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Sgt Schultz

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Posts posted by Sgt Schultz

  1. The only way I have found so far to work around this limitation is to do an almost-fix.

    Select one of your Infantry platoons.

    Strip everything but the HQ.

    Add 4-5 tanks and a Halftrack to the platoon. Stick the HQ in the H/T.

    As long as the HQ stays still for the radios to function, you have an armor platoon with direct C2 all the way to Btn.


    Personally, I don't do that, I just figured it was an option.

    I attach all vehicles to the HQ it will be closest to throughout the battle plan, or straight to Btn HQ.

    By placing vehicles directly under your Btn HQ, all those radios make for very quick intel transfer to Btn level.

    Putting them lower down the chain makes for more useful immediate intel to the HQ that may need it quicker.

  2. I would think that there could be little to no bocage on any larger map. I was thinking more along the lines of a CMBB adaptation of steppe-like terrain.

    Lots of small terrain undulations with a LOT of VT Grass and Wheat fields to hold all the armor and AT teams.

    I would think that 2-3 Companies of armor with a Company of mounted Infantry could take on a semi-fixed heavy company with ATG and armor support. I'll check tomorrow.

  3. Would a pair of 1GB vidcards in SLI help render any part of CMBN better/faster/more reliably?

    Not that I would make battles that ONLY those machines could handle ...

    On map size versus loading ...

    If you want an armor duel it may help to make a 1.5Km(or less) X 3 Km map with more than usual open terrain. This allows for at-range engagements without making a comp-killer.

    Max size master maps just won't load on a lot of machines with more than the minimum placeholders described above. I think it may be better to slice right away to reduce frustration and design/load times. Every design change requires a load to check/test. Slice each battle to it's smallest size before getting all detailed, and the labor of love becomes more love and less labor. ;)


  4. From a design standpoint, it is quite possible to make a map's terrain fortification-friendly without spotlighting the probable locations.

    Interlocking sine waves of locked tiles 1 level below average, with locked tiles at average on both sides of the lines. This allows trenches to placed in a variety of ways and places within the same area.

    Locked foxhole tiles work the same way. Sprinkle them all over, regardless of terrain type on top.

    This keeps the grid monkey terrain spies at bay. :)

  5. I was fairly certain someone had come up with it. :) I just got caught up in the building thread in the general forum and slapped the walls around instead of hedges..

    If anyone has tricks and tips to share re:buildings/fortifications, please do so. I have only been messing with the CM2 engine since CMBN release. I'm just trying to get a visual resource together for all to use.


    Further tweaks on bunkers - Large enough that air assets can detect, but knowing what is around them is the trick. As long as they are buried and surrounded by hedge/low bocage no pinpoint mortars can get them. Which is good, since they are very vulnerable to any kind of artillery.

    Can fit a lot of troops -


    The only thing an attacker sees at first is the bunker -



    And he doesn't really "see" it anyway -



    Increasing the number of bunkers, making each one a small VL, and limiting attacker artillery assets can make for interesting options.

  6. Fortified Buildings -





    By wrapping buildings in walls, you get a nice cover bonus.

    With low walls, when your boys cower on the ground floor they feel nice and cozy.

    High walls allow for a nice rally point from upper floor duty. maybe rotate squads after a rest under cover.

    It is still only a single demo charge to get through though. :(

    Demo charge rubbles one small piece of wall and entire building side.

  7. I would say that adjacent tile/same tile Melee combat could do with some tweaks. Nothing to do with how often close combat did or did not occur. As stated above, we tend to see the sharp end of the stick every minute we play, so statistical analysis won't work.

    If two or more units enter into close combat...

    Highest rate of fire possible, including grenade use.

    NO reloading.

    "Swinging Rifle" animation added for random units within Melee tile. Combine jumping over fence with running with rifle... I bet it is in there somewhere for upper torso action.

    Abstracted HtH wounds/kills per tick.

    Units disengage/surrender very quickly with increased morale penalties once the tide turns.

  8. So far it seems to me that a map size of approx 1Km by 2Km, with forces of around a short Btn versus... less is about max for enjoyable pbem CM2 for average machines. Files sizes and comp load can get harsh even so.

    I wanted to make a short Regiment attack battle, but it would kill most machines, and make files of unworkable size.

    The map/force can be larger if it is steppes or other open ground type. Less stuff on tiles makes more room for units and space.

    A reinforced Btn versus the same on a 2Km by 3Km map would be pushing it I would think, unless you have some Alienware or Falcon Northwest tower in your room.

    The more I work with the new game/engine, the more I prefer leaving the uber-battles in CMBB. An American Battalion is a LOT to deal with if one starts splitting squads. Then add in all the armor and mortars.

  9. More fortification tweaks. My test map has turned into a WIP. Curse you RockinHarry! :D

    A VL Command Bunker. Cannot be seen unless you are already behind it. Linear barrage from one side to other can hurt, but uses more ammo than one may wish.



    I needed reserves, and a place to put them. Three German Scout teams is the same thing as a CM1 SMG squad. Three teams fit in a shelter perfectly, so I did that twice. HQ and a couple LMG teams in another. Full squad in fourth. Scout/MP40 teams in trench set to 'puree'.

    From the front...


    From the back ...



    Revetments galore, with a selection of immobilised vehicles to mix and match in those spots. Tiger, JPzIV, Puma and others will be featured.



    Interlocking strongpoints in a wooded area. 900x500 of trench area with projected fire another 200+ forward of that. Battle bounded by lake on one flank and swamp on other.


    Going to add a few houses/farm buildings with rear basement entrances.

    Edit - Fortified postion design is a lot like model railroading for me. Amazing how many more trenches(track pieces) I keep buying. Defense in depth makes for a LOT of those little trench tiles.

  10. Open the editor.

    Put Bunkers of both types on map. Put troops of various types in bunkers.

    Save as something like "PillboxTest1".

    Start from "Battle" button at start screen.

    Select 1 Player Turn-Based(or RT) on top option menu.

    Select "Scenario Author Test Mode" from bottom option menu.


    For future reference .... we have a a whole seperate place for map and scenario design and questions of this nature.




  11. RockinHarry got me all caught up in trench warfare with his incredible work.

    I took his historically accurate work and tweaked some of his ideas into my Beer&Pretzels world.

    While not "buildings" per se, fieldworks are permanent structures as far as scenarios are concerned.

    First thing I did after combining my buried damaged buildings with trenches and pillboxes was consider what was missing.

    HE throwers... :D Note ... all following pics are from testbed map, not a WIP.

    Just some bushes... nothing to see here...


    Well ... maybe something...


    4X zoom from a few hundred meters out front ...


    I wouldn't want to stumble on that .... would you? :)


    Immobilised vehicles "dug in" along the trench line make dandy pillboxes.

    Locking the tile at 3 below the battlefield average(trenches are 1 below) makes for a nice blue 'spotter is partially hulldown' LOS for Tanks.

    Locking at 2 below gives the Puma a nice protected field of fire.

    Dirt Lot tile directly under the vehicle spot.

    By spreading the locked tiles and dirt tiles around at random in the forest, the grid monkeys and terrain spies won't be able to tell exactly where the assets are located.

    EDIT - Boosting attributes is most likely a good idea to make up for the fact that the crew can't move. I am testing Vet/high/+1 atm.

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