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Posts posted by squatter

  1. Childress and Splinty - if you want to compare the US behavior against its own citizens to that of non-democratic states like wartime Japan, by all means go ahead. I always thought the US prided itself on standing head and shoulders above such fascist dictatorships. I deliberately did not make comparisons since there are no equivalencies. But I do hold our nation, the USA, to a higher standard than I do other countries, if for no other reason that this is what we are told we are: superior in belief and in conduct. And in my opinion, the nation's conduct against its Japanese American citizens in that era was appalling.

    The argument that Japan treated other races worse is a red herring that serves no purpose other than to distract Americans from the fact that their nation was not living up to its own vaunted standards at the time. America could have done better, but failed to do so, all the while touting itself as the beacon of individual liberty and at the forefront of the fight against arbitrary, tyrannical governments that ran roughshod over their citizens.

    In point of fact, numerous wealthy and politically connected Americans personally benefited from closure of Japanese American businesses and the confiscation of their assets, and pressure from these sources was not an insignificant aspect of the anti-Japanese-American sentiment rampant in the US at the time.

    Well said.

  2. Take an account of a Roman soldier describing the behavior of a conscript from Gaul or even Britain, and you might get a taste of the same "condescending" verbage.

    The world was very different back in the 1940s, and not only in the U.S., you cannot explain the behavior of people who lived in the past through the prism of modern times.

    But unlike the US Army of WWII, the Roman army used people from any nation and colour as front line troops.

    Fast-forward nearly 2000 years and the US Army sees black men as inferior and not to be trusted as combat troops. And this the army fighting for 'freedom' and 'democracy'.

    So whether by modern, or ancient standards, the US Army (and political system) of WWII was abhorently racist. You should look at records of debates in Congress during WWII over whether the Jews should be trusted to run Hollywood, for example, to see how elite racism wasnt only directed towards black people.

  3. Lack of on-screen tutorial, tool tips and a clunky interface are the biggest turn-offs for the non-hardcore gamer.

    Friend of mine downloaded the demo but just couldnt bring himself to teach himself the game from ground up, somehow flicking between hard-to-read manual and baffling new game system.

    Now, it's a given that us hardcore will go through the hoops and stick with it. But a game like this could break to a much bigger market with improvements in tutorial and interface.

    Improvements in these areas will bring much more to this game than extra detailing on tank models, in both player enjoyment and unit sales.

  4. Demo is superb. Game is blinding.

    I have some frustrations with the GUI though. Allow me to make a couple o' suggestions;

    1. Make mouse wheel MUCH more sensitive. I want to ZOOM up and down, not crawl.

    2. Add a visual device (preferably text) to show in the team report what each soldier is currently doing. ie: running, shooting, taking cover, giving aid, whathever. When I click on a team marker of a team the other side of the map, I'd love to be able to glance down and see this info, rather than have to physically eyeball the unit at close range to see what they're up to. This is, of course, something I've ripped off Close Combat.

    3. When I click a unit, can I not see its 'target' lines, showing who it is engaging? This used to be in CM1, but cant seem to see it here.

    4. Make double left click on terrain do something: zoom the camera to that location, most likely. The more functional the mouse, the better, so as to free the left hand from camera controls, to the orders hotkeys. Why not have a function for 'hold left mouse button' as there is with the right? Perhaps, hold left mouse button and move mouse up or down to zoom in or out from current location. Why not right click on unit to fix camera a la tab? As I say, the more functionality transfered to the mouse, the better for me, as there are currently too many keyboard functions necessary for streamlined play. That on top of the fact that I think the camera needs to be a little more dynamic, by which I mean quicker and easier to fling about the map.

    If some of this displays an ignorance of existing functions, please fill me in on what I'm not aware of.

  5. "If they slowly bled out in agony, spurting blood from holes in their body and writhing around in pain, I'd try to avoid my child seeing it - But the way BF models death isn't exactly gory. They simply stop shooting, and glow red."

    CM is the A-Team of strategy games. Huge amounts of violence are dished out, but no-one really gets hurt. It's a great tradition of the US entertainment industry to bring ultra-violence to the nation's children in a sanitised fashion.

  6. Therefore, what we're going to work towards is a way to purchase a "hybrid bundle" at a discount from what it would cost to buy the two versions completely separately from each other.

    There's some technical things that prevent us from doing it now (which incidentally come at a cost to us in terms of time and support), but sometime before the first CM:BN Module is out we will have something like this in place. How much will a hybrid bundle cost? That is yet to be determined, but it will be significantly less than buying both at one time.


    That sounds like a reasonable compromise. You're likely to get more than $50 out of me that way. There was no way you would have got $100

    Just to check: the dual license will be retrospective? Once you have paid $50 on one platform, you will be able to buy a second platform license at a later stage? I ask this as dual license is obviously not going to be available at release.

  7. This sounds rather like wanting a red shirt and a blue shirt then being disappointed with the clothing retailer for not letting you pay for just one and return it whenever you want for the other color. Sure they're both the same style shirt but they're still two different products.

    A completely meaningless comparison, sorry. You're out of touch if that's the way you see the software market I'm afraid.

    So I'm to take it that Battlefront expects some customers to pay $100 to play Combat Mission on their laptop and their desktop, and other customers $50 for the same privilege? You dont convert your game to another platfoarm so that you can sell it twice to the same customers!!!! You do it so that you can sell it to new customers.

    $50 for all customers please, not $50 for some and $100 for others.

    It costs Battlefront nothing to let existing license owners make a second download to their Mac laptop. Or at worst for a $5 admin fee.

  8. You can install the PC version on a laptop and a desktop at the same time, and same goes for the Mac version of course, but you cannot purchase both games "in one", sorry.

    Thanks for the answer, but I'm a little disappointed.

    I mean, what's the difference between paying $50 for a game and installing it on your PC desktop and PC laptop, or paying $50 for a game and installing it on your PC desktop and MAC laptop? The first is catered for, the second isnt. Even the much-maligned Steam allows you to put a game you have paid for on both PCs and MACs. You really ought to consider this. Many people operate BOTH PCs and MACs these days, and no longer expect to pay twice for the same software. It's the license you pay for, not the downloads.

  9. Question for the developers:

    Will we be able to purchase a single license to download and install CMBN on both a Mac and a PC?

    I have a PC laptop and Mac desktop. I'm not sure which will run the game better, and I'd like to be able to use the laptop when I'm on the move.

    This is pretty standard with other digital software retailers like Steam.

    If I had a PC desktop and PC laptop, I'd be able to install on both. Or I could run the PC version on the Mac using bootcamp or whatever. So I don't see a reason why a dual license shouldnt be implemented.

    Will this be the case?

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