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Posts posted by stoex

  1. You're right of course, Sergei...in the case of Gen. J-Sun's measley Syrian troops. But then I guess that is what most of the Syrian units in CMSF seem to be doing most of the time anyway (facing off map somewhere praying), which is why they aren't real effective at spotting the enemy and using their weapons against them :).

    As for Gen. J-Sun himself, who is the one I really meant should be praying for higher support for his pixeltruppen, since he is located in NYC, a general eastern-ish facing should be fine...

  2. hcrof,

    I find that well-placed ATGM teams don't usually need to be moved after every shot, but it's an interesting idea that I will try (depending on the situation).

    What I really don't understand is how you can find micromanagement easier in WeGo???? In RT I can coordinate every action of the ATGM team (and their spotter, if applicable) to the second and don't have to guess how long something will take...good organization in RT means that no unit ever wastes a second on the battlefield. I must admit that my RT battles take between 2 to 5 times as long as the net time to play out when I really get going with my micromanagement :).

    I do, however, agree in that I never give target arcs to ATGMs either. I want full control as to when they shoot at what.

  3. Pandur, I can understand that Hasrabit 1 would feel a lot different in WeGo - in RT of course I was able to perfectly coordinate my ATGMs. There are however about as many missiles at your disposal as there are enemy vehicles, so if you manage to maximise LOS for your launchers in the setup phase you should be able to get a pretty good result in WeGo as well. Plus you have a lot of other VERY useful AT assets in that mission. I found it a cakewalk every time, actually.

  4. Hehe, I knew someone was gonna dislike my statement about the SMAW. It has its uses, for sure, and a 2-man team is always good for scouting or occupying an objective :).

    About the helos....I do like to be reasonably sure that there is something for them to hit in the 400m radius before I call them in - you can lose valuable time for the next call if you sic 'em on an empty field. The other time factor is of course the spotting unit. Eyes on target need to be a JTAC, FO or at least an officer. Grunts get put on hold so long its not worth it except for static tanks.

    Makes me wonder, though...what tape does the Army/USMC play to you while you're waiting for your connection, sitting in a trench with a platoon of T-90's advancing on you? Do they go with some classic Vivaldi? Or maybe death metal to keep you in that fighting spirit? Elevator music? Or do they try to make the best of it by having a friendly female voice read excerpts from field manuals? If you're using an RPDA for coms they might even give you a low-res video of 'More Cowbell'....'Who's on First?' also comes to mind...no, wait, if it sounds like that it's probably actually the dispatcher. Which explains the 13-minute delay :)....

  5. ATGM effectiveness also depends greatly on the type of ATGM used and the experience of the team. Saggers with green crews will never, ever hit anything, while a Kornet with a team of regular experience will usually achieve a pretty good hit rate on static and slow-moving targets in my experience (maybe 2-3 hits out of 5 shots).

    Pandur, ever played the Hasrabit campaign, first mission? I played it three times and had a grand total of 3 misses out of about 45 missiles fired.

  6. The whole aircraft loadout thing beats me, really. One thing I have noticed though is that light-medium-heavy also seems to correspond to the length of the mission in some way, at least in some cases.

    To be precise, when I called in an apache to take out a static tank for the first time ever (point target), I used 'medium' since I figured I wanted more than just the guns (forget exactly what they are right now, sorry). Chopper came in, whacked the tank with a missile (it brewed up), came round and hit the burning tank with another missile ('gee, thanks', I'm thinking, 'bloodthirsty wasteful idiot pilot')....then I check the status of the chopper via the spotter and guess what - he's coming around AGAIN!!! Then I called him off, of course.

    So now I use 'light' for Apache vs. tank and the chopper comes, dispatches his target with a single missile, and leaves. No guns.

  7. -Flanker: Thanks for the test and update!

    -Fenix: I think we are saying more or less the same thing (talking about the same mission anyway :) )...when arty is all you have against a tank, use it. Also in those missions where you get 2 or 3 batteries of heavy howitzers which have huge amounts of ammo, use it against ANYTHING lol

    -RadioactiveMan: I think SMAWs suck overall, particularly against armour. They're OK against infantry but haven't got a lot of ammo, or precision, or range...Choppers on the other hand are great against vehicles, particularly large numbers of them - if I have the time to call them in.

