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Posts posted by UsF

  1. AIUI it's modelled to the plate.

    So if it hits a specific plate at a specific angle it will penetrate or not as it should.

    Also, the equipment behind the plate is modelled and will be damaged realistically.

    What I meant was that the tank uses a thinner plate of steel here, because the plate is angled flatter towards direct fire and therefor the calculated thickness (angle and thickness of plate) is the same armor as a 90 degrees vertical plate (or the other plates at different angles seen in the picture).

    I can't talk about the game engine, but I'm sure the calculation is realistic, so a tank driving downhill will be more vulnerable than one driving uphill (unless you get to shoot the tank belly of course).

  2. Preorderers should get access to the beta download with a small patch that updates it to the full version later. I am assuming that this would:

    1. make people squeal with joy as they can play now.

    2. distribute the load on the download server on more days rather than on the release day, as people flock in to preorder and download over a longer time frame. :D

    Not? No? Aw was worth a try. :(

  3. Would having the option to lock the LOS at Level 1 be that difficult ?

    To be honest, I do not like that idea. I was more thinking along the lines of just limiting the fog to one single unit, the player character. Limiting the camera to the lowest possible height while not allowing it to move away too far from friendly units, seems like another idea, though I do not know if this would be good.

  4. Well I do not mean to limit the camera to a realistic view, that might be annoying I think.

    What I meant was a fog of war and only one unit that has true line of sight, your commander, you. Everything else would receive updated Icons of combat, units etc. the same thing that would be visible if you have audio contact or an unidentified vehicle, I would assume.

    You would receive constant updates on your units position, if the radio operator of their squad is alive, vehicles would be the same. You would only work with the icons and to get a better view of the action, you would have to bring yourself closer to it. This might work best for small scale operations where you command a few units and are a part of them. Large scale operations might become annoying very fast if you lack the proper information to deal with everything. :)

    Yes the AI would need to be self sufficient in most regards, I think it is only feasible for infantry engagements with light vehicles. Heavy vehicles and tank destroyers tend to need the players attention to always face the right way the right time. We saw that in the preview AARs. :D

    And finally yes I am sure it is going to look awesome, but I have the weird habbit of using games in ways that they were not designed for. ;)

  5. Since I am not that familiar with the Combat Mission series that much, I wanted to ask if there is something similar to HistWar's true line of sight as commander.

    The idea here is that you are a commander on the battlefield and you only have true line of sight of what you actually see. Everything else happens behind curtains and you only get estimate reports about enemy encounters.

    The problem here is that you would need to balance information versus being protected, since seeing everything might not be too useful if you are seeing the other end of a superior enemy shooting at you.

    I do not know if that would suit the game or even be interesting, with the new version moving to more individualism. It would probably be a shame to waste that in general and hiding everything in the fog of war.

  6. Since pre-orders are always 'download & mail', naturally they always include Shipping&Handling.

    I just tried to preorder Theatre of War 3 Korea and the order wants to add the 20 Dollar for shipping again. Can you clarify this for me? I am confused, since you said it was included. :(

    Subtotal: $35.00

    Shipping and Handling Fee: $20.00

    Total: $55.00

    Tax Total: $0.00

  7. I'd suspect/hope that we'll see the gameplay in motion (at least some short snippet(s)) when CMBN hits pre-order. At least I hope we do.

    Since I haven't been paying attention to BF, nor its release cycles, do you or anyone else know how distant an announcement and a release typical are for these games? Are we more than a year away? Sometimes I have the feeling, that people are expecting a pre-order appearing any day now, not that I'd be unhappy.

  8. I don't want to hear that rubbish, all the others out here that didn't get to go to a preview are feeling a bit left out in the cold. Like that old saying:

    "It's better to have loved and lost then never have loved at all." :D

    Thats what some people are telling themself, so it hurts less. :P

    I think a one turn video with commentary would be nice too, where someone shows us what is being worked on, what has been done etc. I'd like to see some gameplay in motion.

