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Everything posted by McBane

  1. Thanks, guess I have only played a couple of QBs so am still quite new at it, just seemed weird that the armor all parked on the edge of the map or faced the wrong way. lol. thanks for the replys, trying to get some PBEM going, figure humans are more of a challenge:-) thanks for a great product.
  2. I have been away from CMSF for some time now, jsut got back and installed 1.11. after reading some stuff on the forums about clearing out your QB folder prior to installing 1.11 I did, but QBs seem to be borked, enemy vees just sit parked at the edge of the map, in meeting engagements the opponent doesn't advance, is this due to poor AI or are they borked? I remember doing QBs in CMBB and BO and they at least gave you some challenge.... just wondering if its just me or do I need to set something different.. thanks in advance...
  3. Frenchy, email me at rogue_franz at hotmail and we can get somethign going, or just send me the setup and we can start. Small games work, I am really new to CMSF so am still learning. I dont have marines, so has to be base 1.11 game, thanks:-) -Franz
  4. I also am looking for an opponent for CMSF, 1.11, non marine version. someone drop me a line and we could set something up, small games prefered to get the hang of things thanks
  5. I like the "cherry picking" of units, I knwo it sounds munchy, but when doing a say quick battle, I liked in CMBB and CMOO that you could buy what you wanted and then go at it. I guess I dont like setting the quick battle to "armor" and getting all bradlys and infantry, still havnt seen a QB with a M1A1. sure, I could try the missions available, but I like the randomness, random maps would be neat too:) Keep up the good work guyz.
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