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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Posts posted by Nik_B

  1. Thanks!!!!!!!

    I was using an older version and it stopped working for some reason, possible because my opponent had upgraded to another version. Once I upgraded to this one the problem I describe started.

    The only problem is I didn't read your entire message and now the log has been replaced. I could try going back to the old version and then upgrading the new one again to see if I can replicate it?

  2. From my reading Britain switched all their Churchills bound for Normandy to 75mm then hastily switched back a number of them to 6 pdr again. Someone referred to the 6 pdr with special ammo as the 'poor man's 17 pdr'. The first time I became aware of 6 pdr armed Churchills in NW Europe was a photo of a line of Churchills in Germany in 1945. So they definitely served throughout the war.

    I've read that they refitted many with the 75mm but the infantry kept the 57mm equipt ones...very odd thinking.

  3. You need to use over whelming fire power to suppress then break enemy concentrations. I find this can take several turns so don't just fire off a few rounds and then charge in. My philosophy is to keep their their heads down first and wait until I think I've caused casualties which I imagine will damage their moral. Then advance on to said position under suppressing fire.

    It sounds like you are attacking a position that has interlocking fields of fire, maybe probe out positions that are weaker? Or as someone said above focus on positions that are the most vulnerable and smash them.

    Any time I get my backside handed to me is often due to rushing forward and not suppressing the enemy sufficiently. Annoyingly when playing PBEM taking your time can also be disastrous as it gives your opponent plenty of time to see what you have and redeploy his forces.

    As in the real world you need to find a balance between speed and caution after carefully reconnoitre. The hide command is a nightmare against players as they often cannot be spotted until your scouts are on top of the enemy and then they might even get killed before you see anything. In those unpleasant situations I prescribe a heavy dose of pre planned artillery and/or mortars on likely positions and hedge rows.

  4. As Baneman said, you should give www.riseofflight.com a try. You could do a ton of flying with the "demo," which is the full sim with a few starter planes. In my view, it is a true spiritual successor to Red Baron. It is such a good sim that i, admittedly not a flight-sim expert, still kinf of suck at it after more time than I'd care to admit. :P

    WW1 does nothing for me unfortunately. Many of our friends play it but I'm a WW2 junkie. I'm not even bothered any more I really get a good kick out of CM and one day maybe if CLOD gets sorted out I'll start flying again.

    Even if CLOD becomes the best sim in the world I must say that Combat missions is, for me, the best game ever invented. I remember how awestruck I was over the realism in CMBB. I am someone who gravitates towards flight sims because I had a pilots licence and zero understanding of infantry tactics but the more I've played combat missions the more interesting I found it and what never fails to surprise me is how complicated infantry tactics are.

    When I first started playing I send my troops to their death or victor with little regard (or understanding) for the terrain...I still do to some extend but more and more I find myself getting right down to ground level trying to work out if I am in defilade or not. Slowly but surely I find myself understanding more about the quandaries of the infantry man.

  5. Yes I am nice guess ha ha!!

    I needed a computer for work but I went for a super high end rig convincing myself that I would get lots of pleasure from Cliffs of Dover. We're not loaded though this was a big treat for me as I am normally pumping all of our cash in to the house/kids etc. Playing CMBN has taken the bitter taste out of my mouth.

    Combat missions remains a game that never fails to provide WOW moments to me and for that I am truly a fan of Battlefronts work. I didn't like the middle east stuff butt hat's because I'm a WW2 nut so I continued to play CM1 until my last computer died it's death. Don't get me wrong there are infuriating times as well but I would definitely say that the good outweighs the bad for the most of it.

    My PBEM buddy and I are desperately awaiting the next module as we like playing the massive maps and have exhausted everything we can find in the repository. A few weeks ago we used to be talking about the upcoming Cliffs of Dover patch but now when it is mentions it's more "I don't care anymore" and the discussion quickly moves on to Commonwealth or my friends uncanny ability to destroy my tanks no matter how careful I am with them :D

    You can probably tell we're a little excited

  6. £3k just to play Cliffs of Dover?

    Hi Para

    Yep at least that. I bought a Hotas Warthog and pedals plus the latest version of Track IR.

    Then my rig which while I was going to build one anyway I went for as 'high end' as you can get. I5 @4200, GTX 580, SSD Drives, 2560x1440 27" monitor.

    I was under the impression that the game was fixed and we'd all be happily flying round shooting spitfires out of the sky until I finally put the rig together and discovered that the game crashes after 40 minutes and that most people are suffering from this. Not to criticise them but you can imagine I was a little upset ;)

    When I saw BF had brought out a new version of Combat Mission a game I loved dearly (and which saved my sanity on many occasions while working in the desert for weeks on end) I was overjoyed. If it hadn't been for Battle Front releasing Combat Missions Normandy I'd be absolutely seething as my rig would have been totally wasted.

    I've never really played any other games apart from IL2 and Combat Missions.

  7. Love the game and can't wait for the release.

    Sure there are things we all want but wont get but for me this game is not only playable but better than any other game available on the PC. I was playing CM1 up to a couple of years ago and got more mileage out of it than any other game apart from IL2.

    Probably the one thing I would have loved would be the armour arc but I can accept that we wont get it until a new base game. Life goes on but I still play the game.

    Compare this to Cliffs of Dover where after a year there is too much broken for me to even bother with it. Now that is annoying for me after spending over £3000 just so that I could play it.

    For what it's worth, thanks Battlefront! At least my rig wasn't wasted :D

  8. Hi De Savage

    Yes we finished it and it was great. The opening phase was murderous. I was cautious enough not to go for a crossing in force and tried to get pioneers to clear the obstacles while I bombarded the hedgerows and other suspicious areas. I tried to get a couple of tanks across and one got hit and the other bogged in the river. My opponent hurriedly redeployed his forces and created a nasty killing zone on the main road through the town and then again on the fields on my left. I probed and probed and couldn't find a way through. It seemed every time I tried to attack on a different direction I was met with vicious MG42 fire which cut my squads into pieces!

    Finally I made him give ground by using very heavy artillery and once I got the village I prized open his defence but the cost to me was so heavy that half of my force was completely useless with broken moral, I used those tie up his forces on one flank while I made a dash for the two small houses. By the time I got to the objective both of our forces were shattered and we had to go for a truce.



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