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Posts posted by Noltyboy

  1. In a word, no.

    Can't you read the Rules? True, they were presented by Boo Radley and therefore lack wit, panache, style, enjoyability and depth, but still . . . what part of "Peng CHALLENGE Thread" are we having problems understanding?

    Go out there and sound off like you have a pair -- but not about your pair, please, there are Ladies present.

    Oh, and challenge someone to a game of CMBN, mmkay?

    What, you don't have it yet? Come back when you do.

    Or you could just sod off.


    Rules? RULES! Rules are surely for Girls, Queens and the Elvis vs. JonS DAR Discussion Thread! And Panache? Im British! We invented it! Or at least stole it off the French. Same thing to be honest!

    No! SOD OFF and take your silly hairy sporran home with ya!

    (Did I do that right, or was it too harsh?)

    Oi we shall hae less or that laddie! Now weesh or i shall set the haggis on you!! (or should that be Haggi? Well whatever the plural for haggis is.)

  2. I doubt that's gonna happen, even for the contemporary base games (e.g normandy and bagration). Assuming they keep improving the engine between releases, making the newest release work with the old content will be an effort that will not really be rewarding financially to them as people will have already bought the earlier base games and (understandably) not be willing to pay too much to be able to combine the content...

    If it was possible id like to see them upgrading the other ones via patches so CM:BN would be on the same as the CM:Bagration.

  3. So one of the things BF are looking at (in the future) is the eventual use of Medium and light AAA against the enemy aircraft. However will this include things like the AA mounts on top of tanks (I.E. the commanders MG34 or .50) as well as infantry using rifles and LMG's etc? From what ive read people tended to throw everything they had at incoming aircraft.

  4. I think that incident is discussed by SLA Marshall in one or more of his books. I believe it's A Soldier's Load where he notes that armies send infantry into combat loaded down with all kinds of heavy but now underused paraphernalia, and the bayonet (as opposed to a trench knife) is one example.

    Id say the Brit lads that used them in Iraq and Afghanistan would disagree with you on that.

    Fixing bayonets focus's the mind and loosens bowls! :P

  5. I never have actualy read about instances of close combat (that is combat with bajonets, or hitting the enemy with rifles or entrenching tools) in Normandy. Closest I have read about is tossing grenades and shooting point blanc.

    Has anyone links to actual combat reports or reasonable reliable histories where there is any? (In this theatre and this time frame?)

    Didnt someone in the 101st win the MOH for leading a bayonet charge on DDay?

  6. I still think "cold war gone hot" in 1980 (say able archer did kick off in 83) would be awesome. lots of lovely Kit (including Abrams!) that would leave the sides reasonably ballanced. Lots of modules for BOAR, NVA and the Bundshwear. Also we could have tactical nukes and a CAS option!!

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