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Paper Tiger

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Posts posted by Paper Tiger

  1. Shame to hear about the infantry losses as they will hurt you in the next mission. I designed it so that it would be harder on your tanks but sometimes sh$t happens.

    Just two words for you about the Republican Guards missions: AREA FIRE. They have lots of ammo, all the best models of the RPG-7, as well as the BMP-2 whose 30mm cannon is a much more effective weapon both against vehicles (not tanks) and infantry alike than the BMP-1's cannon (although I love it too). The T-72 TURMS is also great in the role of infantry support. So, before sending your boys into harm's way, pound the crap out of that position first, especially buildings. Don't wait for them to shoot at you first, stick a round or an RPG into each building level or suspected enemy position and your infantry casualties will drop off drastically.

    Heh heh. If you think these two missions are tough, wait 'till you get to 'The Barrier'. No more spoilers but... be afraid.

  2. Dragon

    "I was thinking on planning one using a stryker unit(s) that I will immediately convert some units to Marines once that module is released just to be the first one to release a Marine scenario (see how sneaky I am ?)."

    Good luck with that. It's a nice idea but I think you're going to beaten by some of the beat testers who have almost certainly got something ready right now. They'll just be waiting for the module to be released and they'll have their missions posted before you've bought and paid for the module.

  3. "Me and my Beta Marines were just defeated totally. Dunno if the stats are final, but in the present shape those T90s can cause some severe headaches."

    Tell me that there were M1s in that mission and I'll be a very happy chappie. My main problem with playing US v Syria is that, used properly, the Syrians can't touch them. If they can give the M1 a run for it's money, I'll definitely be doing more US v Syria stuff in the future.

  4. "Dynamic parameters...not sure if it is the correct term but depending on the victory or loss your supply and refit etc etc are varied."

    I don't believe you can link these to the battles outcome that way. I certainly WANTED to do that in my campaign but, win or lose, there is only one resupply and refit condition for each battle. I worked around it by having different branches or storylines within the campaign, thus it's 37+ missions but only 11 of them being seen by the player in the course of one playthrough.

    But, no worries. First one... too difficult, second one... too easy, third one... perfect? Look forward to your next offering.

  5. It doesn't sound like there's anything that you can do to prevent this from happening mate, especially if both sides reinforcements arive randomly. Even expanding the map won't really stop this from happening. The only way you can prevent it is to tell the players to limit their operations to the central location and hope that they'll stick to the rule. If they don't, well, it's their own fault.

  6. Don't get me started on the condition of AI artillery. You have no idea how frustrated I get when I'm working on a new mission and I have to try to make the AI use it's artillery in an effective way.

    Your arguments are pretty much what I said in my last attempt to get an answer from BFC re this matter. It's my only real gripe with this otherwise fantastic game. It's such a crying shame as, even it just worked the way the manual and the editor interface suggests it should, I could do some good things with it. The way it stands just now it's unbelievably crap.

  7. quote: It's trying to find a balance between challenging and non-challenging situations.

    okay I downloaded it this morning and gave it a run through and I have to say that you've given the US side WAY too many tanks. The first scenario was a turkey shoot as was the second albeit a bit tougher. Then, when I fired up the third, once again my tanks annihalated everything and after a few minutes, I quit as I felt that I was just wasting my time slaughtering the Syrians. And I really DO mean slaughter!

    Positive things first; the maps are simple but nice and the battles play out very quickly.

    as for the rest:

    WAY too easy for the US side because you've given them a full company of M1s. To challenge us with that OB you'd have to put about a regiment of tanks in the Syrian OB. :eek:


    once again, it's almost a brilliant campaign. If you'd given us a single platoon with just three tanks you'd have created a real winner. I would advise you to edit the campaign to remove all the others, change the script to resupply the US forces between missions and repost it at CMMODS. Do that and I'd definitely give it another go.

    Referring to the quote above, there is absolutely NO challenge in this one. It's so easy that it's just silly... realistic :D , but for me, it wasn't fun to play as shooting puppies is not my idea of entertainment.

    BTW what do you mean when you say it has dynamic parameters?

  8. Reading some of Steve's posts on this subject lately, I get the feeling that they're thinking about a whole new game and not a module. From a financial point of view for them this is of course fine for them and I'll definitely buy it. But I won't be too happy at having to first buy US v Russia/China whatever, and then have to wait once again for the Brits, Germans and other Coalition forces to be added to it.

    As for political sensitivity over having the US duke it out with either Russia or China, as long as their forces are reasonably accurately portrayed, I'd imagine those folks would be very happy to play the game as Red so that they can kick some US butt. Finally, BFC is a only a computer GAME company, and not some adjunct of the US Government, so why bother being so sensitive?

  9. Since I spend a huge amount of my time in the game editor, I have a burning desire to see it expanded in the next module. I will be a bit disappointed if there are not more AI groups and orders available with the Marines module. As for the artillery, well I've been banging that particular drum for a few months now with absolutely no response from BFC so it's either in the new module and thus a surprise OR it's not an important feature for them.

    I LOVE the idea of being able to cut and paste your existing maps. Once you've created your map and put all the bells and whistles on it, it's a DOG to rework it either by expanding it or even shrinking it. I have a map under construction at the moment and if I want to expand or shrink it just 8m in one direction I have to wait for 3 mins for the program to do it. (Yes, that map is BIG). The possiblilties that this would unlock are tremendous.

