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Posts posted by stoex

  1. In case you haven't done so yet, DeutschRitter, check page 18 in the manual for all the camera movement options and play around with them in-game to see what works for you...

    The zoom function is an absolute favourite of mine as well as the wide angle camera mode for that extra bit of overview...there's a lot of things you can do in CMSF to see what's going on around the battlefield WITHOUT having to change the camera position at all, which I greatly appreciate because it speeds things up when I don't repeatedly have to look for that "sweet spot" where I can see all my important units at the same time.

    Rotate camera, zoom in, see what's going on over in that corner in great detail, maybe give some orders, zoom out, rotate back - works in a few seconds and the camera stays in my sweet spot all the time :)

  2. Thanks for the info, Ken...like I said my recall of the exact details was hazy, and now you mention it I do seem to remember hearing that sometime. Anyway, I'd filed the whole episode under "Don't we all have more serious things to worry about?", which is why I didn't remember that clearly, I guess. Probably shouldn't have written about it in that case, but I think my previous post on this subject made it clear that my knowledge-based opinion on it is, quite simply put, this:

    Gasoline in car fuel tanks won't blow up no matter what you do to it. Other things, however, blow up just fine, and if there happens to be gasoline or a car tank close by when that happens, one may get a different impression. In other words, anything that actually causes gas in a tank to blow up is so bad that the gas isn't going to make any noticeable difference to the result. Either that or it'S been carefully rigged.

    Thanks again for the reminder, though, and I'm certainly with you all the way concerning the news :D

  3. As far as I'm concerned, in SP mode, everyone should be free to determine their own RoE...I have no trouble using my advantages over the AI, like its lack of use of area fire. AFAIK the AI ONLY fires on sight except if it has an arty firing plan imposed on it by the scenario designer. For me, whatever the game lets me do (if it's not an obvious exploit of a bug or prior knowledge) is fine to do :). I will NOT, for instance, fire without contact on known enemy positions if I am replaying a scenario, but I WILL move to better covering positions since I consider that a result of tactical awareness that I don't have because I have never had any army training, and lack of which causes me to get whacked a lot :D. Sometimes I need "subtle hints" to figure out where the enemy is "obviously" going to be waiting for me. Obviously to people who have been taught this kind of thing, that is...

    PvP is a totally different matter, of course, and if I play another person I make sure to agree upon RoE beforehand.

  4. something I've had trouble with is this: I can't seem to rotate vehicles while they are covering an arc.

    Example: when I want to make a tank move somewhere while using a covered arc, then when it gets there rotate its front towards the covered arc's center to giive it optimal protection, it will accept the "face" command, but it won't execute it. instead it will sit there with the purple "face" line sticking out of its side towards the middle of the covered arc. I have to remove the covered arc to get it to rotate on the spot.

    Aside from the fact that I find this behaviour mildly unrealistic, I would find it a very useful thing for vehicles to be able to do :).

  5. I do also recall there being a recall of some model of pickup some years ago, don't remember which make or brand, because under certain circumstances if the pickup got hit in the side where the tank was by another car at high speed, there was a significant chance of the gasoline igniting more or less seriously. There were even some videos where they showed tests of this happening, but it was before youtube I think and I can't seem to find those vids anywhere now.

    Anyhow, that was due to a serious design flaw and was extremely rare even under controlled test circumstances AFAIK, so not really anything you could make a case out of for CMSF. Worrisome if you had that kind of pickup, of course :D, but they did recall them. Anyone remember this?

    EDIT: Thanks Steve, for providing another grateful forum user with an excellent signature ;)...starting with my next post

  6. hotseat is certainly a must for proper testing...

    Personally I'd settle for some good firing range maps...I'm a really crummy map designer :D. I could probably manage some basic firing lanes, but I'd probably miss some terrain details and not even notice, never mind an urban environment. I'd do my own units anyway, so for me the return fire thing isn't going to be such an issue anyway, I'll just try around and see what works best for me.

    Definitely would enjoy some good maps that give me lots of terrain testing options though, thanks for the effort, Normal Dude!

  7. I always found the keyboard controls in CMx1 too slow, though it was nice to have three levels of speed for camera movement (keyboard, mouse on screen edge, and the buttons in the UI). In CMSF we only have two speeds, and it took me a little getting used to, but I'm doing fine now and I'm convinced you will too, DeutschRitter.

    Anyway, in CMSF I find I have to look at things more closely than in CMx1, so I've found I have to move the camera around more and differently than I used to, and the new way of doing it corresponds to that need, I think.

