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Posts posted by Snowstorm

  1. Well, keep in mind you're playing against an A.I., which probably was scripted to keep sending invasion forces to liberate Europe at that point, and was NOT scripted to deal with hostile naval units nearby while launching them. They were probably supposed to be protected by other offensive naval units, but you already destroyed them, I would think. Such are the limitations of playing against the computer. ;)

  2. One thing I have noticed (on or about 1942-3) in the 1939 campaign is the absolute neutrality of formerly French north Africa. Sometime after Vichy France was created, I attacked and conquered rather quickly (as the Axis) Vichy France, and even Spain. North Africa, much to my surprise, remained perfectly neutral. I would have sworn in the previous games north Africa would rejoin the Allies when the Axis attacked Vichy France. Am I wrong, or is this an unexpected bug? I haven't seen this mentioned as of yet.


  3. In playing the Axis in 1939, I noticed after taking ALL of England the port of Belfast in northern Ireland is still in Allied hands, even though there is not a single tile one can land on to take the port. Is this a bug? It is impossible for me to take the port of Belfast without having Germany declare war on neutral Ireland.

    IMHO, the port should either be made part of Ireland, or at least a tile in northeastern Ireland closest to the port made to be British (as a half Irish Catholic, I won't even get into the political debate about that! ;):D ).

    Either way, there seems to be a need for a better resolution to this.

  4. My Axis strategy in the Pacific has been to just hold China, and go island hopping. I've done well so far, grabbing nearly every Allied island in the west Pacific, seized New Zealand, and have about the eastern half of Australia.

    One possible thorn: that Australian HQ in Canberra is one tough nut to crack. It's entrenchment is zero, but I can barely cause any losses to it in spite of two carriers whaling at it continuously, and a ground unit next to it isn't doing much better. :confused:

    China is building up quite a bit but the Japs are holding. One problem though: Once I started Operation Sealion into England, the Russians declared war on Germany, and I had the Japs declare war on Russia in support, so things could get pretty interesting for Japan in Asia, depending on the Russian reaction toward Manchuria. This is in September of 1940.

  5. Bluestew,

    I can't say what your problem is, but I can tell you what it isn't:

    It has nothing to do with the server going down. If you downloaded and installed the game along with the online license, the game should be fine. My guess is it's something having to do with the computer hardware/applications you specifically have. Otherwise, you can send an email to the administrator on this site. They could steer you in the right direction for your answer.


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