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Everything posted by JonathanH

  1. Thanks for the advice guys It took me until August '44 to get my forces into Manchuko, but I seem to have cracked him wide open. Now if I can just consolidate before the snows come...
  2. It's March 1944. Playing as the Japanese against the AI on default settings, I've conquered India and China, and sunk the first American fleet that came out to find me. I'm pulling in about 850 MPP a turn. My ships are back in home port getting repairs and all the latest upgrades, and now I'm wondering where my 20+ armies should go for their summer vacation. Australia is an obvious choice, especially because the Americans are using it to send transports towards Java. But it looks awfully big and empty. And after I captured China, the USSR's war percentage climbed from 48% to 72%. My diplomats have been doing their best, but Stalin hasn't budged. If there's going to be fighting on that front soon, then I'd prefer it to be on terms of my choosing, i.e. a pre-emptive declaration and invasion. Especially if I can grab a foothold before his industry really kicks into high gear. Any opinions one way or the other? This is the first game I've played this far along, so I don't know just how big and angry the Russian bear will be if I wake it
  3. Yup, this was user error on my part - that's what an HQ looks like when you've already moved him on the turn he arrived Anyway, the HQ didn't get long to "enjoy" Rabaul - now he's off to help retake Wake. Those damn cunning Americans, they're everywhere...
  4. Sent. Maybe the HQ realized that this was the last chance of life he'd get before being shipped off to some Pacific hell-hole, so he got incapacitated during a 2-week bar crawl around Tokyo docks [Or maybe it was late-night user error...]
  5. I'm playing the patch 1 beta with the segmentation violation fix, and have just hit an interesting problem in the campaign. Last turn I received a new HQ (Mutaguchi), so I placed him in the square west of Tokyo. Tokyo itself was occupied by the home guard. This turn I went to put him onto a fast transport... and I find he has 0 supply (grayed out) and 0 action points. Can't do a thing with him. He just sits there. I've attached a fraction of a screenshot. Any ideas? I need this man organizing a defense on Rabaul, not acting old and tired on Tokyo docks!
  6. Thanks for the patch! It's solved a segmentation violation problem that was crashing my campaign in the "animate_purchases" step. Much appreciated - now the AI can place the XV Indian corps outside Hyderabad without crashing the game. Although I doubt that corps will live through the next turn, since it appeared right next to one of my armies
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