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Posts posted by Deriuse

  1. So pretty much these? infantry and apcs advance in hunt first so when they see a contact they get cover and fire while the mg and command teams are in overwatch at range when all threats have been eliminated/pinned down infantry will assault to the houses while the apcs fire to suspected targets and mgs/command teams are in overwatch for possible new threats will this be more in line with actual tacts?


  2. Hi a doubt has been around my head since i purchased this game i play in real time mode tried the turn based sometimes but i dont see what advantages (if any) does it have over the Real time mode i mean in the rts i just pause the game and give commands etc same as when a turn ends... i also noticed that many people who make the guides on this forum use the turn based system so thats why i was wondering if its better or it is just for nostalgy from past CM games:confused:

  3. Hi is there any guide to AI scenario editing? my problem is this i like to create my own scenarios using quick battle maps and just purchasing the units i want have more time to end the battle etc but red units dont deploy in a very smart way IE in a urban area they deploy the units out of the buildings and too cluttered etc etc how can i change this? in the AI section of the scenario editor ive seen something like lower floors upper floors etc how does this work to make em deploy propretly?

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