    I'd also add the ability to actually pick the types of vehicles that I want in the scenario editor rather than have them randomly assigned. If I want a battalion of T-62s, why can't I just pick them in the editor?

  10. Normal Dude

    hey, good for you. I love those casualty figures. I'm glad that somebody else has successfully completed it. Since I made it, I feel my success doesn't count as I know which units to 'husband' and which ones are more expendable, and I also know exactly what the AI has and doesn't have in each mission. Even then, it was still a challenge, especially the finale, 'Hasrabit'. I guess I got the difficulty just about right then.

    I have to confess that when I realised that I couldn't do the kind of campaign I wanted to with US v Syria, I was a bit despondent about having to play as the Syrians. But once I really got started on the campaign, I soon found that the Red side can be good fun too. They also have a good variety of interesting gear, those grenade launchers for one are cool. And, as you pointed out, the T-72 TURMS is the king of the battlefield. 'The Guards Counterattack' mission was called 'Three Kings' before I made the final version because just three of them could take the entire Rebel OB apart in the mission. No need for any infantry, artillery etc, just three tanks. I'm really looking forward to seeing the T-90 shine in this context sometime soon. I have another Red v Red campaign in the works just now and I would like to put in a platoon of T-90s.

    The Reserves are barely workable even against other Red troops but I have to confess, I love the OLD tanks. As long as you keep them out of RPG range, they are lethal against infantry in buildings. The T-62MV is my current favourite for MOUT. I have developed my own style of playing the game with these tanks. If I can use these effectively, the M1A1 will be a pussycat to handle.

    The AT-14 is lethal in this campaign. It is also incredibly effective against infantry, both when they are targetted and as collateral damage if they're close to a vehicle that gets hit.

    Anyway, thanks for posting your thoughts. I know you must be very busy preparing your own much anticipated campaign. As long as it runs with acceptable fps, I for one will definitely give it a go.

  11. My 2 cents worth...

    Since I've been playing Red on Red exclusively for the last six moinths, I've had to learn some lessons the hard way. I've lost a whole platoon assaulting one small single tile single storey building so many times that I can't do it anymore.

    I always use HUNT to gain intel on the enemy positions. Hunting in cover is quite safe most of the time. Once I know a house or building is occupied (or even if I strongly suspect that it might be), I'll do the following...

    Before assaulting ANY building, I will prep fire that area with everything I've got before moving in on it. That will include tanks, BMPs as well as the organic RPGs. Once the building has been thoroughly clobbered, THEN I'll send in a solitary assault team while his platoon mates area fire light on their target. It might look and sound like overkill but modern era combat is so lethal that it's the only way to do it without risking losing every man in that assualting squad. Doing it this way usually results in ZERO casualties for the Syrian side. I'd imagine it would be equally effective playing from the US side.

    BTW, I uploaded a mission to CMMODS last weekend called 'Hill 142' that will give you the opportunity to try all this out playing as the Republican Guards against some rebel Syrian mech units.

  12. We are preparing the official website at the moment.


    Good to hear that and I'll look forward to reading it. BTW, don't pay much attention to my posts just now. I just happen to have that type of personality that doesn't warm to being hyped up or teased. When I see something I want, I want it now! Once you start posting screenshots, I really want to have some idea when this will become available, ie next week, next month, July etc?. Not having any idea at all is just painfully frustrating for me.

  13. Well, we're coming up for week 2 since the announcement and we still know next to nothing about anything important. :( Of course, you're not going to spoil the surprises or give us even a wild guess at when it will be released but surely this thread would be a good place to keep us up to date with progress and more info on what we do know IS in the game. It's a bit frustrating at times seeing that there have been new posts in this thread and opening it up only to find it's more speculation or discussion about things that are not going to be included in the module... (hey, no offense intended, guys ;) , it's just my impatience and frustration speaking.)

    BTW, has anybody noticed that quite a few of the regular posters who are Beta testers have been absent lately? The main forum is as quiet as I've ever seen it. I suspect that the Marines are real fun to play with.

    BTW, I've opened up an account with you guys in anticipation of buying this title the moment (almost) it's released.

  14. 100% agree with this post. Crawling to safety when you're troops are already in cover is fine by me but in the open? It would be a huge improvement if they were to run to the nearest cover rather than crawl. Or at the very least they just dropped and started returning fire. This would help to make an already fantastic game even better.

    BTW, since there are some real life troops in this community, I wonder how realistic they think this behaviour is? Perhaps this is what happens in real life...

  15. 100% agree with this post. Crawling to safety when you're troops are already in cover is fine by me but in the open? It would be a huge improvement if they were to run to the nearest cover rather than crawl. Or at the very least they just dropped and started returning fire. This would help to make an already fantastic game even better.

    BTW, since there are some real life troops in this community, I wonder how realistic they think this behaviour is? Perhaps this is what happens in real life...

  16. 100% agree with this post. Crawling to safety when you're troops are already in cover is fine by me but in the open? It would be a huge improvement if they were to run to the nearest cover rather than crawl. Or at the very least they just dropped and started returning fire. This would help to make an already fantastic game even better.

    BTW, since there are some real life troops in this community, I wonder how realistic they think this behaviour is? Perhaps this is what happens in real life...

  17. Oh, I completely agree that if it were done it would be a nice bit of chrome. But Steve has stated often enough that there's only so much development time available to them so it's all a matter of priorities. Is this REALLY a priority for anybody?

    The answer to that question isn't important to me. At least I've had a laugh reading your posts today for the right reasons. Thanks...

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