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Posts posted by Glabro

  1. Indeed, Serbia is key, however, I've never seen anyone break Serbia in 1914 - I think it's only doable with serious reinforcements in addition to the decision event army or bad play on the Serbian defenders' part.

    The choice, I don't think, is still quite balanced, me and Kommandant believe that Trento and Trieste should be National Morale objectives for Italy after Italy's DoW. Historical Italian war aims should be encouraged and stuff like Italy manning the French trenchline against Germany should be somehow discouraged, the best way is with morale (but I don't know how).

  2. AI? Well I'm sure the AI is no problem with Italy, I'm talking about a real live opponent - this is a much different proposition, as I don't think the AI is capable of using Italians to supplement the west front. I used this in my previous game, and the effects were devastating - five Italian corps relieved five french corps, which were promptly upgraded and sent to assault the Germans, breaking the line eventually.

    Plus this is just the initial units, in time they'll have built their entire complement with their own upgrades.

    I see that the effects of ceding the territory have been made more severe in 1.03 - cities other than Vienna now suffer strength loss - but it still isn't quite enough in my mind, again it's temporary vs. permanent. The main question is again, the morale and readiness question. After half a year, will everything be fine again with the A-H army? They've got mountains to defend, so no real fear of breakthrough.

    In the previous long game when I ceded the territory, Italy stayed calm, at least until the end of November 1916 when my opponent conceded. It stayed at the same % all the time, I think only diplomacy (at 200 per pip!) can help it.

  3. I accidentally made Italy enter the war. To me this seems like utter folly, with Italy lending her armies to France's trenchline, releasing 5 of her armies right away to attack the Germans, or alternatively mounting an attack on the Austrian Alps. Moreover, the battle for the Mediterranean is irrevocably lost the moment Italy enters, and in effect the Entente get all of Italy's MPP production, diplomacy capacity and such at their disposal, and as the years go by Italy will grow to be a formidable partner.

    On the flipside: A-H doesn't get the 3 "free" corps in the Alps, NM drops by 10.000, plus the loss of Trieste's MPPs, along with some temporary losses in MPP from Vienna, some strength loss in the armies. Doesn't seem like a hard choice.

    But am I missing something? Does the loss of 10.000 NM permanently render A-H's troops worse? The morale of the units plummets, making them incapable of any offensives, but it does recover over time - but does it never recover above a certain point, making the troops permanently worse? In other words, does National Morale level set a maximum for unit morale, and thus readiness, or is it just the fluctuations of it that matter - temporarily?

    Shed some light on this for me. To me it seems like a no-brainer to hand the cities over.

  4. That is really weird, why surrender in the first place and what makes the units defending the border give up and those outside not? What motivation do the troops that happen to be inside the border as part of a defensive line with other units want to make a hole in that line and jeopardize their side's defensive plans?

    I see no reason why the conquerors would "allow" anyone to keep fighting, inside borders or not, if a surrender is to be had, especially since the troops outside the border can simply attack back to their homeland right after the surrender.

  5. Hi there,

    We've encountered a rogue surrender script. UK has conquered Belgium and I had a Belgian Corps defending Liege. However, upon surrender, this corps in Liege disappears as the town changes to UK control. All the other units inside german borders are fine.

    Can this situation be remedied somehow? At lest the script cold be amended to avoid this happening? Probably even if I had a German there it would have been lost too.

    And nobody better tell me that "because it was inside Belgian borders it's supposed to surrender" - this makes no sense.

    Can I send the save over to Hubert or Bill, or can anything be done?

  6. Hi Krista, I didn't think we had ladies (well, there is apparently one man named here, but...) from Finland here on the Stratcom forum. Always a good thing.

    In theory, anything is possible with the fully featured campaign editor included. But it would be a modding achievement of tremendous quality that would effectively "bridge" the two wars with meaningful content and events (maybe the turns would be a year long or more in betwen), as well as interesting and balanced starting points for a WW2 where France, Poland etc. start under German control.

  7. I really like this idea. Once I played a board game like this...

    I guess it would be hard for the AI... The AI would need to plan in advance how many depots it will need, and, where. This, of course, also means deciding, way in advance, where you will be advancing, or, retreating.

    Still, I think it is a great idea, and, Hubert should pursue it even if he cannot get the AI right at first.

    Indeed, I was actually thinking about modding this in with Kommandant. Might even be doable. We'll see.

  8. We were talking about supply with Kommandant, and one idea I came up with that can be executed is using "supply depots", cheap HQs that have no command ability, being used as the chief source of supply, with minor towns being 1 in supply, for example. Majors could be 6, capitals still 10. You'd have to form your supply lines manually with the supply depots, and being cut off in towns would have serious repercussions.

    Besides that, it would slow down deep offensives due to outrunning supply, something we've all read about. But is this too much of a headache for the benefits? Possibly.

  9. I was interested in modifying the 1939 campaign to a smaller scale, but then I thought that I might have to re-do everything come the next patch. What can be easily transferred over to a new campaign version (in 1.04) and what could be kept, if I was planning on changing unit entry scripts, unit deployments (obviously) and build prices / limits, among other things?

    Or is it better just to wait for 1.04? Problem is, I have no idea when that might come out.

    I feel like I have to do this after I saw how I could easily walk into Poland without fighting because the abstract "army" units can't hold any ground.

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