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Posts posted by Ranger33

  1. Started up the new German campaign, looks extremely well put together. I really love that you have a small core force that slowly grows, instead of switching between various companies in a battalion, which never seems as personal.

    Unfortunately, I got the bug where the units all have random names of items and things from every CMx2 game. This seems to always happen to me with every new game and module from CMSF to CMA. Is there any fix for this besides reinstalling the whole thing? I don't have the disc for CMBN with me either so will have to download it...grumble grumble...

  2. just send a scout team back to grab some ammo, not the whole section

    Its still a pain to have to have load them in the vehicle to get ammo, especially if you are trying resupply several squads. Just put a timer on it like pausing or deploying.

    Making it where you could click a resupply command, then click the vehicle/squad you want to get ammo from would be a revolution. It would also let you put stuff back into the vehicle when you misclick.

  3. It would be interesting to see how much infantry the panther could spot, seeing as you always hear stories about infantry being too easily spotted.

    In my experience, infantry in houses are totally invisible to tanks if hiding, and rarely spotted at all unless they fire their weapons. The spotting issues are usually more in the bocage. Also, in smoke tanks seem to be able to spot better than infantry.

    I can think of one specific example where two enemy tanks popped smoke in "Carbide Carbide" at the central intersection. There are craters and low walls and ruins everywhere, covered in two tanks worth of smoke, so I send in two shrek teams (in flanking positions, with some cover). Both teams were spotted and killed before they ever saw the tanks.

  4. +1 to allowing AT in buildings. So many other things in the game are abstracted, why not put a timer on it and say that's the time it takes to open the windows/doors and maybe knock a hole in a wall.

    Tanks can fire their guns at 80° angles, is it that much of a leap to let infantry have a small chance at survival?

  5. I have a Glock, and while it is fairly accurate at those ranges, there isn't anyone shooting back, my hands aren't shaking (from fear, adrenaline, seeing your buddy exploded inside a tank, being suddenly tossed onto an active battlefield), and the targets are very cooperatively motionless. In the same situation, a rifle is much more manageable, at all but the shortest ranges. The size and length of the gun is a bit more forgiving to unsteady hands, plus you can brace it against the ground or whatever is handy. The rapid fire of a pistol might be good for suppression, but you aren't going to hit anything if you are firing fast anyway.

    I think some kind of permanent broken morale would solve the problem. In all my readings of WW2 accounts, I have never seen an instance of a dismounted tank crew doing anything besides running for their lives or hiding.

  6. Are you sure that this 1 in 10 occurance isn't the C&C engine kicking in (i.e. your infantry is out of contact?).


    It might be, but that whole system (the spotting delay when out of C2) isn't really clear. You commented on this to me once before and it spawned a multiple page thread of people arguing about whether it is even a real thing or not. This one.

    I'm sure you're busy, but inquiring minds would like to see a few more details on that subject at some point.

  7. I remember though, that someone of the staff has mentioned nothing was done on spotting issues, which is kinda sad imho.

    I thought they said that LOS wasn't changed beyond the thing with units shooting the cover they are behind. I will be rather disappointed if moving tanks can still spot infantry (in cover) faster than the infantry can spot them. 9/10 times it doesn't happen, but it seems almost an impossibility that one time it does.

    Tank Hunter Team in cover:

    "What's that shooting at our buddies? I think it's coming from that flat open road 50m away."

    "Hmm, I can't quite make it out! Must be a ghost!"

    2 minutes later...

    "Oh, it seems it's a tank, you know, one of those 10 ft tall rumbling metal boxes with a giant cannon spewing fire."

    "Welp, first things first, we better try and see what this bolt-action rifle can do against it, wouldn't want to waste a Panzerfaust."


    (A bit of hyperbole, but not much)

  8. I'll tell you what Wodin, you take the time to do the search where someone from BFC said that and then I'll believe you and the other people that aren't affiliated with BFC. Me, I don't have time to do that or read every f'ing post.

    It was like this since CMSF


    Seriously though, Wodin was obnoxious about it, but the devs have stated regularly that modules will never ever have new features or improvements beyond what is in the patches (ie tweaks at best). Personally, I think it's a bit ridiculous to not be able to squeeze in a single new feature over the course of 2-3 years and multiple expansions. However, I still have yet to get through all of the content of the CMSF modules despite playing fairly regularly, so I think they were worth the money.

  9. I still have some coupons left over from the Christmas sale challenges. Notably one to get the Tropico Trilogy for free. Has 1+2+3 with expansions. I already had 1 and 3 and I imagine 2 is rather similar so no need to use it for that. Whoever claims it first here gets it.

    I've also got coupons for Garry's Mod (75%), any Valve game (50%), Deepsilver (33% on Dead Island, Risen, some others), and Cyan Worlds (50% on Myst/Riven/Uru or all of them together)

    *All of these are only good until March 1st*

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