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Posts posted by Wengart

  1. Back to cool moments, I had one PBEM game where my last T-72 took 25+ AT-4 hits, possibly 1 SMAW hit, numerous hand grenades hits, and a barrage of LAV fire to the frontal aspect after being immobilized, and as it sat there killed 35+ Marines and one LAV.

    The LAV kill itself was quite impressive. My T-72's right flank was protected by a beat up building, and my opponent attempted to get around to my tanks rear armor by using the building as cover. However, just as the LAV made it to cover the force of my T-72's main gun firing knocked the building down. Needless to say the LAV was quickly spotted and dealt with.:)

    Its times like these I wish CM:SF had detailed unit statistics.;)

    Not to mention savable replays.

  2. I don't do it so much when playing Blue, but when playing Red my men will take everything but the kitchen sink. My philosophy, if its on a body it can be salvaged, and my BMP's don't explode quite so spectacularly.

    Although it would be nice to see weight effects in the game at sometime in the future.

  3. I always thought that the level of detail that you imply is abstracted in CM:SF

    Best regards,


    If I am not mistaken this is abstracted and works something like this.

    When a bullet intersects a soldiers model the game gives him a chance of not being wounded/killed. So a soldier laying prone in rocky terrain behind a tree will have a higher chance of not getting killed. So one could say the game allows more bullets to intersect with him before he is killed (although it is quite possible for the first bullet to kill him its just a chance that he wont be killed). While another soldier standing up running across the road would have a very high chance of being killed if any bullet were to intersect with him. This is really noticeable if you were to watch some of your men taking fire while in a house. You'll see numerous bullets intersect with them before they are killed.

    I also believe caliber of the bullet makes a difference. I have yet to see a man live through getting hit by an APSFD round!

    Yeah but real soldiers have a sense of self-preservation. The individuals place themselves in relative safety within the parameters given by the squad's general positioning. CM:SF soldiers don't do that.

    Of course this is still a slight problem. If a man were to position himself in a more exposed spot, and thus increase the number of bullets intersecting with him then his % chance of dying increases.

    Personally I think its something that will be improved with over time, and that we just have to deal with. CMx1 had borg spotting we have some odd placement of a guy or two. (and probably a few other things but I don't want to bother with writing up a list)

    Also, BFC's refusal to bump up Red's capabilities with some tougher units and some gear the Syrians could have bought years in the future (facing an American attack) leaves the gaming experience too much like a turkey shoot. This further increases my hope that the mostly even fight of Americans versus Germans in Normandy will make for a better gaming experience.

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    At this point I don't think there is much BF.C can add to the Syrian armory. Although has a Red player I would love some new toys. :) My personal favorite would be the RKG-3.

  4. Speaking of AT grenades/satchels/mines, will we be seeing more robust modeling of these in CM:N, and could we possibly see some in the NATO module?

    Hcrof, could a BMP-1's main gun really penetrate the armor on a Tiger? After seeing how well those guns do against Strykers I have my doubts.

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