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Panama Red

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Posts posted by Panama Red

  1. Mord:

    You may be confusing ATI with nVidia. When AMD bought ATI years ago, they made ATI include support for fog tables, and about the same time nVidia dropped support for fog tables.

    Since I use ATI cards, I do not know if nVidia ever picked up support for the fog tables again.

  2. But National Moral should count in WW2 also, for these reasons:

    1. Germany would have surrendered in 1944, but Hitler lived through the bomb explosion. Remember the reason they wanted to kill him was to end the war, but since he lived, it continued.

    2. France surrendered because of the loss of National Moral when Paris fell even though she still had a good deal of her army still intact. After the losses they suffered in WW1, they did not want to suffer the same thing so the French government felt it was better to give up and lose a little bit of land versus suffering as many casulties as WW1. They just did not expect the Germans to occupy as much as they did.

    3. Look how low Britian's moral was before Churchill was selected as Prime Minister. If they had kept Chamberlain as PM and the Germans had invaded, just how much fighting would the Brits have done ???

    4. Russia, with Stalin in charge, did not let the Russians surrender (since his opinion was the only one that really counted), but if he had died in 1941, would they have thrown the Germans out like they did ???

    5. Italy not only surrendered, but switched sides after only losing Lybia and Sicily due to loss of their national will.

  3. The economies of Europe at that time was:

    1. Germany

    2. UK

    3. France

    4. Austria

    5. Russia

    6. Italy

    Even the British realized that Germany had overtaken them industrially before WWI (currently reading about the British Grand Fleet during WWI). It states that the main reason that the British were able to stay ahead of the German in Battleships pre-WWI is that the British dockyards were more efficient than the Germans when came to building the Battleships, otherwise the Germans would have had more Battleships than the British by WWI.

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