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Battlefront Repository

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Everything posted by Battlefront Repository

  1. Small tool that can be used to generate a sortable listing of scenario files (.btt files) and campaign files (.cam files) in a directory. Extracts individual scenarios from campaigns. More...
  2. Weathered, battleworn, dirty Panzers, but trying not to hide details. All Panzer Variants included. Photoreal mud, dirt, rain marks, added,...Hope you like them now. More...
  3. July 17th 1944, time 06:45, weather with overcast and west gentle wind. Oberleutnant Muller with your 2 Kompanie – II Battalion – 1058 RI – 91 Luftlande Division, your orders from the regiment are to defend the Douve river fords and bridges, from the west bank. At least one battalion of the US 358th IR is known to have reached its departure line in front of your area from our increasing radio intercepts. Armor, has also been heard during the night close to the front line. Your task is to delay the “Amis”, the time for a Kampfgruppe with some tanks and mounted Infantry to rejoin you. You must deny, to the enemy, the control of La Rondehaye and Sainteny and avoid as much as you can heavy casualties. You must maintain 70% of your forces in a combat state, since your orders are to break contact during the next night and retreat to a new prepared, defence line 10 kilometers away. Jabos are for the time being not reported over our operation area and the overcast will remain for most of the day preventing and or rending difficult any of their attack. More...
  4. The marsh pattern camouflage is mixed with Splitter muster 31 and field gray uniforms. (Heer uniforms only) I made this bonus pack because people were asking me for it. More...
  5. This mod includes the Italian camouflage pattern.I also made an update from the first mod pack: Pack_3_Ger_Uniforms.brz to Pack_3.1_Ger_Uniforms.brz. More...
  6. Guten Tag Hauptmann Reinhardt. You are in command of I. Kompanie and depleted units from II.Kompanie with the help from Leutnant Schönfelder from the IV.Kompanie of the 1st Abteilung, Pz. Reg 160 of the Winhund (or Greyhound) Division.We are trying to push the enemy back and we are advancing North towards Saint Berthelemy. Enemy fighter-bomber Typhoons have been hitting us hard lately, but we have been able to assign to you two PzKpfw. IVs and three Sturmgeschütz IIIs and a JadgPanzer IV. Your Kompanie´s morale is not the highest, specially after continous artillery barrages and figher-bomber attacks last weeks but as we were approaching St Barthelemy, we found that the two villages in front of us are being occupied by enemy troops. Don´t let them flank us in our advance. Your right flank seems to be a good choice according to Oberfeldwebel Knocke of I. Zug, but other flanks must be covered too. Anyway, we are the Greyhounds, so advance without fear and repel the amis, they have been surprised somehow to see us coming , make them know what the Windhund is made of. 50+ Turns. Axis Probe. Small map. ONLY Axis Vs AI More...
  7. Snakes and Ladders: Single scenario battle on a new 960mX640m mapDescription: Version 2.0 rebalanced forces. Thanks for the PMs and input.Your Rifle Company has been rushed to seal the pocket on the encircled Battalion Panzer-Abteilung II. Presently you are on an exposed flank, and your armored support is bottled up in the town. Numerous panzer engines in the distance have simultaneously turned over. The radio net comes alive with chatter...... 1 X Infantry Company (dismounted)1 X Sherman Tank Platoon1 X Light Tank Platoon1 Armoured Car SectionNotes: This is a Meeting Engagement, but also has episodes of Defence, Attack, and Probing. Time allotted is 1 hour. Allows plenty of time to plan movement around inaccessable terrain, open areas, and vehicle choke points. More...
  8. Allied Attack. 55+ Turns. Small map. Company sized battle. Infantry and Armor.__________________________________________________________________ Vigourous resistance by the Germans allows them to still hold the heights between Gathemo and Perrier. Sourdeval is still under a rain of shells. You are commanding units from the 110th Regiment of the 28th Division. After huge artillery barrages in the surrounding heights in front of us you are to take the next village, Vengeons, on our way to Sourdeval and Mortain. We are trying to surround them, so you must push hard.Enemy is the 116th Panzer Division, or what is left of them. We sent some scout units to the vicinity of the bridge earlier this morning, but were fiercely attacked by enemy artillery. The enemy surely believes we are about to cross, so it´s been shelling the bridge the whole morning. Watch out and don´t rush. They have a reduced, exhausted company with some armor support in the village. They know they may be surrounded, so even if they are dug in, their morale is low. (Version 2.0) 1-8-2011----------------------------------For version 2.0 the force balance has been modified in order to allow allied players to get a victory without suffering great losses. Some terrain and foliage added to provide concealment and approach routes. Deleted some Axis assets and modified headcounts. More...
  9. Snakes and Ladders: Single scenario battle on a new 960mX640m mapDescription:Your Rifle Company has been rushed to seal the pocket on the encircled Battalion Panzer-Abteilung II. Presently you are on an exposed flank, and your armoured support is bottled up in the town. Numerous panzer engines in the distance have simultaneously turned over. The radio net comes alive with chatter...... 1 X Infantry Company (dismounted)1 X Sherman Tank Platoon1 X Light Tank Platoon1 Armoured Car SectionNotes: This is a Meeting Engagement, but also has episodes of Defence, Attack, and Probing. Time allotted is 1 hour. Allows plenty of time to plan movement around inaccessable terrain, open areas, and vehicle choke points. More...