  8. vapor is the key here, definitely...but it's not so easy to get as it seems.

    chemically, the only substances that can really "explode" in the actual sense are those that are already mixed in suitable proportions with their appropriate reactant (oxygen in most cases, but can be other things as well). most explosives which are used in ammunitions or bombs carry most or all of their reactant directly in their chemical compound, are therefore rather volatile and require only an appropriate energy source to go start the chain reaction we see as an explosion(heat or an electric shock, for certain very dangerous compounds strong mechanical force like compression or even shaking may suffice).

    gasoline, diesel, oil and whatever other stuff might be found in a car always needs the oxygen from air to ignite, and that in very precise proportions. therefore, these will only burn on the surface if there is the right amount of oxygen touching that surface. to explode (which is really only the pressure increase caused by heat from a very fast burn, and gasoline burns comparatively slowly even at its best), gasoline needs to be aerosolized evenly and ignited at precisely the right moment. That combination is very unlikely to be achieved in an uncontrolled environment like firing an MG at a car's gas tank. A HE round, say an ATGM's warhead or a tank's shell, is a slightly different matter, but in this case the explosion of the round would usually be so fast that its "igniting potential" on the gasoline (the heat) would already be wasted and dissipated by the time the gasoline got properly aerosolized by the blast. Remember that it takes a LOT of boom to actually blow a car inside out, which is basically what you would need to aerosolize the gasoline to an ignitable mix with the air's oxygen. Also, the explosion of an HE round not only blast parts of whatever it hits a long way away, but also the surrounding air itself..and without air, no ignition of the gasoline...

    Sorry for cracking wise with all the science here, but I actually studied this stuff for a while, and did excessive research to build large but safe tin can bombs in my backyard :D

  9. sergei, is there any way of ordering that renowned beet liquor from Krasnofeck online or something? sounds really yummy actually, particularly since I was recently tasked with fetching a bottle of lentil liquor for some busy NPC in "Sacred 2" and can still taste the sip of that which I got as a reward (stupid stingy NPC's).

    Seriously, that sentence summed up so many experiences I had in CMBB where I decided to skip pages 4-16 of some overdone briefing, just to get creamed handily by the AI because the information I would have REALLY needed to know what I was doing was somewhere on page 12... :D

  10. first off, excellent idea Normal Dude!!

    the only thing I can come up with to prevent return fire from the range targets while leaving all their other capabilities intact is a little clumsy, I admit, but it'll work for sure (assuming blue side as side to be trained/tested and red as range targets in this description):

    first, set up all red units with minimum ammo to start with. then build the range so that the red and blue units have no immediate LOS to one another, but blue can be moved to their firing positions later. now just let the reds fire at area targets somewhere on the range until they run out of ammo, shouldn't take more than a few minutes in any case. when they're all out of ammo, bring the blues into play and presto, shooting fish in a barrel :D...

    the added bonus is that while you would have to spend a few minutes emptying the range targets' ammo before you can start your actual tests, once they are empty you won't have to worry about them any more at all. whereas with the target arcs you might have to reset these often when the red units panic and then return to their senses before the blues turn them into sieves ;)

    seems to me that setting firing arcs for the range targets won't be really good anyway because the AI will eventually decide that the commander is just trying to get them all killed and fire outside the target arcs in self-defense.

  11. c3k, I have now also noticed that I don't have the white casings in every scenario...to be exact, I seem to have them in all the original CMSF scenarios, but not in ones I have downloaded from CMMods (just playing TF Narwick, excellent stuff that!!!). which is odd but I can't figure out what it might mean. I have no modules or mods installed, so that can't be an issue. weird one...

  12. Sergei, I think you are missing an important point here: your last post is actually not complaining about the limitations of Ken's postulated "HOLD" command, but rather about the limitations of WeGo play....

    There will always be a number of things intrinsically unrealistic in CM (compared to RL) when you can only change your unit's orders once a minute...in RT, you can easily issue specific new HOLD orders to your units every time the threat situation changes (at least theoretically, if you are constantly watching that particular unit and ignoring your other Pixeltruppen. Which again has its drawbacks, obviously).

    If what you are asking for are detailed and predefined standing orders for targetting, engagement, and ordnance conservation that are relevant to every situation a unit can encounter within a scenario - I'm going to have to say forget it...that is clearly well beyond the scope of a RT-based engine under the current technical limitations of hardware, unless you happen to be the owner of the oft-quoted NSA mainframe. And even in that case you'd have to code your own applications to make use of your awesome computing power. No PC can check so many values against so many parameters for so many entities in RT.

    Therefore, a compromise is in order. And I think that Ken's idea would probably give us more possibilities than we have now, MAYBE without terminally bogging down the CMSF engine, which is why I like it :). On the other hand, I have next to no feeling for the technical implications of that idea, so while I definitely also hope we will see some improvement in this respect in the future, as always I am content to rely on BF's good judgement as to what is possible and what is not.

  13. check out my previous post in this thread stikkypixie. reloading was my last idea for the interruption... :)

    OK, as far as I'm concerned this discussion is over, though, as I've only now taken the time to completely read the documentation snake eye provided. The gunner is obviously reloading as the ammo belts are 48 and 50 rounds long respectively. Works for me.

    Sorry for being such a dud when all the answers were already given...it was late last night for me when you posted that doc, snake eye, and I really only looked at the pictures and read the bold type :D

  14. i wish there was a way to hold fire with certain weapons and only use others. particularly a problem for infantry...in a MOUT environment where infantry is up against a combined force, it would be really nice if the first thing my squads did upon spotting an enemy infantry squad was NOT to waste their only RPG on that squad just to find a BMP come round the corner 10 seconds later...

    Sergei, a "move to LOS" command would indeed be interesting...select the order, click on the spot you want the unit to be able to see, then place some waypoints along the path you want them to take for the purpose - and the unit stops as soon as it has LOS to the designated spot. "Move to (sight) contact with a certain terrain spot" is another way of phrasing it.

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