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Posts posted by wyseman76

  1. Earl,

    I have a very nice collection of Osprey Books as I have been a historical/fantasy war-gaming miniatures painter and photoshop artist for some time. I also spent a bit of time collecting varius shots around the web. After all of that that I sat down with Photoshop and built a tileable pattern based off of the material I could find.

    Earl and Sequoia,

    I found that Steve has contributed much to an outstanding sight called Kamoflage.net and he along with others have submitted a wide variety of samples as well as information on the various patterns.


    Well I have been working very hard on the uniforms and thought I'd stop in to see the chatter. Thank you for the good words. I am working now on getting the variations correct so that the units don't all look completely identical by adding the other SS variations of camo.

    A question to those interested in this, would you prefer a dirty version or a clean or two separate packs altogether. By dirty I do not mean completely covered in mud but a bit of battle wear for good aesthetics.

    So far my only issue is that there are a few places the UV mapping is not so great making warping and stretching more noticeable with increasingly detailed patterns, the worst so far is the German helmet as it is UV mapped as two separate halves which is fine but the front and rear seams are very warped pointing to a poorly aligned map. Please don't take that the wrong way BF team I know how hard this work can be.

    Hopefully this evening I'll have some better pictures up as I get closer to completion.


  2. I have been reading about the 12th SS Panzer Division and felt inspired to attempt this.

    So, while working on this today I thought I would post a preview and get any critiques on the progress. I have only altered one of the four uniform variations for the m43 uniform.

    I would like to produce something that the community would enjoy so I am open to suggestions. I was looking at doing variations in each of the 4 uniforms to create some variety on the field.


  3. I run 2 nvidia 260 core 216's in SLI and only the primary is utilized to run the game. While watching evga precision no memory is even utilized in the second card. I did not have to disable SLI to run the game and performance was on par with that of a single card.

    I found overall the performance to be on the same level as that of the previous build of the engine used in the modern warfare collections of CM.

    That aside it would be outstanding to see SLI / Crossfire integrated into the engine.

    Great game I will hopefully be making a purchase soon.

  4. The key to it is that the patterns aren't meant to viewed close-up. Their outline changes when viewed from a distance. This was a problem with more traditional camos like M81 woodland, when viewed at a distance they turned into "blobs".

    Very true, Also, as I have been knee deep in researching this subject there seems to be some very interesting twists to the concept. The hyperstealth company, a major player in the digital camo market, is widening the visible or I should say invisible range by incorporating a micro pattern dithered into the main digital design. It increases the blending and broadens the effectiveness of the camo by causing the eye to interpret more than the 4 colors actually present. Amazing stuff.

    I wonder when they will make digital camo face paint :rolleyes:

  5. I have currently modded the M4 as seen in the image below.


    What I am wondering is there any desire for this from the community before I proceed to the rest of the weapons. Also, as I researched digital and fractal based camo I learned that many nations are moving towards using it on vehicles (including Aircraft), and buildings. And quite impressively I may add.

    So, if there is a strong enough following I may even go as far as doing the same with the vehicles, but that's later.

    Also, for those who would like to create there own digital pattern or are at a loss for how to make them like I was at first, I have put together a little guide on how I was able to replicate the designs in Photoshop. Seems creating digital camo from scratch is not well known in the Photoshop community.

    Guide is here http://wargeekdom.blogspot.com/2008/11/digital-camo-creation-in-photoshop.html

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