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Posts posted by LUCASWILLEN05

  1. I know Battlefront regarded Shockforce as a finished project. However, in the light of tee recent real world events on the Syria/Turkish border pershaps they might like to reconsider and add a Turkish expansion.

    I suspect many of the basics for Turkish equipment is already there with the NATO expansion although some additional work on the Turkish TOE would be required. While you are doing that you could also open up the month and year menu to allow for battles with more variety in season and Syrian weather. I for one would be happy to pay the usual sort of price for a module expansion.

  2. It was clearly an explosion caused by on board ammo etc "cooking off" as happens in real life. That halftrack got too close the burning tank and paid the price being caught in one of the secondary explosions.How often secondary explosions may occur might depend on the amount opf ammo still on board the burnig tank.Moral of the story is don't get too close to burning AFVs or you run the risk of a "sympathetic" explosion as the posterfound out.

  3. I like the sound of the next Combat Mission modern. A war between NATO and Russia in a Eastern European setting (Ukraine, Poland. Baltic States, Russia) using the most modern equipment sounds great. Any firmer idea of the timescale for bringing this one out? Other than "when it is ready" :D

    The other WW2 games are also on my "to buy" list


  4. Would be nice to have an orders function button to set infantry squad/team and tank platoon formations. Could be something as simple as setting a group formation to wedge, echelon (left amd right), line or march column. Could work for larger formations like platoons and companies.


  5. You might deal with this in the scenario briefing indicating the presence of minefields in a certain area and perhaps showing areas where minefields exist. However, not all minefields are known and a nasty scenario designer could position unknown minefields for you to blunder into. It might be argued that in a fast moving situation unknown minefield might be more of a risk but some warning might still be given in the scenario briefing.

  6. Quite so. Of course there are other options with a four company battalion. You could for example advance with one company forward, three in reserve. Or you could have the companies in an echeloned line. Or you can combine deployments for example one company ahead, three companies in reserve advancing in echelon. A wedge or column formation are also options.

    At company level you might do something very similar except you use platoons.

  7. Assault works well in certain situations and I have used it on occasion but when you first make contact and your not ready to assault yet, splitting your squads and forcing them to disperse seems to help to keep down the casualties.

    Also by directing your assault yourself you can take advantage of little techniques like this:

    When assaulting a building move your assault element using <quick> to the door of the building and have them stop or pause (10-15 secs) at the door. During this pause period they will in some cases attempt to throw grenades into the building before entering.

    Keep in mind that many times your fire and maneuver is conducted at the PLT level where you have one squad laying down a base of fire and another squad conducting the assault.

    If you have several companies (eg a battalion) you can use fire and manouvre tactics at this level. Lead with one oe two infantry companies to find and fix enemy positions. Have between one and three infantry companies plus armour as your reserve/manouver force. When your lead companies engage an enemy they cannot defeat on their own your reserve force attempts to flank the enemy posdition either to bypass it or to attack. It is exactly thesame principle at company level.

  8. Haven't read all the suggestions here but I'm sure they are all great ... I thought I would add a few of my own observations.

    Watch your C2 (Command & Control) status on your units. When you first make contact and start to developed the situation, split your squads into teams and keep them dispersed so that one mortar round doesn't wipe out the whole lot. When you split squads remember to watch your C2!

    Always have plenty of fire support before you move this means tanks, MG's and on board mortars. If you don't know exactly where the enemy is located then area fire at suspected locations.

    When you pinpoint a known location then bring as much fire to bear as possible and try to flank the position instead of charging head on.

    i am particularly fond of putting y squads on Assault orders instead of splitting them up. The squad advances using fire and manouvre but the point about the artillery threat is well taken,

  9. The US army found it hard to crack the Bocage. Don't rush ahead with your tanks. Use them to provide support to the infantry. When you have Rhino equipment use it to breach the hedgerow. Use artillery (including mortars0 and air support. Use fire and manouvve tactics at all levels. Use smoke. Don't rush and be patient.

    British forces may well be operating in open country/ It is good tank country but also good anti tank country and one suspects this benefits the Germans who might often use buildings (farms/villages/towns) woods and hills around which to plave defensive strongpoints. Using several anti tank guns in a strongpoint with infantry support setting up an interlocking defensive line of these and backing this up with mobile forces could be a tough nut to crack. Against this strong combined arms forces backed with air and artillery are required.

  10. Though the earlier Siegfried Line battles around Stolberg, Aachen and earlier operations in the Hurtgen Forest should be possible with the introduction of new organisations like the Volksgrenadiers. This part of the campaign might cover the September and October time frame. The November Offensive might be a Bulge option or it might be included with Market Garden if they stick with the 3 month format. Covering the forgotten campagns to clear the Scheldt, Overloon and the Channel Ports would be good particularly if they could find a ay to do "funnies" like the flail tanks which would be really nice although maybe hard to program and get the graphics right,

  11. I think Market Garden actually needs to cover the autumn/early winter (Pre Bulge) campaign on the Siegfried Line. Personally I think Siegfried Line (aka Hanging out the Washing) would be a better title than Market Garden, I would rather see the next two or three games as expansions to Normandy covering the rest of the NW European Campaign. No need to reinvent the wheel which you could better achieve in future releases covering the Russian Front, Mediterranean and early Blitzkrieg campaigns.

  12. I can seconmany of thesuggestions above but for the Canadians I eould suggest Fields of Fire by terence Copp and, from he German side Meyer's divsisional history. Michael Reynolds has also produced a number of excellent accounts from the German side. He has also writtebn a history of the US 29th and British 3rd Infantry divisions ((Eagles and Bulldogs in Normandy 1944) Patrick Delaforce wrote a number of very useful British divisional histories.

  13. UIsing the German option for NATO would be particularly interesting as they only have fixed wing air support. Easily dealt with as you can give them support from other NATO nations. Canadian, Dutch and Marinroptions or a mix would be interesting particularly for a Northern Front scenario circa earl to mid July after Alleppo has fallen. Looking at the printed campaign map tank battleswould be a particularly appropriate setting around Salamiyah and Zaydal Dutch and Canadians could come down as reinforcements for these actions

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