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Posts posted by Artofwar

  1. What about using TARGET LIGHT according to the manual:

    "Target Light is useful when you want to put a few MG rounds into a suspected

    enemy location but not waste a tank’s main gun round, or if you want to take

    a few aimed shots at a low threat infantry target not too far away without

    wasting too much ammo. Target light does not prevent the use of hand and

    rifle grenades, though, at the appropriate ranges."

    But then the problem is it will only use MG fire so this won't work either right ???

    Maybe do a test on a building using Target Light just to make sure ... ???

  2. This is where you register its hard to see at first but yeay ya gotta register AND it is different from your Forum Name and password.

    Its kind of a pain but thats the way it is.... but we all, already, keep up with a thousand passwords and names for different websites I created an Access database to keep up with mine.

    so yeah register and write it down somewhere OH FYI they have problems keeping us logged into the main site so once you login you may not be logged in the next time you visit the site even though you never logged out but no problem just type everything back in or better yet create a document file and just copy and paste into the login name area and password but realize someone somehow may get that doc file off of your pc.


  3. Thanks I tried to get the scouts AND the Enemy on same screen but couldn't do it would have had to create a battle and then hope ... but yeah you got it lol

    Here is one where I complain about the weather and it we can turn it off


    Then I had this surender issue


    and then found out its possible to rescue a buddy and reactivate them


  4. Rokko its in your War Chest maybe take a break for a week forgetaboutit and you'll get the map bug again.

    Often I have wanted to put my keyboard and usb drive throught the monitor and to fix a cup of coffee and pour it on my motherboard.

    Ya get into something and then WHAM it's like impossible or a big pain in the .. and its suppose to be enjoyable.

    Maybe come back to it later ....

    And anyone named StoneAge has got to be patient.

  5. After firing on the AT gun I moved the same units up had to fire again on AT gun did a slightly longer barrage with a better spot (I was able to see exactly where it was with my HQ this time) Because wasn't taken out first time shows small splash damage hence mortar can shoot near friendly troops more so than heavy arty. The same group moved up and they were split for final assault on moratar positon. of course they found other enemy troops in area I didn't move up rest of my units tactfully with this group cause just wanted to get some screen shots.


    Mortar abandoned. Payback the other problem with this whole scenario is this occurred at 400 meters or more I should have done one within 100 meters but I rushed this post :eek:

  6. no don't use los shot with mortars still use a HQ unit and you can have the mortar in cover or good concealment in theory near the front line with the HQ unit or FO "exposing" themselves to get the los for the mortar. The HQ can have a small firing arc by using the SHIFT key, as you know this, it won't draw attention to itself and fire on others.

    Here is an example,

    Opps, lookout Anti Tank gun get out of here bring up the mortar.


    page 24 of manual The mortar team must also be able to communicate with the spotter.

    Communication occurs in one of two ways; either the mortar team is close enough to be within visual or shouting distance of the spotter (about 50 meters),or the mortar team has radio contact with the spotter. (Spotter in this example is the HQ unit)

    HQ and mortar move up. HQ does a SHIFT firing arc to not draw attention to itself and shoot at AT gun. The squad withdraws to late (I play on Turn based)



    HQ spot for mortar that sets up behind it in defalade


  7. Yeah it's different when attacking but I think you got it down good by hitting areas where the enemy might be that you are going to be moving in. The AI often does the same thing.

    I think perhaps mortar fire 60 and 80 can be more "accurate" when shooting this stuff close to your troops plus the spash damage is not as far. The spotting rounds are usually nearer to where you want it especially with Veteran troops.

  8. Vinnart and Hister going to try that other mod thanks. -

    Hister I use Greenshot for the screen shots. With Greenshot I can use Prt Scr or CTRL + Prt Scr or ALT + Prt Scr I use whichever command gives me the best screen shot. Often though I have to take two in order to actually get the screen I am looking at. But thats another issue.

    I have set up Greenshot by going to Preferences and pick what format and the quality I want.

    I don't take the screen shot of course until the screen looks good also the game is paused as you can see in the screen shot at the top or actually in the cases above the turn was over with - I have it on Turn based. so the screen is already frozen but the rain is still falling but I guess it can't be turned off.

    You could try usings Fraps screenshot capability too.

  9. Oh look they got Ryan he's surrendering Come on boys Let's Roll


    Watch it Sniper take em out ... they charge on up....

    We loosing people nice shot


    Ryan's captor elliminated


    Moving into same hex with Ryan - notice his icon thing is still transparent


    Some guy starts fixing stuff digging around etc. Ryan gets his gun back

    good to go no longer transparent -


    Problem is it aint Ryan some guy named Pullen - "Hey, Anybody seen Ryan"

  10. Check out the youtube videos of the Armchar General and Normandy whatever he uses may be what your looking for ... maybe if you emailed him he would tell you ... if it is Fraps he's a pro .... he seems to show exactly what he wants when he wants too at just the right angle.

    Here is link to one of videos notice how he shows what he wants from the angle he wants as he reviews it..

    At about 4:00 minutes it starts showing what I am referring too.

    Don't be humbled by his review we need more variety of reviews and different personalities like yours :)

  11. Thanks for the mini-learning on mines and picture posting. A double value thread.

    BTW the terrain looks absolutely nothing like Normandy. Its no fun being negative. I would rather say how great the terrain looks.

    1. Wooden rail fencing is just not French and possibly not even European. I have not done huge research on the worlds fences [yet] : ) but of all thirties and forties photos of countryside in Western Europe I have looked at, about 400, I do not see wood and rail fences. In fact in my travels over the last forty years I very rarely see post and rail fencing other than when related to horses.

    2. The land in the picture is way too open. Average field size in Normandy is in single figure acres and bound by hedges. Around Caen more open but very flat AFAIR.

    That's Interesting because I went to google clicked on Images and typed in Normandy - I got all kinds of pics one of which was the map thing and then another among them was the photo; I'm sure the photo was taken after the war perhaps the terrain has changed a little in places maybe this is where they Carpet Bombed during Operaton Cobra.


  12. so just how cool is this game - As I move up the engineers to the mine field to mark it some of my other infantry having stopped for awhile in the same field finally notice a mine field they are in and they didn't blow up yet cause at the edge of it so I move up my other engys to mark it and then have another engy unit walk rather than hunt forward (cause thats what the manual read regarding best way to detect mines and so then this engy unit walking found another mine field - so I had them mark it )

    Then since I'm panned in close and am using "Mord's Immersive American voices" as the engys found the mine I hear them say "Watch your step !! Watch your step"

  13. Ok so I'm in a scenario and Wham my guys discover a mine field.. by blowing one of themselves up. So I panic and try and remember what to do :confused:.. then remember I read something about mines in the manual.

    So I do a "mine" search with the find command :cool: and Wham I see mark mines (which is what I need and where to find it)

    In ww2 they pulled out their kindles and did this all the time.

    so just in case some of you warriors would like a quick way to find stuff in the manual this may be helpful to you.

    ..... so I moved up my engineers ...

    Alt Tab to get to desktop, open the manual .pdf, click on the EDIT drop down menu and select Find, (a cute little box pops up at the top right) type in mine, press the ENTER key on the keyboard, and Mark Mines pops up showing the page number of where to read about it.

    Screenshots shown just because I like using Greenshot so much ... (Some screenshots grainy cause I have not mastered the 19.5 kb limitation nor do I want to fool with zips)




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