  9. Hello,

    I asked some time ago about the DRM of the game, which seems to have been completely dropped. Is this true? I was hesitant with the purchase because of it. If it is really DRM free now, you got yourself a sale. :D

    Also have you thought about contacting RockPaperShotgun with a Review version for them maybe? I always have the feeling that a review ("wot i think" they call it) helps sales, because their crowd is always interested in fresh games.

    I do not know if this game is considered to be "indie", sure feels to me like it is though. Maybe you could also try to set up a deal with the next Humble Indie Bundle if that makes any sense (and if there is going to be a next one of course)? I have no idea how they do it, if there are restrictions and so on.

  10. Thank you. Hearing that pre-order is download and e-mail together has me sold, once it is available. Sad news on the beta though. Oh well, the AARs are a good read and will keep me excited, sadly in a way though, I do not like anticipation. :D

    Regarding online activation for retail version, it was just a lead question to the follow up one. I generally do not like DRM systems, but I can see them being required. As long as they are not restricting too much (always online DRM anyone?) or troubling the user (persistent activation limit), it is ok with me. Yes I use Steam, the added benefits make up the restriction to one user account without reselling-ability.

    Anyway can't wait for CM:BfN. Anticipation has stopped being fun for me as a gamer a long time ago. :(:P

    Edit: Fast delivery was regarding the delivery speed in days to Germany, which is mentioned in your sales policy. I read that games are also shipped from within Germany, so I was wondering if those would arrive sooner than 3-5days occasionally. I'm impatient like that.

    No disc version of BfN? Aw. :(

  11. When I click on the download button, it wants me to add the update to the cart for the price of one dollar. Another thread said that it was related to the cost of the DRM and providing downloads of patches.

    If I find a solution with the redownload of games or a fast delivery, I wont have any issue though, since the information for the patch also reads that this update is not needed in case of a present module installation. :)

  12. Hello,

    Since the announcement of Combat Mission Battle for Normandy (and the note on RockPaperShotgun also helped), I have been increasingly interested in more of the Combat Mission games. I own the Combat Mission Shock Force version, but I do so from Gamersgate.

    On this download site, I found out that there is no patch delivered after version 1.20 for this version, except if you upgrade for a nominal fee (or if you buy an expansion pack).

    I also own all the Theatre of War games on the Steam platform, when they were on sale.

    I do like to purchase digital distributed products on platforms that offer infinite re-downloads, that is why I am hesitant here. I also like to play games as fast as possible, that is why I am kind of unsure about having the game shipped to me only.

    My questions regarding these things, would be:

    1. Will Combat Mission Battle for Normandy be distributed over other services besides the Battlefront store?

    2. Will the other versions (if there are any) continue to be supported and not "dropped" like the Paradox version (whatever the reasons are, I am sure there were legitimate ones)?

    3. If I purchase a retail version, does this require an activation as well?

    4. If it does require an activation, do I receive the activation code right on purchase as well (since it is mentioned that these things are stored on my account) or are they only linked to my user once I activate it by hand and the code itself is found in the jewel case?

    Basically, I would like to purchase this online with infinite redownload possiblity OR purchase it as a boxed version and have it delivered as soon as possible, or both (which is available). I prefer the digital version though and because I do not own a cd or dvd burner, it should also be in a place where it can be redownloaded infinitely or where I do not have an issue activating any other version with a legitimate key.

    Also, have you thought about offering a torrent tracker service where your customers could share the setup files on a trusted tracker with their username and password required to aquire and download the torrent file? This way, the bandwith cost would not be in your hands. I do not know how costly it is to maintain a secure tracker.

    Can owners of non Battlefront version still participate in the discussion on these forums? :P

    Last but not least, is there a public beta planned for CM:BN (uncancle-able preorders maybe)? The RPS Question and Answers post has me really hyped and playing CM:SF again for some time really made me look forward to the scenario, since I like the World War 2 one much more. The recent surge of "buy now, play the alpha/beta right away"-kind of games has me hooked and it sure is fun to look at early versions of the game, see the quirks getting fixed and experiencing sometimes fun bugs (and of course the fun of having your savegames wiped).

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