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Posts posted by kirk23


    I have decided for my games anyway, to completely alter all things naval within the game.The reason behind this overhaul, is how the game treats the Battlecruiser.

    The biggest change is naval warfare is now level 2 at wars start.

    Battleships are now in this order.

    Pre-Dreadnoughts = level ( 0 ) Naval warfare.

    Battlecruisers = level ( 1 ) Naval warfare.

    Dreadnoughts = level ( 2 ) Naval warfare.

    Cruisers are now in this order.

    Protected cruisers = level ( 0 ) Naval warfare.

    Light cruisers = level ( 1 ) Naval warfare.

    Armoured cruisers = level ( 2 ) Naval warfare.

    Here is a breakdown of the most powerful units available to Germany 1/8/1914.

    Konig class (Dreadnought)

    Ships lenght = 580 feet.

    Tonnage = 25,390

    Guns = 10 x 12 inch

    Belt armour = 14 inch

    Speed = 22 Knots

    Seydlitz class ( Battlecruiser )

    Ships lenght = 656 feet.

    Tonnage = 24,610

    Guns = 10 x 11 inch

    Belt armour = 11 inch

    Speed = 27 Knots

    Deutschland class ( Pre-Dreadnought )

    Ships lenght = 400 feet.

    Tonnage = 13,200

    Guns = 4 x 11 inch

    Belt armour = 9 inch

    Speed = 18 Knots

  2. Update I done something wrong that I could not fix so I deleted my scenario,when I added more port facilities for Germany Kiel etc,I got a script error I did not have a scooby what file to check so I deleted the entire scenario,so back to square one,I did learn something thou,Germany can't take all the ships I want to add for her,ports and coast capacity was full and there were still ships I could not find a space to deploy to sufferin sockatash!

  3. Well in my world Battleships are the rulers of the seas,Castles of steel and they are represented as single ships,I have been playing about with the editor settings and it is how I want the game to be,on land I will need to tweak the settings down abit because the settings I have at present,most combat results as damage evaded,I will reduce the damage resistance settings,apart from that all is good!

  4. Yes I noticed them thanks,oh yes Goeben & Breslau the ships that brought Turkey in to the war,does the AI treat them differently from normal light cruisers etc,I was thinking that maybe right clicking on them should show different stats for Battlecruisers,Armoured Cruisers & Light cruisers just to highlight what type of ships they are.

    Also I just got Breakthrough loaded up as Germany and Moltke is in game,breakthrough looks great,I'm now going to have a wee look in the editor to see whats changed.

  5. I agree they deserve to be a type on their own merit,WW1 Battlecruisers were designed to hunt down Armoured Cruisers,they were never meant to get involved in combat with Battleships,but because of the guns they carried that is what did happen.

    I looked throught the manual and discovered that Battlecruisers are supposed to be an upgrade to cruisers,yet they don't start the 1914 Grand Campaign,but historically speaking they should be there from the start?

  6. The fault with British Battlecruiser's design was not the armour protection,but was human error,the ammunition hoist's were open so as to speed up rate of supply to the guns,with shells & cordite,which in turn led to a flash fire when a turret was hit,and unless the magazine was flooded then the ship blewup!The German Seydlitz Battlecruiser saved herself by doing this earlier in the war,when she managed to successfully flood the stern magazines,the Germans learned from this mistake and changed the handling system so as to avoid this happening in the future,but of course they were at war with Britain and did not pass on the vital piece off information.

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