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Sgt Schultz

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Posts posted by Sgt Schultz

  1. We've all seen it in the movies. Two antagonists come into view of both their shared objective and each other at the same time.


    They look at the objective. They look at each other. The eyes narrow...

    ... and they're off.

    I "modified" the map for Valley of The Shadow, and put a different battle on it.

    Instead of an American attack into a hasty mobile german defense...

    The Amis come in on the SW corner...


    The Germans come in on the NW corner...


    ... and the race to Steinwand is on.

    Two kilometers of interdiction, suppression, flank shots, and just all-around fun with guns in the sun. Plenty of smoke and the light wind from the West can help.

    The first opportunity to come to grips with the enemy ...


    Multiple Shallow Fords just East of the Bluffs. "Friendly" Bluff is occupy, and "enemy" Bluff is touch for both sides. Fords are occupy.

    The Prize... Three Occupy VLs... Fords and the two crossroads.


    A view from above ...


    All shots taken at 1300 hours. Battle starts at 0700. Five minutes before sunrise. LOS is NOT the same then.


    More or less matched forces, and working on more force granularity with slightly lower quality than my usual Beer&Pretzels.

    1 hour 10 minute with a variable is a commitment, and all those trees on a 1kmx2km map make for a comp stomper.

    If you have a dedicated gaming partner, have recently taken an air can to your comp fans, and would like to help me out... I would be very grateful for any assistance and input.

    PM me or answer here. The battle isn't going public until it is run through the mill.


  2. I bet the answer is just too obvious for me to see, but what is the difference between the specialist team FO and the independent formation FO?

    Are there any possible benefits or penalties involved with choosing either one from a design standpoint?

    It's not like we can attach a team FO to a battery formation... which is what I wanted. ;)

    I am looking for greater granularity in targeting times beyond using only the experience modifier, and was hoping that a variable existed somewhere in the different FOs and their C2 relationships to the associated batteries.

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

  3. I have noticed same-unit weirdness of that nature.

    Example. Radio Operator dies. HQ unit stays in same spot. As long as they stay there, the radio works, but if they move it is gone.

    Same for shrek ammo. As long as you stay with your wounded/dead comrade, you can pry the rounds from his cold dead fingers on the fly, without giving him so much as a band aid.

    I am not sure whether this works for any random tube guy wondering by. It may only work for folks that belong to the same squad/team.

  4. Soviet troops were on average more often illiterate. The word "peasant" still meant something in the USSR back then.

    RPG is flat out idiot proof with no written instruction and little training involved. Stick here... push button.

    Zooks have lights, batteries, wires, steps that must be taken in an exact order...

    The Soviet command structure most likely decided to keep it simple and mass produce RPGs. Then the inertia of the Soviet state took over, and since no one ever ORDERED anyone to make zooks... they never quite got around to it.

  5. Most of my favorite moments so far have happened in the editor, when I figure out a new way to work the engine and editor to do my bidding.

    Nothing like taking an empty, flat field... and turning into a complex landscape ... then blowing the living cr@p out of it.


    Although a certain 1400 meter kill does come to mind, along with a 150mm IG that was able to rack up 35 cas and still live out the battle.

  6. Exactly nik.

    I was able to find a "crack" in the visuals of each connecting wall from the inside of the building(must be very close to wall and very sharp angle POV), which allowed me to hit the balcony button for the adjacent building. I cycle through until it is just the plain balcony with posts. Then I repeat for all joined walls.

    This will show "internal support columns" underneath, instead of having the structure float in midair, for immersion purposes.

    The "downside" is that this disallows movement from the adjoining second stories, due to pathing issues re: balconies. You cannot step off a balcony for any reason, even if it lands you in another building.

    The upside is the troops on the first floor have columns to hide behind. :)

    In this particular instance, it simulates the open area within a warehouse, by forcing troops to "climb down" from whatever is in the warehouse and find another vantage in an adjoining building section.

  7. After seeing a few in other maps, and then dealing with a warehouse district in my current WIP, I got tired of seeing warehouses with "no visible means of support".

    Found this trick accidently, then found out how to easily replicate it, and so ....





    Supporting columns.

    Now since these are warehouses, not office buildings, the pathing issues work FOR my design intentions instead of against. You want to move from a 2nd story window on one section to another? Get your butt downstairs and find another pile of crates to climb. :D

    I love it when I can turn lemons into lemonade.

    BTW - It also makes for a neat visual trick when your boys are on a porch but inside the next section. The transparent building seems to have no one in it. ;)

  8. If you have CMBB, then download my battle "Meatgrinder" from The Proving Grounds.

    It is a re-imagining of that battle with CMBN forces. The attackers must cross water(river/swamp), then forge on through fields and hamlets to an increasingly urban environment.

    Think of it as Tappas for CM... you get to sample a lot of different tactical problems as you grind my map to powder.

  9. Yeah LLF, I saw all those connecting structures. I toyed with the idea of including them as well, but the thought of how many troops that would soak up to clear the structures changed my mind. ;) I used Bamberg as a reference point, then moved on in Shultzland.

    It is just one of a few VLs and I don't want it to take too many resources away from other tasks.

    The engine and editor are constraints enough. If I put historical accuracy into my tactical problems, I would be even more of a lunatic than I am now. :D As long as the environment is immersive and the tactical problems are realistic I am happy.

  10. It's a pig that takes a half-hour to pack up, and needs a tractor to pull. ;)

    Unless the map provides 800 meter+ ranges, stick with the 75mm or Russian 76.2mm.

    The 88mm is a monster that is spotted as soon as eyes get on it.

    Friendly smoke screens can block LOS to break off mortar attacks, which can prolong the ATG's life a tad.

    At present, unless you have a large map, the thing is a neat toy that dies after it blows up a tank or two.

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