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Posts posted by Knokke

  1. Here is the hier.him file I use for my bridge:


    VisibilitySphere 346.25200

    CollisionObject sphere 345.77800 0.0 0.0 0.0

    BoundBox -336.015000 -10.290000 -13.869000 224.114000 11.308000 18.034000

    Mesh Center

    Parent _ROOT_

    Attaching 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0.001 0.001 0.001


    Mesh x0y0_dam0

    Parent Center

    Attaching 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0.001 0.001 7.901

    CollisionObject x_bridge_d0_1

    CollisionObject x_bar_dam0_1

    CollisionObject x_bar_dam0_2

    And here is the entry in the static.ini under section Bridges:


    Title Grav_Bridge_1

    MeshLive 3dobj/environment/bridges/grav_bridge1/var1/hier.him

    Preset Bridge_01

  2. Hi Sneaksie,

    Thank you very much for your answer.

    I don't use a hier.mcn file with MshConverter, but if I had, I would have set it like this:


    VisibilityObject VSphere

    CollisionObject CSphere

    MipMeshDistances 50 150 300 600 1200

    Parent _ROOT_

    WriteMesh Center

    ShowObjects0 Center

    ShowObjects1 none

    HookObject ground_level


    Parent Center

    WriteMesh x0y0_dam0

    ShowObjects0 x0y0_dam0_l0

    ShowObjects1 x0y0_dam0_l1

    ShowObjects2 x0y0_dam0_l2

    ShowObjects3 x0y0_dam0_l3

    ShowObjects4 x0y0_dam0_l4

    ShowObjects5 none

    CollisionObject xbridge_d0_1 x_bridge_d0_1

    CollisionObject xbar_dam0_1 x_bar_dam0_1

    CollisionObject xbar_dam0_2 x_bar_dam0_2

    HookObject explode1

    HookObject explode2

    // eof

    my collision objects seems to be recognized by the game engine as can be seen on the following two screenshots taken in Builder, but the pathfinding cells are not working properly. And as you mentionned, I've executed the command "recalculate pathfinding cells" to no avail.



    Best regards,


  3. You inadvertently actvated the "K" key that make visible the collision objects and collision spheres of objects in the editor. To return back to normal, hit the K key on your keyboard while in the editor.

    By the way, if you look inside the file bldconf.ini, you'll find a list of all the shortcuts usable in the Map Editor.


  4. If you want to modify a map, copy the content of a map in the directory /maps to an other name, load your new map it in the Map Editor and start editing it.

    To create a mission for this new map, load the map in the ToW Battle Generator and start setting the mission up.

    For further refining the mission, load the mission you created in ToW Battle Generator in the Mission-Campaign Editor and modify anything you want.


  5. Hi Sneaksie,

    Could you be able to help me with this issue?

    It looks like i'm unable to set my files properly to have bridges with pathfinding cells working to allow the AI to cross bridges.

    here is the way I've set the collisions in max for my bridge:



    But once loaded in the Map Editor, it looks like only the collisions for the side of the bridge (x_bar_dam0_1 and x_bar_dam0_2) are working and the collision object x_bridge_d0_1 who should allow the pathfinding cells to turn white to allow crossing of the river is not working properly.

    Here is what I get in the Map Editor:



    Only pathfinding cells under the objects x_bar_dam0_1 and x_bar_dam0_2 seems to be working properly. The pathfinding cells under the object x_bridge_d0_1 are still red where I would expect them to be white to allow crossing of the river.

    The AI vehicles and soldiers can use the bridge only up to the river line and are blocked where the pathfinding cells are red under the bridge:


    What is the proper procedure to allow the pathfinding cells to turn white under the x_bridge_d0_1 collision objects?

    I hope you'll be able to give me an answer. Even when importing a default bridge from the game and re-exporting it to ToW without changing the object, I have the same problem of the pathfinding cells not turning white and not allowing the AI to cross rivers.

    What am I doing wrong here?

    Best regards,


  6. I have a problem with the Map Editor since I played with the option to display or hide shadows available in the Video Settings menu: after I ticked the shadows off and on, there was a message saying to restart the editor to change the screen resolution, even if I didn't change anything. After exiting and launching the Map Editor again, it is no longer starting in full screen mode (when I launch it, it is in windowed mode, and the menus are no longer working)

    How can I force the Editor to start in full screen mode?


  7. Hi everyone,

    I finally had success tring to create new static objects for ToW with MshConverter. The utility is a bit tricky to use (or my knowledge of the workings of ToW is not enough yet), but it is working.

    I believe that we are now able to add any units we wish to Theatre of War, both playable units and static objects.

    I hope that more peoples will start to play with MshConverter, so that we can expand this great game even further.

    For now, I'm back working on my new objects for my Operation Market-Garden map.

  8. Hi questdvd,

    You'll need to use 3DSmax to create or modify 3D models in order to be able to import them back in the game. You'll also need Dr.Jones utility called MshConverter v1.17, as well as an utility called SFSextractor 0.3.

    The 3D models in ToW are in *.msh format. This format can be converted to a *.3DS file readable in 3DSmax with MshConverter. But first, you've to extract the objects files from the game (they're stored in *.sfs files) with SFSextractor.

    The objects files in the game are found in the 3dobj folder.

    With MshConverter, either you extract the whole hierarchy (several *.msh at the same time) by exporting the hier.him file of the unit to *.3DS, or you export just part of the model with loading only one *.msh and exporting it to Max.

    MshConverter allow you to see how the model is organized in the game. You'll need to create your new object following the same procedure.