    -SD Smack: I HATE Syrian arty for its delay and utter lack of precision. If I can't figure out a good place to plop it preplanned, I usually don't bother at all

  8. MikeyD, I agree, and neglected to mention before, that I wouldn't use anything smaller than 105mm to try to knock out armour with arty. I did however mention that I hardly ever use arty against armour anyway - and I expand that comment with 'because I think it's a great whopping waste of perfectly good shells'. :)


    The last time I can remember doing this was in the Semper Fi campaign, Mission 1, when I took out the static tank with an arty strike from the 'naval battery'. But that was because I had no other possible assets to use against it and the shells to spare, so what the haystack :).

  9. In that tower in that mission there's already a sniper on the balcony, and it ain't one of yours. My guess would be that your guys made it up top and spotted their new flatmate and nailed him from close range using their little computer smarts.

    Not necessarily, ShaneO...I just played the second campaign mission and had no enemy sniper team in the tower. No enemies at all in the tower, most of them lying in the sun on the tarmac, in fact. And not paying attention, either. Busted the lot of them rather seriously with Mk19s and 12.7mm MGs :). I Guess using the tower is an AI choice, and I got a stupid AI that battle :D

  10. MGs can be deployed fine on roofs without parapets, roofs with parapets effectively block LOF (but not LOS since the other guys on the team will normally crouch to see over the parapet). Unfortunately this severely limits MG usability in some scenarios, where the building you really want you MG on has the parapet.

    I don't think I've ever tried deploying an MG on any floor of a building except the roof...does anyone know whether this works?

  11. Falconander, I am pretty sure that what you said is essentially correct. I think that a question mark is produced for any part of a squad spotted by your troops (could be one man or several), so that an inf squad moving across terrain will produce several of these 'blips' as individuals in the squad (or team, whatever) are spotted occasionally as they move along. This can become a kind of 'thread' of ?s showing the path of the enemies' movement, letting you guess where they might be headed. Very useful for planning airburst arty strikes, I have found :).

    Also, I have noticed often that when an enemy inf unit is finally ID'd after throwing up ?s for a while in the abovementioned fashion, several of the ?s will vanish at once (very much the way sound contacts and unknown contacts did in CMx1 when you finally spotted/ID'd the unit). This indicates to me that internally there is some kind of a distinction between the ?s, meaning they are tied to an actual individual enemy unit...but this information is not passed on to the player.

    Just for good measure, I repeat my urgent wish for different ? icons for infantry and vehicles....in almost any situation, I think it is highly unrealistic that my pixeltruppen can't tell an unknown infantry unit from an unknown vehicle until they have actually ID'd it as a two man sniper team or a T-72, respectively. To use a drastic example....vehicles and infantry are decidedly different on so many levels :)

  12. Frame rates are really dependent on your view on the battlefield as well as map size and number of units/waypoints. When I get up close and personal with my grunts and tin cans, there's rarely a problem for me. Frankly, I prefer Max detail level and 20ish FPS with an occasional snag when moving the camera to the alternative, simply because things look so DAMN good at max details :).

  13. Yeah, MikeyD, Hills and Highways was a killer for me - I think I restarted that battle 5 or 6 times until I found a strategy that worked at all, and at that point it was already getting a bit gamey since I knew where quite a few of the enemies were. The actual careful and slow tactic I ended up getting my Total Victory with should have been more obvious to me from the outset.

    --------SLIGHT SPOILER ALERT!!!------------

    The key was to find the very few spots on my side of the map where I could actually be certain that my units were safe from enemy fire and then work veeeery slowly out from there. Losses were always too high when I tried to advance without having spotted the key enemy units. My tip: Methodically scan the map from your side AT GROUND LEVEL. Find out where you can move without being seen (there's fewer places than you think, which limits your strategy to the only thing that really works anyway!). Despite this you will still suffer losses here in any case, just make sure they aren't your key assets!

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