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Paper Tiger

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Posts posted by Paper Tiger

  1. I read a post of Steve's in some thread a couple of months ago where he said that AI artillery planning was being improved. How's this coming along?

    At the moment, IMO smile.gif , the AI artillery planning is a bit limited. Basically, it fires off everything within a minute of the scenario starting. This is fine and I'm having some good results with it too but I'd be very happy to hear that it's being changed.

    After spending a few months working with the scenario editor and playing around with my creations, I have a pretty good idea what terrain the human player is going to want to use in his planning and it would be nice to 'ambush' him with an artillery strike after the game has started or deny that terrain to him. I've tried adding the Syrian FOS as a reinforcement after 10 mins, or adding artillery as reinforcements but I get squat after the opening barrage. It would be good to be able to delay strikes.

    It would also be nice if the AI artillery plans were somehow linked to the AI plan itself but I'd imagine that would require some rewriting of the code.


  2. Webwing:

    "It's never really finished you just decide when you want to stop.

    I'm dealing with 7 missions here! It's a nightmare!!! "

    I can really appreciate that now that I'm working on one. I was planning for 5+ missions in but I think 4-5 will be enough work. I honestly could finish it today with just four but I don't feel that it's finished. Enjoy the holiday and look forward to seeing this one in the near future.

  3. Nemesis Lead:

    Nope, I never have man, so that's not a problem for me. But I DO understand that there is a whole communiy out there that want to so I do feel for you.

    That's one of the problems you get when you lump all these issues into one thread. We all have our own priorities about what should be fixed first. I read these forums regularly and I know that most of these issues have already been brought to Battlefront's attention and had replies from Steve. I'm sure that you would agree that most of that list is just trivia too. You just have different issues with the game than me.

    Anyway, my point is, let's get 1.06 out asap and fix that horrible low walls bug without worrying about some of the genuine trivia that's up on that list. Steve's already said that there'll be a 1.07 so it's not like they're giving up on it. Frankly, I doubt they ever will.

  4. Hype? What hype? I'm not hyping anything up. :confused: I have read that the Marines module will give the Syrians an Airborne unit that's equipped with BMP-3s. Also the T-80 or possibly even the T-90. That will up the challenge for the US player, (though probably not much but who cares :D , I play mostly Red on Red just now).

    This game has already been out for nearly 6 months. It's about time those of us who really are enjoying the period were able to expand it. I wasn't keen on it to start with but Modern Era is definitely growing on me.

  5. I'm really hoping that we're going to hear that you are working on the Marines module and that it will be out sometime in the next quarter? I'm probably a lone voice here but after you get 1.06 out later this month(?) the game is pretty much fixed for me. This game REALLY needs some new units, Blue AND Red. I, for one, am looking forward to getting new 'toys' to play with as the Syrian.

    It would also be a good place to provide us with LOTS of new flavour objects. There really is no end to what could be added. So far, nobody has been daft enough to try to put them ALL onto one map so we can be trusted with them :D

    And also new building types. I'm hoping that we will get some commercial buildings, shops etc. water would be good too.

    Besides, I'm sure you guys would like to get paid for the work you're doing, right? :D Have a happy New Year and let's hope it's a VERY busy one for you.

  6. Hmm... 'ought to be fixed'... most of this stuff is just pure trivia and I really hope they're not going to waste much time on it. I'd like to see 1.06 out some time in the next 2-3 weeks thank you. This 'wish' list would take months to do. But as you said, some people won't agree with all of it and it obviously matters a lot to some of you.

    Charles has already fixed the low walls bug so we can expect to see that. I can live without almost everything on this list for a LONG time to come except the split squads thing. It still happens a LOT.

  7. Cpl Steiner

    how's the work going on that map? It looks really good. Do you happen to have the original OB for that particular scenario? I sold all my ASL stuff when I moved abroad four years ago and I can't remember it.

    I have an idea that it could be done but as a Red v Red situation. The US (ie German) armour would utterly paste the Syrian (ie Russian) armour. I'm doing a lot of Red on Red battles just now and I'm pretty sure I could get this one to work.

  8. Great advice guys. I created the campaign scenario with the core units and it all went smoothly from there. I openened the first scenario, pressed 'import core units' in the Units section of the editor, selected the campaign scenario and voila! I just had to delete the original Blue forces. Fortunately, I've only done one 'scenario' so far, the others are just maps and ideas so I haven't lost much time.

  9. Hey, thanks for the replies guys. Especially good to hear about the 'Make Campaign' order later. I was actually starting with that, DOH! I'm having such fun playtesting the scenarios that I don't want to mess about unnecessarily trying to figure out how the campaign set up works by trial and error. Later today I'll get that scenario file set up and the core units created. This should be fun.

    Webwing: yup, I'm going to need the core units. The action follows a single Republican Guards Mech battalion through one day of (very intense) action. The whole battalion doesn't appear on the board until the last scenario, tentatively named 'The Guards Counterattack" Definitely NOT the Squad Leader scenario. Do really badly in the early scenarios and you won't have much left with which to counterattack.

    I was planning to use Notebook for the campaign script by the way. Thanks again for the replies. Have a merry christmas.

  10. Merry Christmas guys

    I was trying to set up my first campaign this afternoon. I have the maps all ready and the concept all worked out so I read the manual and I went ahead and tried to set up a campaign. Needless to say, it's not quite as easy as the manual suggests. I'm confused about the campaign starting scenario and how to allocate the core units. The first scenario is to be called 'Murder in the night' but I don't want to use all the core units. Am I right when I think that the set-up scenario is different from the 'first' scenario?

    The first scenario will have the name of the campaign tentatively called "The Bloodiest Day". Is it here that I create the core unit file?

    Sorry to appear dense. I often thnk manuals are written to help people who already know how the game works. It's so easy with hindsight or experience to see what the manual means but before that experience threshold is crossed, it's a bit vague.

    I don't want to say too much about the campaign until I am closer to compiling it, probably early in the New Year. Fortunately, it's a holiday week so I'll have loads of time to playtest it.

    Have a good holiday :D

  11. Well, I finally got the Paradox patch downloaded last night and have spent a couple of hours this morning trying it out. Awesome! I played three quick battles, all at night, and with my crappy tactics, I was soon able to appreciate the new dynamic lighting effects from my burning wrecks. I had no problems with vehicle or infantry pathing either although I was playing on open or forest maps. The new Open meeting MAD map is a beauty, thanks to whoever contributed that one.

    Later, I'm going to fire up a daylight scenario and see how that handles. Keep up the good work guys. And have a happy holiday.

  12. Hi guys

    I've been doing some searching on this site for a thread that was started early about the Syrian Army OOB but have had no luck finding it? Tried searching for all variations of Syrian Army OOB but got nowt! Can anybody remember what that thread was called or maybe provide a link?

    I've also googled the Syrian Army OOB but almost everything is massively out of date. I'd imagine Battlefront did some serious research while they were developing their game.


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