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Posts posted by Brit

  1. Funny that you say that, i have just finished this Helicopter unit tonight.

    All that is missing is it's sound effect.

    Maybe Brit can give us a hint how to do it.

    I have a WAV file but i don't know how to convert it.

    Oops. I hadn't realized that the image-editor doesn't let you load *.wav files. (The game is capable of loading and playing them, but the interface isn't displaying them in the list.) One other issue is that the sound and image files don't get uploaded with the ruleset. So, if you make a new ruleset using new unit-images and upload it to share with other people, they won't have the new images. (Yes, this is a problem and needs to be fixed.)

  2. I am attempting to add an Helicopter image to the game.

    All seem to work except for transparency.

    I use GIMP, add an alpha channel, remove the background.

    Here is the final example of the png file.

    Can you see what is wrong ?

    I tried this file, and everything is working fine for me, including transparency. Are you running with 24-bit or 32-bit color (rather than 16-bit color)?

  3. ~ The AI enemy seem not to to have wanted to expand their territory, thus allowing me to gradually grow my empire to the point where I had over 50% of the map before we'd even bumped into each other once. I've now gained over 90% of the map and only in the latter stages did I fully realise how small their territory was. I had AI difficulty on the meduim setting, so what differences would the harder setting mean?

    I know there was a bug with this in earlier versions of the game, but I assume you're running the latest version.

    ~ Despite wanting to launch a final assault on the enemy's 5 or 6 cities (I must have 30-35) I know I'll struggle because their tech advances are greater than mine, and their bombers are at tech 4 lvl, while my planes are only advances to lvl 2. I'm assuming this means the AI went down a few specific tech tree routes, whereas I got a broad increase in abilities? Am I right, and is there a tech tree guide & tips thread anywhere?

    Not sure. Are you paying money to increase your rate of research?

    ~ Food. I obviously captured a lot of land and sea food resources, however in expanding my empire I had a lot of units. I therefore had to set roughly 2/3 of my cities to produce wealth, as I needed all the cash I could get to buy food. This included selling repeated chunks of my Iron resource. I appreciate I probably produced too many units, but it was a big map, with a lot of sea to explore, but does anyone have any tips on avoiding bankrupcy and/or starvation?

    You'll need to get the tech advances that increase your food. I'm surprised this is an issue. I suppose it could be a bigger problem if players build-up very large militaries before attacking. People had problems with this in early versions of the game, but haven't heard any issue with this in the past few months. You are running the latest version?

  4. It's the same problem I posted awhile ago and almost the same game turn, last time it wouldn't load on turn 475 ... this time it's turn 470 :confused:, must be some sort of near end-game bug ?? When I try to load the saved file it gets 1/2 loaded then hangs up and stalls and when I try to load the auto-save file it just crashes the program!

    Hello. I don't remember receiving a copy of your saved-game when you last reported this problem. I'll need to take a look at it. I'll place my email address in your private messages.

  5. I am attempting to add an Helicopter image to the game.

    All seem to work except for transparency.

    I use GIMP, add an alpha channel, remove the background.

    Here is the final example of the png file.

    Can you see what is wrong ?

    On initial inspection, it looks fine. I'll have to put it into the image editor and see what happens.

  6. Of all the graphics in the game, it is very easy to create lots of extra flags, so I thought I'd add some fun and interesting flags. Pirate is one of my favourites....

    Thanks. I went ahead and added the flags to the game. They'll be available to everyone in the next update. I didn't add the two Star Wars flags. I was sort of unsure about adding them, so I decided to skip them.

  7. Just noticed that you can setup your game so that all the AIs are on the same team (against you) :)

    Little bit more challenging this way...... Try the 7 on 1 game against all elites with production bonuses.

    BTW, there is a bug on loading the flags when you do this. Doesn't crash, but gives you some warning dialogs.

    Yeah, you're right. And the game-setup screen isn't showing the flags of the team-players. I'll get that fixed.

  8. Hi Brit,

    Yes, that's what I mean. Humble apologies for my not being more clear. Also, is it possible to determine our own saved game filename?

    You mean your own name for multiplayer games? Yeah, I'll have to add that. The PBEM system allows that, and there's no reason I can't do that for regular multiplayer games.

    This is slightly OT, but is there a way to run the game in server mode? We have a LAN party 3 to 4 times per year, and there is always a spare machine available. Would running a EOS game server be better than having one of the players host? Just curious since I do this sort of stuff for a living. I'm not great at it yet, but it's what I do...

