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Purple Dreamer

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Everything posted by Purple Dreamer

  1. How about an option to show the map in 2D, a la the original SC, for those who have issues with depth perception...
  2. Bought the game, have played two games to completion, one as Allies, one as Axis. Love most of it, but there is one bug that is driving me insane that appeared in both games and is an enjoyment-killer. Playing as the Axis, I am all set up to execute Sealion...which I did almost unopposed by the Royal Navy, which seemed content to enjoy the summer sunshine off Scapa Flow while I was landing my forces. Playing as the Allies, same thing happens in the Pacific...about to invade Japan, and the remnants of the IJN are cruising around somewhere in the North. I don't care WHAT the odds against them would have been. In the first case, this is the very raison d'etre for the Royal Navy's existence. Granted, the Luftwaffe would have made their lives oh so miserable...but you can't tell me England would put up a fight in that situation and leave the Royal Navy out of it. Same principle for Japan...I don't care what the imbalance of forces, the IJN would have thrown every last thing it had left against an Allied invasion. Whatever the odds. Someone PLEASE tell me this is going to be patched. It kills the game for me.
  3. Was just wondering if Battlefront will be having a summer sale like they did two years ago and I believe did last year.
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