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Posts posted by emptyT

  1. Does the save game store some referance to which machine they are being played on?

    I have tried moving an active game from 1 puter to another on a couple of occasions and after maybe a move or two got a corrupt save file which won't load.

    Very frustrating when you're 200 moves in and its about to kick off big style!!

    I don't have an installer as I bought a download version so have just cut and pasted the EOS folder.

    Am also finding when I quit to desktop I sometimes get a "program has stopped working" message on a Win 7 machine.

    And that has just flagged a possible reason for the previous promblem!!

    I was moving the game from a Win7 box to an XP one. Would that be the reason?

  2. Hi Guys

    I've been messing around with rule sets and have done something which results in basic city units (barracks, etc) being un-buildable after about 5 moves :(

    Any ideas what it could be??

    I've changed lots of numbers and don't want to start again if avoidable!

  3. Hi Brit

    I have found my planes running out of fuel at times.

    It seems to be when you patrol them beyond limit, with them to land at a nearer base.

    If they encounter an enemy patrol they will follow and then not make it to the new base, but rather try for home!

    Doesn't seem to matter what orders you give them.

    Something to look at for your next patch - once you've finished programming an AI thats acceptable to NASA and more importantly, 'BillyNoMates' lol

  4. AI is the Holy Grail of programming.

    Make a computer think like a human, doh! wish I'd thought of that.

    Japan has it's finest minds at work on the project. Cars that can drive themselves, robots that can clean your house, but not kill your cat.

    NASA ditto, Space explorers that don't need to **** or have sex. The finest programming minds are at work on this project (Brit included, ALL HAIL BRIT).

    Spielberg and Scott have fictionalised the idea - "I need more life - ****er!"

    I have not played a game where I can't beat the AI after 10-20 games - they all cheat. That's why I play Mano a mano.

    Brit u de man - thank you for this game - if ya got time on your hands - create EoS2 Biatch!!


  5. Excellent! - still working through the Rules Editor, as to what it can do.

    So when can we have the rest of the wish list ready?? (hehe - joke!) :D

    Seriously though - if you did find time I would happily pay $50 for EoS 2.

    Whats the consensus Guys - give it a vote.

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