    I can see some benefits to having a host machine, but right now, there's no way to do that.

    Always like to end on a positive note: ALWAYS loved the old Empire game, couldn't play it enough and was the cause of many sleepless nights. I can't go back and show my sons how much fun we had with the old Empire, but I can introduce them to NEW fun, with a much better much improved version, that being EOS. Thanks again!

    Thanks. Glad you like the game.


  9. Bought the game today. Made it through turn 11 and the game crashed. "Empires of Steel executable has stopped working". Windows Vista. Run as administrator.

    Reloaded game using autosave file. Made it to turn 26. Crashed again. Game won't continue beyond this point using autosave.game.

    Using Version 1.01 (Build 2818)

    The upgrade page show 1.01.12532, but 1.01.2818 must be more current.

    .2818 > .12532

    While typing this I tried the game again and found how to re-create/work around the crash. When I try moving artillery (right-click) to a yellow circle transport pickup point that is at the shoreline, the game crashes. When I move it to another point on land, no problem.

    I hope the game is not so buggy as to preclude enjoyment.

    (I assume you're the player that I responded to via email, so no need for a lengthy response here.)

    As far as the version numbers, the build number is treated like three separate numbers. So, build 12532 is a newer build than 2818.

  10. Hello,

    I'm posting this toward Brit, but should be of interest than just a few of us. Last night while demonstrating EOS to a friend of mine (a birthday recipient of one my 4 copies) my son's pc crashed and we were not able to restart the game. I would load the saved game, I would accept the settings, then Ian would accept the settings, then the game would load part way through the progress bar and then it would crash with an 'invalid argument' error.

    What I am asking for is, can you enable more than one saved game file per game? Two minimum would be nice, but perhaps others would want more.

    My son's pc is running Vista and tonight before we start a new game we are going to set his game in compatibility mode for xp, hoping this will alleviate the crash possibility.

    I THOUGHT I had seen the option to save more than one saved game file per game SOMEWHERE in the game, but for the life of me, I can't find it now.

    Thanks in advance Brit for taking the time to read this post.


    Colonel Von Douchebag, aka Rob

    Do you mean more than one save-game for a multiplayer game? There is no option to do that, but it would be a useful addition.

  11. I'm playing a really large map with a horizontal wrap. It would be nice to have LAT/LON lines that could be toggled on and off.

    They could either be representative of the game grid or use something like actual Earth like LAT/LONs with and an Equator and the International date line at the wrap point.

    A really nice feature would be it the lines automatically zoomed in relation to the map zoom. Long distance views with 100 or 200 unit grid lines and 5 unit grid lines when zoomed in.

    Perhaps in EOS 2.0. ;)

    I don't know if this will give you what you're looking for, but you can toggle on/off the map coordinates in the tooltip. This is done via the preferences window. It doesn't actually display the lines on the map, but at least you can get map coordinates (e.g. "350,200") which can be used to communicate locations to other players.

  12. Another small update. It's mainly just some fixes I wanted to get out there, rather than waiting until I get the AI code finished.

    - Added a "-Debug" command line argument to help track down problems.

    - Fixed bug: Airfields were being constructed too quickly.

    - Interface: Fixed a bug in the display of airfield consumption - disbanded airfields appear to consume oil

    - Interface: Added the ability to CTRL-select units in the left panel, so multiple units can be selected

    - Interface: pressing CTRL+S in the rules editor saves the rules.

    - Ruleset Editor: Fixed Crash that happens after deleting a MovementType, Saving and reloading a ruleset.

    - Ruleset Editor: Fixed a bug with MovementTypes that messes up the game

  13. remove my LA Rev-2 rules update from the "shared" list ... I noticed a glaring mistake in the Artillery Ratings that I missed when I proof-read it before I downloaded it ... I have since corrected it and re-downloaded them as LA Rev-3 ... Sorry and thanks, geecadwah :)

    You should be able to 'unshare' the ruleset. Once you do that, it shouldn't show up in the download list.

  14. Hello all,

    Does anyone know if you can or better yet, should update EOS midgame? Although I have purchased 4 copies of EOS for myself and my sons, my youngest son and myself still have a demo game going and we noticed that there is an update to the game available.

    Any thoughts?


    CvD aka Rob

    Yes, you should be able to update at any time. If you're playing a multiplayer game, all players should all update at the same time. (Actually, the game shouldn't allow you to load and continue your game if different players are running different versions.)

