. Meaning 10 did strike. Each of these carries 30 Kgs of explosive. "Minor damage and no serious injuries"
  5. I think those russians had about 9 years to make their decision, will figure that out somehow
  6. Looks like Belgorod Peoples Republic is fighting Kremlin Junta in a civil war.
  7. russians had only a few dozen Kinzhals before 2022, tonight they most likely just threw away 1/3 of all they have left trying to bomb apartment buildings.
  8. And that's the problem with that kind of outlook. Help who exactly? What's the name of at least a single domestic paramilitary organization in Belarus that is willing to take up arms and fight to make Belarus a western country? The only one that could've been one is only few thousands people and isn't fighting in Belarus because it isn't supported at home. And it does get western help. What exactly do these people mean by "help"? I mean if, say, UK sends a bunch of NLAWs to Belarus right this very moment - who is receiving them?
  9. So Patriots are pretty cool, aren't they. Can we have more please?
  10. That's because russians create ideology for occupied, not for occupiers. Themselves they don't need any ideological reason to invade, rape or kill. If modern russian empire wasn't so incompetent and overly corrupt and instead succeeded at grabbing everything they wanted - you'd see whatever ideology quickly invented. An average russian is still living in mostly the same conditions as he did during 18th or 19th century, any ideology would've been completely lost on him. Back then it was a leaky wooden barrack, now it's a leaky wooden barrack with TV. But an occupied Poland most definitely required it to stay put.
  11. Of course I doubt russians would post a real skull on a photo (and they didn't). In fact image itself is not important. What's important is that it's an absolutely legit russian shop. However the fallout is massive enough that the shop went into full damage control and locked down their website. "We got hacked", "somebody wants to create a negative image of Russia" (like anyone really needs to do it at this point) you know the drill. https://gifts-luxury.ru/maintenance/
  12. And now for something completely different "Our shop now has the ability to offer you truly unique and actual products. 2022-2023 years pass under the flag of Special military operation, which aims to battle Nazism in Ukraine. Thanks to our warriors you can order a gift so exotic and unique that it would surprise even the most spoiled collector - things or furniture elements, decorated with bones of killed Ukrainian fascists. One such item can be an ashtray, made from a skull of a combatant of AFU."
  13. russian era has not taken a breather since they were first formed as Golden Horde's ulus
  14. A film about a russian nazi known for supporting russian wars and taking part in racist marches gets an Oscar. What's wrong with this planet?
  15. Chaikovsky wrote several works designed to promote russian imperialism, in particular "Mazepa" based on Pushkin's anti-Ukrainian poem Poltava, where Chaikovsky equally depicted Mazepa as a traitorous greedy trash who sold out for western money. https://uk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Мазепа_(опера) And last time I've checked nobody is basing education in US or Poland on works of "art" spreading hatred towards other people. In Russia reading dehumanizing works in schools is mandatory. Add to that the context of people that grew up with that kind of "education" that tells them that everyone but muscovites is subhuman - are actively trying to kill every one of us now - and there you have the primary reason for "canceling" russian "culture" here. Nobody even tried to "cancel" russian stuff until they decided to do another genocide again. And I doubt in Ukraine we will lose much by not having russian "culture" represented in operas or libraries. People have internet if they absolutely want to feel dirty by reading russian rape poems.
  16. On the contrary. This is a nation of Tolstoy and Chaikovsky. Both hated Ukrainians just as much as any other russian. I just have no idea what "humanism" in russian culture anyone even means. All their literature is full of spite and disregard for human life. It's a very dehumanizing culture and this is just a yet another fruit of it. Humanistic cultures produce humans not russians.
  17. Of course he is not keen to die. RU "opposition" journalists simply forget to mention that putin is just doing what his people demand of him (there are english subtitles)
  18. Why aren't Belarus folks joining their own army? Exactly. Outcasts tend to find home in other places. Ten people being different from a million doesn't excuse a million. Because it's never about what people protest against but FOR what people protest. And how many of them bother. Russians protest against putin too. They blame him for not killing Ukrainians hard enough.
  19. I doubt retaking the faux-"republic" part of Donbas may be worth it. After what was basically 9 years of Bucha there are hardly any Ukrainians left in there. Is it worth losing thousands of men to save a few dozen? I'm not sure. Coal is a thing of the past and trying to earn country money with it is delaying the inevitable. It may be the uncomfortable truth that may be hard to accept. Unless russians and collaborators really decide they had enough and go home altogether. Crimea is a different story because there's no other choice - it's in between two seas and blocking one - it will be a constant threat and hazard to naval trade (on which Ukraine depends a lot) unless russians are not there anymore. Not to mention having a few bases with Harpoons and Neptunes on Crimea shores makes russian navy permanently grounded.
  20. The question is why should somebody do anything about Belarus? It was their choice to become a russian ally, they picked their side, they helped russians cause a lot of warcrimes and still very actively do - so that path has its consequences. Just like Ukraine made a bunch of dumb civilizational choices since 1991, we now pay for this in blood sadly, but we do make a different choice now and it counts now - if a little too late. West should concentrate on people who want to be with the West and stop trying to "save" people who are anti-West. Anything like that should be a result of people's choice, not trying to "white horse" it on them, even if you think you are doing a good thing. Extra 10 years in Afghanistan were a lesson in just that.
  21. Meanwhile in Russia priests are not forced to do anything - they **** underage kids completely voluntarily.
  22. Oryx lists photographic evidence. Which wasn't done on purpose of course, e.g. no specially trained photographers running around making shots of every loss just to do correct count. It's mostly snippets from random related footage. Losses are, of course, much higher.
  23. They fully expected the West to swallow it, just like Crimea and Donbass. And a bunch of other countries before that. I mean if you look at it from russian POV it should've been business as usual, especially if done in 3 days as per their wet crimson fantasies.
  24. It's possible if russians didn't expect AFU to burn through 3000 of their tanks with 300 of our own. I mean 10:1 on paper looked so easy they fully expected to win the war in 3 days. Why would russians needed to think about this with such an advantage and a guaranteed blitzkrieg?
  25. that's because every time German howitzers cross Slovakian border one way or the other - it doesn't end well
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