    When all the LODs, collision objects, hooks etc... are done in 3DSmax, you export your *.max file (carefull to keep the same exact hierarchy as the *.msh file) to *.3DS

    you can then load this 3DS file in MshConverter, and you'll need to rename the objects so that the names are exactly the same as the naming convention in the game. You will also need to assign view distances to the LODs.

    Once you new file is set exactly like one in the game, you can export from MshConverter to hier.him

    Once the 3D model is imported in a format readable by the game, you need to create all the configuration files for your new object, following the examples provided by others unit already in game.

    This is basically how to do it. It is not so easy to do, as it involves a lot of trial and error to set a file properly. There are a few tricky parts with the import/export with MshConverter.

    You'll definitely need to check this link to learn the basics of using MshConverter:


    All the needed facts to succeed are to be found in the above link.

    That being said, I'm still unable to make working static objects like buildings into the game.

    This is not much help, I know. I might do a tutorial one of theses days, but don't expect to much, as it is taking a lot of my time, and I would prefer to spend more time implementing my objects in game than doing tutorials. Besides, it doesn't seems like there are that many peoples willing to create new units for ToW.

    If you have problems, remember that everything you need to succeed is to be found at the link I provided above. Peoples there might also be able to help you, if you have questions. Don't hesitate to ask me if you need help. If I can help, I will.

    Good luck with yours projects


  9. Hi everyone,

    I've uploaded a Typhoon support aircraft to the Battlefront files repository.

    This is my small contribution to the ToW community. I started this project as a way to thanks Gnasher for his work on the British Bulldog campaign, and as an test to see if I was able to create new units for Theater of War.

    My thanks goes to Dr.Jones for is utility MshConverter which made it possible, and to Sneaksie for their help an advice.

    Please feel free to post any comments or critics in this thread.

    A happy new year to the ToW community!


  10. Try to edit the file Theater of War/data/Settings/filesid.ini to add a line at the end with the path of the new map you want to create:

    3990 maps/yourmap

    something like the line above (note that the ID number at the beginning of the line will be different for you).

    I remember having a problem with my new map not showing in the map editor until I added a line like this.

    I hope it will solve your problem


  11. The bombs and rockets are not working yet; i still have to figure how the config files work for rocket firing planes, and didn't try the bombs yet. The Typhoon as yet will attack ground targets with 20mm cannons only. But this should'nt be difficult to achieve.

    I'm not sure if Pandora's Box has been opened yet, because I did manage to have only the Tiffie working for now. All my tries with static objects have ended in failure (even the simplest ones). I have three Horsa gliders finished (one intact, one with tail detached and cargo door opened for unloading, and one crashed), two buildings finished (the Grave bridge over the river Maas and the Van Sasse pumping station for the Grave bridge map i'm trying to do), and the St-Elisabeth Church in Grave awaiting complexion, as well as the Dutch bunkers protecting the bridge.

    All theses objects seems to load correctly in the Map Editor, they appears in the list of static objects, but they are nowhere to be seen in the preview window...

    I'm suspecting there is some mistake with the setting of the LODs, because there is something I don't really understand there: the center.msh having a visibility distance of 50, as if it was a LOD in the BIG_Bridge exemple file that Sneaksie generously provided us with.

    At least, I now know how to create new kinds of air support for the game. That is still a beginning. I'll probably have a try at doing a simple vehicle, to see if I can make it work too (perhaps a small parachutable motorcycle as used by the British paratroopers- I could probably use it in some Market-Garden maps, or the modified jeeps with MGs).


  12. Thanks a lot for your offer Sneaksie, but in the mean time, I found the problem. Everything is working fine now.

    I had a talk with Santa-Claus a few days ago; and he told me he agree to make an other round with a Christmas present that was not ready on time for the 25th December:

    A brand new (and working) Typhoon (although it is still a beta)

    Here is a preview of the chrismas present taking pot shots on an unlucky german recon vehicle:


    I still have to wrap the gift correctly before giving it to Santa, but it should'nt be long.


  13. I'm making more progress. I've fixed the texture problem (looks like the texture mapping is flipped 180° when converted from 3DS to msh).

    But I still have a problem that I don't understand yet - it looks like there is some problem with either the display of the LODs or the textures mipmaps, because from various angles and distances, the textures appears all black...

    I really don't understand what the problem could be. It seems LOD1 is the only one to show correctly :confused:


  14. Hi Gnasher,

    I'm back with the best of news:

    The Typhoon is now working in game using MshConverter 1.17.

    Well... almost.

    There is still but a small problem with textures not displaying correctly. It looks like the UV mapping is a little bit messed-up, and I have yet no idea why this is happening.

    But at least, other than this texture problem, everything seems to work correctly as far as I can tell. The typhoon is attacking ground targets just like the Hurricane (with cannon fire only), it is casting a shadow correctly on the ground. I still have to create a test mission to see if it can be destroyed by AA fire.

    I did'nt expect it to be working perfectly right from the beginning, so despite the problems, it's still a big step forward.


  15. I agree with that. Something like the "truce" option in Close Combat, or at least the possibility to withdraw and abandon the ground to the ennemy is really lacking. Strategy also means being able to know when a fight is lost, and we should be able to withdraw and regroup to fight an other day.

  16. Sneaksie,

    About my attempts to make my Typhoon work in game:

    Could you explain what's the use of visibility sphere and collision sphere? Do theses objects need to be part of the 3DS file? or is the following lines in the hier.him enough to make it work?:


    VisibilitySphere 6.65700

    CollisionObject sphere 6.59100 0.0 0.0 0.0

    BoundBox -3.439000 -6.327000 -1.011000 6.162000 6.327000 1.638000

    best regards,


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