  15. Oh if you could do that it would be great. I have access to two computers; one has good internet access, but it's a shared family computer which means it really isn't suitable for gaming because often other people want to use it. My "gaming computer" is not shared, but unfortunately the internet connection is slow and frequently drops out which means I can't download large files there.

    The game is quite playable without the latest stuff, but I'd love to see what I'm missing out on. Let me know if you decide to go ahead.

    You know, I just thought of something. Is it possible to get the game updated on one of your computers, then put the entire directory it into a zip file, and move that zip file onto your computer with the bad internet connection? That might be a temporary workaround. I think you'd need either an LAN or a flash drive to move it between computers. It not a great solution, but it's probably better than the current situation.

  16. Can the game only be updated from within the game? I can't just download a patch? My main "gaming computer" has very spotty internet access, and while it was possible to verify my eLicense through it, I don't think there's any way I'm going to be able to download 12 megs through that connection...

    I could look into creating a zip file that would contain the latest update. The problem is that the zip file would probably be the same size or larger than the regular update, so I'm not sure if it would work for you.

  17. Just a small update because I wanted to get a fix in for something before getting deeper into improvements to the AI.

    - Fixed bug: when adding random players to a game, it gives an error message about not finding the flag image.

    - Interface: Rearranged consumption, production information on the city-build window

    - AI: Fixed some problems with AI-repair logic

    - Map Editor: cities are no longer limited to a maximum of 20 population, resources are no longer limited to a maximum of 20.

    - Rules Editor: Fixed bug, When creating a new movement type, users can't see or change the land/sea/air type

    - Rules Editor: Fixed a variety of bugs that result in a crash

  18. If you set food consumption in the ruleset to a negative number per head of population, the city will actually produce food! To my mind this is a great discovery, allowing a city to be an asset rather than a burden if that is what the scenario maker wants.

    However, the same trick doesn't work with oil. Could it be made to work? Could Iron be added too?

    Perhaps the setting could be renamed to resource balance or something and have the negative mean negative (consumption) and the positive mean production?

    I don't really like having players set negative values for consumption (because it's unintuitive), but I could add some consumption/production values to the system. I want some more generalized values not only for cities, but also for city-improvements, airfields, etc. Once the more generalized system is in place, users could do more interesting things like: have iron resources that produce iron ore, then cities could build steel mills that consume "iron ore" and produce "steel". Then, that steel would be a resource used in the construction of things.

  19. Could we please have this artificial limit removed? Let the game continue to create resources as is, but allow rulesets to use values up to 99 please.

    Having mega-resources of say 50 units per turn would lead to some more interesting strategic situations. You could have one or two foods feeding your whole empire, and gaining one more mega-food could give a huge advantage, and be really worth fighting for.

    Oops. At one point in time, I only had images going up to the number "20", so I limited cities and resources to 20. The image limitation was fixed a long time ago, but I forgot about the limit on cities and resources. I've changed this now.

  20. I didn't want to hijack the AI airstrike thread, so I thought I'd ask this question here: are the AI personality settings Brit mentioned in that thread user configurable? I couldn't see an option for it in the editor.

    No, they aren't configurable, but that's a very good suggestion.

  21. We are kicking off an Empires of Steel summer sale! Instead of the regular price of $35, you can now purchase the full version of this unique strategy game of global domination for just $20 for a limited time!

    If you have any friends you'd like to get into the game, now would be an ideal time. :)

  22. This update is a little earlier than usual. I wanted to jump onto some AI fixes, but AI changes are high-risk (they could do bad things like crash the game, or might cause the AI to perform badly). So, I like to have a little time to test changes to the AI before releasing it. Thus, I decided to put out an earlier update, and then start making AI fixes for the next update in a week.

    Notable Changes/Fixes:

    - Fixed crash: the game could crash if players gave one ground-unit exit and enter orders on the same pickup/dropoff waypoint. The crash would occur at the beginning of turn-processing.

    - Fixed Crash: A crash happens if players are in 'god's eye view' and they hit one of the resource buttons on the top

    - Fixed bug: Fixed a rare bug involving flags - when it occurred, flags would not to be loaded

    - Interface: Made some adjustments to the progress-window to stop a occasional bug where it won't disappear

    - Added new Unit-Image: The British Mark IV/Crusader II

    - Interface: Added a new feature to the scenario editor - popup windows can be setup to appear to different players on different turns. This is useful for explaining the scenario to each player.

    - Interface: When the city-build window is open, the yellow city-highlight circle stays around a little longer

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