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Everything posted by Yasko

  1. Thanks. I'm having so much fun with this game, and the add ons are great. I hope to upgrade to the Marine and British mods very soon.
  2. Hi, where can I get mods and scenarios from Paper Tiger? Is there a link? I'm new and I love this game. I only have the base game for now, and I hope to up grade after I finish the 1st campaign. The 3rd party add ons have been great.
  3. How do I uses add on maps? Is it possible to uses add on maps for quick battles?
  4. I bought the boxed Combat Mission Shock Force about two weeks ago, and the videos have help my learning curve big time. Slow and sure helps me win all mission. What add on, mods, or scenarios should I move on to next? Free please until I can afford the Marine mod.
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