  10. This mod includes different German camouflage soldiers. It is separated in 3different packs (only summer camouflage). More...
  11. This is it; D-Day. The 82nd and 101st Airborne Divisions will drop behind Utah and Omaha beaches, provide flank cover, and secure vital bridges and towns. Because of low clouds and surprisingly heavy anti-aircraft fire, many transport planes have missed their jump zones by miles.The Germans have also flooded part of the lowlands near the Merderet River. This looks like "low marshland" from the air, but in reality the water is 1-2 meters deep.Your mission is to get to shore and clear enemy positions. You have about two platoons of 82nd Parachute platoons. Small and short scenario (35 min). More...
  12. British troops and irregular forces fighting for control of the road .Only H2H . 25 turns .http://www.ostfrontwargames.com/ More...
  13. Marzo 45 . La lucha por las instalaciones portuarias de la peninsula de Peenemunde esta en todo su zenit . Quien controle las instalaciones controlara la armas del futuro.Escenario H2H . 25 Turnos variables. http://www.ostfrontwargames.com/ More...
  14. Semihistorica batalla en Stalingrado. mapa grande y mucha batalla H2H More...
  15. This is a NEW totally reworked version of Vin's animated text mod CMSF to v2.0 thanks to Marco Bergman taking an interest in the mod concept, and offering to create graphic contributions I requested.This mod has been tested with CMSF 1.32, and changes the soldier stat text to make it easier to distinguish the actions of each soldier in the squad at a glance, and separate teams within the squad by use of type styles, and symbols. It gives the text an "animated" feel, and gives the player a clearer picture of the actions at a glance. The mod contains two versions. One is "heavy”, and one is "light" with the only difference in the two being the action "Spotting". The “heavy” version uses a symbol of an "eye to show the action. The “light” version maintains the word as a kind of filter that can be ignored making the more important symbol actions stand out. Other than that all graphic symbols in the "legend" are used.To change anything to your preference you can draw the symbols in the “string” text file using the number code that is on the font explain pic. To draw hold down the Alt key while pressing the numbers on the NUMBER PAD ONLY, then release the alt key. You will see a symbol then appear where you have typed, but the graphic symbol will show in the game. To use the mod place either the "heavy", or "light" folder inside the "z" folder.Enjoy!Vin ... More...
  16. An American tank column needs to take a town entry but is pinned down by AT guns in woods. Best played as US vs AI or Human vs Human More...
  17. Allied Attack. 55+ Turns. Small map. Company sized battle. Infantry and Armor.__________________________________________________________________ Vigourous resistance by the Germans allows them to still hold the heights between Gathemo and Perrier. Sourdeval is still under a rain of shells. You are commanding units from the 110th Regiment of the 28th Division. After huge artillery barrages in the surrounding heights in front of us you are to take the next village, Vengeons, on our way to Sourdeval and Mortain. We are trying to surround them, so you must push hard.Enemy is the 116th Panzer Division, or what is left of them. We sent some scout units to the vicinity of the bridge earlier this morning, but were fiercely attacked by enemy artillery. The enemy surely believes we are about to cross, so it´s been shelling the bridge the whole morning. Watch out and don´t rush. They have a reduced, exhausted company with some armor support in the village. They know they may be surrounded, so even if they are dug in, their morale is low. More...
  18. An American tank column needs to take a town entry but is pinned down by AT guns in woods. Best played as US vs AI or Human vs Human More...
  19. 25 turns . Only H2H . Allied attack.http://www.ostfrontwargames.com/ More...
  20. Allied Attack. 55+ Turns. Small map. Company sized battle. Infantry and Armor.__________________________________________________________________ Vigourous resistance by the Germans allows them to still hold the heights between Gathemo and Perrier. Sourdeval is still under a rain of shells. You are commanding units from the 110th Regiment of the 28th Division. After huge artillery barrages in the surrounding heights in front of us you are to take the next village, Vengeons, on our way to Sourdeval and Mortain. We are trying to surround them, so you must push hard.Enemy is the 116th Panzer Division, or what is left of them. We sent some scout units to the vicinity of the bridge earlier this morning, but were fiercely attacked by enemy artillery. The enemy surely believes we are about to cross, so it´s been shelling the bridge the whole morning. Watch out and don´t rush. They have a reduced, exhausted company with some armor support in the village. They know they may be surrounded, so even if they are dug in, their morale is low. More...
  21. This mod for the floating icons categorizes the different units by size and shape (HQs are round, tanks square, support units hexagonal, etc.). Beware that it may take a bit to get used to. Version 1.1 makes only minor changes to 1.0: altering the color of the lost German icon, and rounding the corners of the vehicle icons. More...
  22. You are in command of the 2nd and 3rd Battalion of the 116th Infantry Regiment (29th Infantry Division). Your task is to gain a foothold on Omaha Beach More...
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