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Everything posted by jeep

  1. Yeah, I was playing always at war mode.
  2. I have definitely seen times where if they would have landed these transports they would have won. That said, it probably is some calculation like that. I guess the reason it caught my attention is that they will sometimes turn back and forth like 2-3 times, sort of like the decision logic keeps changing every turn. Might be a simple fix to prevent that kind of thing. Turning back if they need to is fine, just don't sit off the coast and waffle back and forth. AI also tends to park loaded transports in the ocean sometimes like it does with warships. Also not a great idea.... Not trying to pick on the AI, which is already quite good. Just logging some things for future improvement. This game has everything it needs to be a long term classic, so I'm thinking there will be time to fix stuff like this in the future.
  3. Anyone notice when viewing the game replays that the AI will often launch filled transports toward an island and then turn back before landing? Sometimes it will do the back and forth thing several times. Gives me a good chance to come sink them :confused: Almost seems like the decision function for where they need to go changes a lot. I don't know how easy it would be to fix of course, but it would be a good idea to tweak the AI so that it doesn't keep loaded transports on the water for long. Of course, maybe they are just doing that back and forth dance to taunt me (here I am, come get me)
  4. I just tried out the editor today. This is really cool, nice work Brit! I did have a few questions though. 1. Can units be setup to construct fortifications? 2. What are the freighters that can be auto built? What purpose do they serve? 3. Is there a manual/help for the editor? The ? button doesn't bring anything up.
  5. Marketing on Iphone/ipad is easy. Simple get everyone on this board and all your friends to write good reviews and rate 5 stars, then it will pop up to the top of the most popular lists in the apple store. I don't know if apple has some funky requirement limiting cross platform releases. But given that Civilization Revolutions is cross PC/Iphone, I'm guessing not. Have to read the fine print though
  6. You could use the multi touch for interface. Touch the unit to select, then use finger 2 to plot your first waypoint. Hold finger 2 and touch finger 3 for next waypoint, etc. When you release last finger orders are ploted. You could always play with one in the apple store for a bit to see if you think it would work.
  7. Thanks for EOS, I've been wishing for a game like this for years Yes Class Tank Inf -------------------------------- 1 30 0 2 60 65 3 150 140 4 205 245 5 320 400 6 420 610 7 630 NA After TL 3 is where tanks tend to be ahead by 1 level. Was this intentional? I thought about this too, but think about it from the perspective of available alternatives. For the same production, I could defend my city with either 3 inf or 2 tanks. If I choose inf: Sim 2 TL5 tanks verses 3 TL4 inf (city, ent) this doesn't result in a clear winner (6.6 to tanks, 4.6 to inf) Inf are vulnerable to artillery attack (they would need to untrench and go into the open to get the arty) They eat 3 food instead of 2 Not much good for offense If I choose tanks: 50/50 chance of winning against same attacker attacking arty will be dead only 2 food Can easily use for offense This is why I think inf must be stellar at defense. Otherwise tanks are the always the better buy. For balance, remember that good defense to is difficult to implement. If I have a lot of inf in a city, bring in arty or BBs, or just attack elsewhere. You can't win the game with defense, you can only force your opponent to go around your strongpoints. I think strong inf will add some tactical options to the game. True, but generally the bombers will target something else. If inf is easy to defeat on land, why waste your air on them. For some reason I thought they did, but I guess not. Of course if they are used defensively they wouldn't move anyway. Would be nice for scouting, but they are still slow.... Again, many thanks
  8. Porting EOS to Ipad / Iphone could be a good way to increase your audience. It would need to be simplified somewhat for the smaller screens / processing power, but that could also be a benefit. People who like it on the iphone may also purchase the full version for the PC. Of course, it would only make sense to do if the development tools allow you to port it without a total redesign.
  9. Brit, I just noticed that you did up the inf defense value in the last update. Ran the combat sim and it looks like for same tech level tank vrs inf entreched in cities the odds are right at 50/50 (avg damage on tank is 2x on inf, but inf has 1/2 hp). Is there anyway to set the combat sim to sim 2 (or more) turns? Better, but given that inf tech level usually lags tank tech level by 1 tanks still have a slight advantage. I still think that unless entreched inf doesn't have a clear advantage over tanks it doesn't make sense to use them (like 70-80%). They are slow, takes time to entrench, and are no good at offense. They need to excel at defense or they won't be used. I do see the point that in a tank vrs entrenched inf fight the tank side looses more production points overall. But the main point of the defensive unit is to win the battle, not attrite the enemy. Whoever wins gets the city and that alone will offset any production point difference. A different way to make them more useful is to have them use only 0.5 food/oil. You could then have 2 in each city (and thus better defense). It just seems odd to have a inf army eat less than a tank army...
  10. Thanks! That is a good way to handle it Best bet for planes then is to avoid (fly around) any other units except the target. One other thought I had.... How about increasing the attack value of all aircraft when they only plot to use 50% of their total range that turn. This would simulate heavier weopons load out vrs fuel. More importantly, it gives you more advantage in having closer airbases/carriers to the enemy (and hence drives the use of this tactic). Could be interesting at higher tech levels when aircraft range gets longer. You could implement it as a third range circle so people could easily see the effect.
  11. For all other units, they attack all units in range with full force. That makes me think the aircraft probably don't divide their attacks.
  12. I had a few questions about aircraft combat that have been bugging me. For most combat units, they attack EVERY unit within their range with equal force (and vice-versa) for the duration of the turn that they are in range. I another thread it was pointed out that aircraft are different. They do a full turn of combat in a single instant. So naturally this could work a few ways... 1. A full turn of combat is commenced with every unit the aircraft comes in range of in that turn. 2. The aircraft only attacks the unit it TARGETED (what if it was a group?), and only the target attacks back. 3. The aircraft only attacks the unit it TARGETED, but all enemy units in range can attack it (full turn of combat each). 4. The aircraft only attacks the unit it TARGETED (full turn attack), and all enemy units in range can attack it only while it is in range (not full turn attacks) 5. Something else? The answer here will definately effect how I use the tac bombers. Especially if there is a difference in targeting a single unit vrs a group.
  13. I think that for game play purposes, the following would work well: Inf entrenched in city vrs tank (inf wins 80% of time) Inf entrenched in mountain vrs tank (inf wins 70% of time) Inf entrenched in forest vrs tank (inf wins 60% of time) Inf otherwise generally looses Could perhaps do this by giving inf more hit points? Multiple ways to acheive it of course. Tactically, this makes inf more useful. Right now they are too slow for offense, and too weak for defence. They aren't cheap either because they eat as much food/oil as a tank and that is often the limiting factor. This will also drive more need for combined arms to be effective. Tanks for quickly capturing land resources and mobile fights. Inf for defensive positions. Tanks will need some artillery backup when sieging cities with lots of dug in inf. Defender can also use arty as counterbatterys. Probably need to experiment with it a bit to get it right.
  14. Anyone think that infantry is too weak (compared to tanks)? Tanks aren't much more expensive, travel faster, eat the same food/oil, and pretty much always win in a fight (even against inf entrenched in cities). Other than for airfields, any reason to use them?
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